


Personal Finance (8)

see also

Financial Management (10)

e-books in Finance category

Book cover: How Noise Matters to FinanceHow Noise Matters to Finance
by - University of Minnesota Press ,
Knouf shows how noise affects the ways in which financial markets function. The book draws on different forms of noise, paying attention to how materiality and the interference of humans causes the meanings of noise to shift over space and time.
Book cover: Ruling Capital: Emerging Markets and the Reregulation of Cross-Border FinanceRuling Capital: Emerging Markets and the Reregulation of Cross-Border Finance
by - Cornell University Press ,
Gallagher demonstrates how several emerging market and developing countries managed to reregulate cross-border financial flows in the wake of the global financial crisis despite the political and economic difficulty of doing so at the national level.
Book cover: Financial Strategy for Public ManagersFinancial Strategy for Public Managers
by - The Rebus Foundation ,
This is a new generation textbook for financial management in the public sector. It offers a thorough, applied, and concise introduction to the essential financial concepts and analytical tools that today's effective public servants need to know.
Book cover: Public Debt, Inequality, and PowerPublic Debt, Inequality, and Power
by - University of California Press ,
This book is the first comprehensive historical analysis of public debt ownership in the United States. It reveals that ownership of federal bonds has been increasingly concentrated in the hands of the 1 percent over the last three decades.

