
Computer Science

see also

Programming (16)
Computer Mathematics (23)

e-books in Computer Science category

Book cover: Delftse Foundations of ComputationDelftse Foundations of Computation
by - TU Delft Open ,
This is a textbook for a one quarter introductory course in theoretical computer science. It includes topics from propositional and predicate logic, proof techniques, set theory and the theory of computation, along with practical applications to CS.
Book cover: A Machine Made this Book: Ten Sketches of Computer ScienceA Machine Made this Book: Ten Sketches of Computer Science
by - Coherent Press ,
Using examples from the publishing industry, Whitington introduces the fascinating discipline of Computer Science to the uninitiated. Chapters: Putting Marks on Paper; Letter Forms; Storing Words; Looking and Finding; Typing it In; Saving Space; etc.
Book cover: Computer Science IComputer Science I
by - University of Nebraska - Lincoln ,
A draft of text book for Computer Science I, covering CS1 topics in a generic manner using psuedocode with supplemental parts for specific languages. Computer Science is not programming. Programming is a necessary skill, but it is only the beginning.
Book cover: Computer Science Concepts in ScratchComputer Science Concepts in Scratch
by - Weizmann Institute of Science ,
This book will familiarize you with the Scratch visual programming environment, focusing on using Scratch to learn computer science. Each concept is introduced in order to solve a specific task such as animating dancing images or building a game.

