
Android App Development

e-books in Android App Development category

Book cover: Android Notes for ProfessionalsAndroid Notes for Professionals
- Goalkicker.com ,
Contents: Getting started; Android Studio; TextView; Layouts; ViewPager; Design Patterns; Material Design; Data Binding Library; FileIO with Android; Camera and Gallery; Dialog; Notifications; AlarmManager; Interfaces; Location; and much more.
Book cover: Android Developer Fundamentals CourseAndroid Developer Fundamentals Course
- GitHub ,
The book prepares you to take the exam for the Associate Android Developer Certification. You learn basic Android programming concepts and build a variety of apps, starting with Hello World and working your way up to apps that use loaders.

Book cover: Android on x86Android on x86
by - Apress ,
The book makes the case for adapting your applications onto Intel's x86 architecture, including discussions of the business potential, the changing landscape of the Android marketplace, and the unique opportunities that arise from x86 devices.
Book cover: Android Application Development for the Intel PlatformAndroid Application Development for the Intel Platform
by - Apress ,
Through app samples, code samples and case studies, the book teaches Android application development based on the Intel platform -- including for smartphones, tablets, and embedded devices -- covering performance tuning, debugging and optimization.
Book cover: GUI Design for Android AppsGUI Design for Android Apps
by - Apress Media ,
This is a concise introduction for mobile app developers and designers. Through easy-to-follow tutorials, code samples and case studies, the book shows the must-know principles for user-interface design for Android apps running on the Intel platform.
Book cover: Android Studio Development EssentialsAndroid Studio Development Essentials
by - Techotopia ,
This book teaches the skills necessary to develop Android applications using the Android Studio Integrated Development Environment and the Android 4.4 Software Development Kit. The book provides the steps necessary to set up an Android environment.
Book cover: The Busy Coder's Guide to Android DevelopmentThe Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development
by - CommonsWare ,
This is the single most comprehensive and current book on Android programming, from getting your first project started to advanced topics like integrating maps, encrypted databases, and integrating with other applications.
Book cover: Android Application Development CookbookAndroid Application Development Cookbook
by - Wrox ,
Unique recipes that you can apply in order to solve the most commonly encountered problems in Android programming. This reference features a task description, followed by the solution available, and a standalone project that illustrates the recipe.
Book cover: Android CookbookAndroid Cookbook
by - O'Reilly Media ,
If you're ready to jump in and build a working Android app, this book has all of the practical recipes you need to get the job done. You'll work with the user interface, multitouch, location-aware apps, web services, device features, etc.
Book cover: Android Design GuidelinesAndroid Design Guidelines
Designing an Android app needs to be a constant collaboration between design and development. The look and feel of the app should be discussed by both parties from the beginning. This document is written from the point of view of a visual designer.
Book cover: Learning AndroidLearning Android
by - O'Reilly Media ,
If you're new to the Android mobile operating system, this book is the perfect way to master the fundamentals. This gentle introduction shows you how to use Android's basic building blocks to develop user interfaces, store data, and more.
Book cover: Programming AndroidProgramming Android
by - O'Reilly Media ,
This authoritative guide shows experienced application developers what they need to program for the Android -- the core building blocks, how to put those blocks together, and how to build compelling apps that work on a full range of Android devices.
Book cover: Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScriptBuilding Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
by - O'Reilly Media ,
If you know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you already have the tools you need to develop Android applications. This hands-on book shows you how to use these open source web standards to design and build apps that can be adapted for any Android device.