Book cover: An Introduction to Business MathematicsAn Introduction to Business Mathematics
by - arXiv ,
These lecture notes provide a self-contained introduction to the mathematical methods required in a Bachelor degree programme in Business, Economics, or Management. A special focus is set on applications in quantitative economical modelling.
Book cover: Topics in Stochastic Portfolio TheoryTopics in Stochastic Portfolio Theory
by - arXiv ,
Stochastic Portfolio Theory is a framework in which the normative assumptions from classical financial mathematics are not made, but in which one takes a descriptive approach to studying properties of markets that follow from empirical observations.
Book cover: PhynancePhynance
by - arXiv ,
These are the lecture notes for an advanced Ph.D. level course, primarily focused on an introduction to stochastic calculus and derivative pricing with various stochastic computations recast in the language of path integral, which is used in physics.
Book cover: Construction Financial ManagementConstruction Financial Management
by - Bookboon ,
This is a textbook on construction financial management written in simple English for undergraduate students who study construction related programmes. It is also suitable for postgraduate students who are less familiar with financial management.
Book cover: Derivative Markets: An IntroductionDerivative Markets: An Introduction
by - Bookboon ,
Forwards, futures, swaps, options, hybrids and a category 'other' (credit derivatives, weather derivatives, etc.) make up the derivative markets. The word is drawn from 'derive' and means that the derivative instrument cannot exist on its own.
Book cover: Analysis and Linear Algebra for FinanceAnalysis and Linear Algebra for Finance
by - Bookboon ,
These volumes present the elements of analysis and linear algebra used in financial models and in microeconomics. Functions and matrices are developed in part I and vector spaces, linear mappings and optimization methods are developed in part II.
Book cover: Mathematical Models in Portfolio AnalysisMathematical Models in Portfolio Analysis
by - Bookboon ,
This book explains portfolio modelling in financial mathematics as a consistent mathematical theory with all steps justified. Topics include mean-variance portfolio analysis and capital market theory. The book contains many examples with solutions.
Book cover: Fixing Global FinanceFixing Global Finance
by - Madhyam and SOMO ,
The aim of this book is to stimulate a debate on reforming the global finance. It examines recent problems afflicting the global financial system. It enunciates guiding principles and offers concrete policy measures to create a more stable system.
Book cover: Rethinking the Role of the State in FinanceRethinking the Role of the State in Finance
- World Bank Publications ,
This report synthesizes new and existing evidence on the state's performance as financial sector regulator, overseer, promoter, and owner. It calls on state agencies to provide strong regulation and supervision and ensure healthy competition...
Book cover: Financial Decision-making and Investor BehaviourFinancial Decision-making and Investor Behaviour
by - BookBoon ,
Behavioural finance uses our knowledge of psychology to improve our understanding of how individual investors make financial decisions. This book provides an introduction to behavioural finance, investor behaviour and financial decision-making.
Book cover: Company Valuation and Share PriceCompany Valuation and Share Price
by - BookBoon ,
This is an investor's guide to company share valuation in today's volatile markets using performance measures published by stock exchanges worldwide, plus other source material drawn from company data, analyst reports and the internet.
Book cover: Behavioural FinanceBehavioural Finance
by - BookBoon ,
Behavioural finance, with its emphasis on the numerous biases and heuristics, puts a human face on the financial markets, recognizing that market participants are subject to biases that have predictable effects on prices.
Book cover: A Basic Course in the Theory of Interest and Derivatives MarketsA Basic Course in the Theory of Interest and Derivatives Markets
by - Arkansas Tech University ,
This manuscripts is designed for an introductory course in the theory of interest and annuity. Each section contains the embedded examples with answer keys. The manuscript is suitable for a junior level course in the mathematics of finance.
Book cover: Finance for Non-financial ManagersFinance for Non-financial Managers
by - BookBoon ,
This textbook explains what all of the financial statements of a company means from a non finance point of view. Explained in easy to understand language, you will soon gain a great insight into the finance aspects of a company.
Book cover: Stochastic Processes for FinanceStochastic Processes for Finance
by - BookBoon ,
Topics: Discrete-time stochastic processes (Markov chains , Martingales); Continuous-time stochastic processes (General framework, Brownian motion); Stochastic integral and Ito's lemma (Girsanov theorem, Stochastic differential equations).
Book cover: Portfolio Theory and Financial AnalysesPortfolio Theory and Financial Analyses
by - BookBoon ,
The book evaluates Modern Portfolio Theory for future study. We learn why anybody with the software and a reasonable financial education can model portfolios. We learn why investors and not their computers should always interpret their results.
Book cover: Probability for FinanceProbability for Finance
by - BookBoon ,
The book is intended to be a technical support for students in finance. Topics: Probability spaces and random variables; Moments of a random variable; Usual probability distributions in financial models; Conditional expectations and Limit theorems.
Book cover: Global Imbalances and the Collapse of Globalised FinanceGlobal Imbalances and the Collapse of Globalised Finance
by - Centre for European Policy Studies ,
The world economy is recovering from the most disastrous episode in the history of globalization. The authors argue that the main problems were deeply rooted and are to be found in two developments that for many years were left uncontrolled.
Book cover: Strategic Financial Management: ExercisesStrategic Financial Management: Exercises
by - BookBoon ,
By following the same structure as the companion text, this book of exercises tests your knowledge of Strategic Financial Management. It also develops a number of theoretical concepts outlined in the companion text as a guide to further study.
Book cover: Strategic Financial ManagementStrategic Financial Management
by - BookBoon ,
In a world of political, social and economic uncertainty, Strategic Financial Management is under pressure. This book reviews the subject within the context of current events. Each chapter contains Activities to test understanding at your own pace.
Book cover: Randomness and Optimal Estimation in Data SamplingRandomness and Optimal Estimation in Data Sampling
by - American Research Press ,
The purpose of this book is to postulate some theories and test them numerically. It is designed for graduates and researchers who are active in the area of estimation and data sampling applied in financial survey modeling and applied statistics.
Book cover: Financial Sector Assessment: A HandbookFinancial Sector Assessment: A Handbook
- World Bank Publications ,
This Handbook presents an overall analytical framework for assessing financial system stability and developmental needs, providing broad guidance on approaches, methodologies, and techniques of assessing financial systems.
Book cover: Mathematical Finance: Introduction to continuous time financial market modelsMathematical Finance: Introduction to continuous time financial market models
by - Social Science Electronic Publishing ,
These are the lecture notes for a course in continuous time finance. Contents: stochastic processes in continuous time, financial market theory, stochastic integration, explicit financial market models, and portfolio optimization.
Book cover: International Financial ReportingInternational Financial Reporting
by - BookBoon ,
The author explains the informational value of an annual report under the IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards). Topics as the Balance sheet, Income statement, Cash flow statement and Statement of changes in equity are explained.
Book cover: Partial Differential Equations for FinancePartial Differential Equations for Finance
by - New York University ,
An introduction to those aspects of partial differential equations and optimal control most relevant to finance: PDE’s naturally associated to diffusion processes, Kolmogorov equations and their applications, linear parabolic equations, etc.
Book cover: Applied Quantitative FinanceApplied Quantitative Finance
by - Springer ,
The book is designed for researchers who wish to develop professional skill in modern quantitative applications in finance. It presents solutions, theoretical developments and method proliferation for many practical problems in quantitative finance.
Book cover: Financial Numerical Recipes in C++Financial Numerical Recipes in C++
by ,
Useful examples and algorithms for people working within the field of finance. Typical examples are option/derivatives pricing, term structure calculations, mean variance analysis. The author made C++ subroutines that implements common algorithms.