Book cover: Computational and Inferential Thinking: The Foundations of Data ScienceComputational and Inferential Thinking: The Foundations of Data Science
by ,
Data Science is about drawing useful conclusions from large and diverse data sets through exploration, prediction, and inference. Our primary tools for exploration are visualizations and descriptive statistics, for prediction are machine learning ...
Book cover: Insight into Theoretical and Applied InformaticsInsight into Theoretical and Applied Informatics
by - De Gruyter Open ,
The objective of this book is to provide the reader with all the necessary elements to get him or her started in the modern field of informatics and to allow him or her to become aware of the relationship between key areas of computer science.
Book cover: CS for AllCS for All
by - Harvey Mudd College ,
Our objective is to provide an introduction to computer science as an intellectually vibrant field rather than focusing exclusively on computer programming. We emphasize concepts and problem-solving over syntax and programming language features.
Book cover: Foundations of ComputationFoundations of Computation
by - Hobart and William Smith Colleges ,
The book covers material on logic, sets, and functions that would often be taught in a course in discrete mathematics. The second part covers automata, formal languages, and grammar that would ordinarily be encountered in an upper level course.
Book cover: Building Blocks for Theoretical Computer ScienceBuilding Blocks for Theoretical Computer Science
by - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign ,
This book provides a survey of basic mathematical objects, notation, and techniques useful in later computer science courses. It gives a brief introduction to some key topics: algorithm analysis and complexity, automata theory, and computability.
Book cover: Introduction to Soft ComputingIntroduction to Soft Computing
by - Bookboon ,
This book gives an introduction to Soft Computing, which aims to exploit tolerance for imprecision, uncertainty, approximate reasoning, and partial truth in order to achieve close resemblance with human like decision making.
Book cover: Computer Science from the Bottom UpComputer Science from the Bottom Up
by - bottomupcs.com ,
Computer Science from the Bottom Up: a free, online book designed to teach computer science from the bottom end up. Topics covered include binary and binary logic, operating systems internals, toolchain fundamentals and system library fundamentals.
Book cover: Modern Information SystemsModern Information Systems
by - InTech ,
This book may assist researchers on studying the innovative functions of modern information systems in various areas like health, telematics, knowledge management, etc. It can also assist young students in capturing the new research tendencies.
Book cover: Advances in Knowledge RepresentationAdvances in Knowledge Representation
by - InTech ,
A compilation of research works on topics such as concept theory, positive relational algebra and k-relations, structured, visual and ontological models of knowledge representation, and detailed descriptions of applications to various domains.
Book cover: A New Kind of ScienceA New Kind of Science
by - Wolfram Media ,
Starting from a collection of simple computer experiments -- illustrated in the book by striking computer graphics -- Wolfram shows how their unexpected results force a whole new way of looking at the operation of our universe.
Book cover: Mathematical Foundations of Computer ScienceMathematical Foundations of Computer Science
by - Duke University ,
These lecture notes present an introduction to theoretical computer science including studies of abstract machines, the language hierarchy from regular languages to recursively enumerable languages, noncomputability and complexity theory.
Book cover: Handbook of Knowledge RepresentationHandbook of Knowledge Representation
by - Elsevier Science ,
Knowledge Representation is concerned with encoding knowledge on computers to enable systems to reason automatically. The Handbook of Knowledge Representation is an up-to-date review of twenty-five key topics in knowledge representation.
Book cover: Foundations of Computer ScienceFoundations of Computer Science
by ,
This text is an introduction to the formal study of computation. The course will provide students with a broad perspective of computer science and will acquaint them with various formal systems on which modern computer science is based.
Book cover: Essentials of Theoretical Computer ScienceEssentials of Theoretical Computer Science
by - University of Kentucky ,
This text is a broad introduction to the field, presented from a computer science viewpoint for computer scientists. This was designed to be used in a one-semester course for senior computer science majors or first year masters students.
Book cover: Computer Science Logo StyleComputer Science Logo Style
by - The MIT Press ,
This series is for people who are interested in computer programming because it's fun. The three volumes use the Logo as the vehicle for an exploration of computer science from the perspective of symbolic computation and artificial intelligence.
Book cover: A Computer Science Tapestry: Exploring Computer Science with C++A Computer Science Tapestry: Exploring Computer Science with C++
by - McGraw - Hill ,
This book is designed for a first course in computer science that uses C++ as the programming language. The goal was to leverage the best features of the language using sound practices of programming and pedagogy in the study of computer science.
Book cover: Foundations of Computer Science: C EditionFoundations of Computer Science: C Edition
by - W. H. Freeman ,
Aho and Ullman have created a C version of their groundbreaking text. This book combines the theoretical foundations of computing with essential discrete mathematics. It follows the same organizations, with all examples and exercises in C.
Book cover: Introduction to High-Performance Scientific ComputingIntroduction to High-Performance Scientific Computing
by - University of Texas ,
A computational scientist needs knowledge of several aspects of numerical analysis and discrete mathematics. This text covers: computer architecture, parallel computers, machine arithmetic, numerical linear algebra, applications.
Book cover: The Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific DiscoveryThe Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery
by - Microsoft Research ,
The Fourth Paradigm, the collection of essays expands on the vision of pioneering computer scientist Jim Gray for a new, fourth paradigm of discovery based on data-intensive science and offers insights into how it can be fully realized.
Book cover: Computer Science: Abstraction to ImplementationComputer Science: Abstraction to Implementation
by - Harvey Mudd College ,
This book is intended for a second course in computer science, one emphasizing principles wherever it seems possible. It is not limited to programming, it attempts to use various programming models to explicate principles of computational systems.
Book cover: GRE Computer Science Test Practice BookGRE Computer Science Test Practice Book
- Educational Testing Service ,
This book contains one actual, full-length GRE Computer Science Test and test-taking strategies. The test consists of about 70 multiple-choice questions, some of which are grouped in sets and based on diagrams, graphs, and program fragments.
Book cover: A Balanced Introduction to Computer ScienceA Balanced Introduction to Computer Science
by - Prentice Hall ,
The book covers concepts in computing that are most relevant to the beginning student, including computer terminology, the Internet and World Wide Web, the history of computing, the organization and manufacture of computer technology, etc.
Book cover: Foundations of Computer ScienceFoundations of Computer Science
by - University of Cambridge ,
This text teaches programming and presents some fundamental principles of computer science, especially algorithm design. The programming in this course is based on the language ML and mostly concerns the functional programming style.
Book cover: Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer ProgrammingConcepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming
by - The MIT Press ,
Covered topics: concurrency, state, distributed programming, constraint programming, formal semantics, declarative concurrency, message-passing concurrency, forms of data abstraction, building GUIs, transparency approach to distributed programming.
Book cover: Introduction to Computer Science using JavaIntroduction to Computer Science using Java
by - Central Connecticut State University ,
The text for a first course in computer science using the programming language Java. It covers the fundamentals of programming and of computer science. It is assumed that you have the Java version 5.0 or later and a text editor such as Notepad.
Book cover: How to think like a Computer Scientist (C++ Version)How to think like a Computer Scientist (C++ Version)
by ,
This book teaches you to think like a computer scientist - to combine the best features of mathematics, natural science, and engineering, to use formal languages to denote ideas, to observe the behavior of complex systems, form hypotheses, etc.
Book cover: Common LISP: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic ComputationCommon LISP: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation
by - Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co ,
This is a gentle introduction to Common Lisp for students taking their first programming course. No prior mathematical background beyond arithmetic is assumed. There are lots of examples, the author avoided technical jargon.
Book cover: Concrete Abstractions: An Introduction to Computer Science Using SchemeConcrete Abstractions: An Introduction to Computer Science Using Scheme
by - Course Technology ,
The book Concrete Abstractions covers the programming and data structures basics. It will give first-time computer science students the opportunity to not only write programs, but to prove theorems and analyze algorithms as well.
Book cover: Rough set data analysis: A road to non-invasive knowledge discoveryRough set data analysis: A road to non-invasive knowledge discovery
by - Methodos Publishers (UK) ,
In this book the authors present an overview of the work they have done on the foundations and details of data analysis, the first attempt to do this in a non-invasive way. It is a look at data analysis from many different angles.