
History for Children

e-books in History for Children category

Book cover: American Inventions and InventorsAmerican Inventions and Inventors
by - Silver, Burdett and Co ,
The record of no other country can present a more startling array of forward movements and upward tendencies than that of our own land, and in no one direction does this upward movement appear quite so clearly as in the line of inventions.
Book cover: Historic Events of Colonial DaysHistoric Events of Colonial Days
by - George W. Jacobs & Company ,
An absorbing book, describing the most dramatic episodes in colonial history: Peter Stuyvesant's flag, the struggle between Nathaniel Bacon and Sir William Berkeley, the attack on the Delaware, the pirates of Charles Town Harbor, and much more.
Book cover: Stories From Roman HistoryStories From Roman History
by - E.P. Dutton & Co. ,
This book is a nice introduction to the history of early Rome, from the founding of the City to the death of Julius Caesar and the rise of Augustus. It is a child's history book, written on the sixth to eighth grade level.
Book cover: American History StoriesAmerican History Stories
by - Educational Pub. Co. ,
These are the stories of early exploration and founding of American colonies, conflicts over religion, and troubles with the Indians, culminating in the French and Indian War. These volumes are suitable for ages 8 and up.

Book cover: American IndiansAmerican Indians
by - D. C. Heath & Co. ,
This book is intended as a reading book for boys and girls in school. The native inhabitants of America are rapidly dying off or changing. Certainly some knowledge of them, their old location, and their old life ought to be interesting to children.
Book cover: The Story of Our CountryThe Story of Our Country
by - John C. Winston Co. ,
You do not need to sit and dream how the wonderful work of building our noble nation was done, for you can read it all here in language simple enough for the youngest of you to understand. Here you are told how white men came over the seas.
Book cover: Aunt Charlotte's Stories of Greek HistoryAunt Charlotte's Stories of Greek History
by - Marcus Ward & co.
This little book traces Greek History so as to be intelligible to young children. In fact, it will generally be found that classical history is remembered at an earlier age than modern history, probably because the events are simple.
Book cover: A Child's History of EnglandA Child's History of England
by - John W. Lovell Co. ,
The book takes its reader on a fascinating journey, from Ancient England and the Romans to Victoria's reign and Dickens' own lifetime. Full of sensational plots, high adventure and terrible tragedy, it will appeal to anyone who enjoys a good story.
Book cover: The Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and RomeThe Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome
by - Longwood Press ,
The author gives a lifelike picture of the deities of classical times as they were conceived and worshipped by the ancients themselves. From the contents: origin of the world, Uranus and Gaea, Cronus, Rhea, division of the world, etc.
Book cover: Kings and Queens of EnglandKings and Queens of England
- Wikibooks ,
The text starts from the first Anglo-Saxon Kings of England, shows how the Crown changed many hands, it has battled Parliament, the period where the power finally transfered to Parliament through to the times of Elizabeth II.
Book cover: The Adventures of Odysseus and Tales of TroyThe Adventures of Odysseus and Tales of Troy
by - Norwood Press ,
The adventures of the ancient Greek hero from the Irish poet, novelist, dramatist, biographer and collector of folklore. This book is still considered by many to be the finest introduction younger readers will have to Homer.