
Military Biographies & Memoirs

e-books in Military Biographies & Memoirs category

Book cover: Human Bullets: A Soldier's Story of the Russo-Japanese WarHuman Bullets: A Soldier's Story of the Russo-Japanese War
by - Houghton, Mifflin ,
This little book of Lieutenant Sakurai's will help to set us right in regard to the spirit in which the Japanese soldier fights. The story was told to give a true picture of the lives and deaths, the joys and sorrows, of the men who took Port Arthur.
Book cover: Military Career of Napoleon the GreatMilitary Career of Napoleon the Great
by - E.A. Weeks & Co. ,
There has never been a time when the public was not eager to learn something new concerning the career of the man who once held all Europe prisoner in the folds of the French flag. The world regards Napoleon Bonaparte as a military genius ...

Book cover: The Story of General PershingThe Story of General Pershing
by - ManyBooks ,
John Joseph Pershing was a general officer in the U.S. Army who led the American Expeditionary Forces in World War I. He is the only person to be promoted in his own lifetime to the highest rank in the United States Army - General of the Armies.
Book cover: With the Help of God and a Few MarinesWith the Help of God and a Few Marines
by - Doubleday, Page & Company ,
The story of the 6th Marine Regiment in WWI by its commander. The 6th Marine Regiment was part of the 4th Brigade in the 2nd Infantry Division. It is a classic account of their war in France, particularly the battle of Belleau Woods in June 1918.
Book cover: The Great AdventureThe Great Adventure
by - Smashwords ,
From Footscray in Melbourne to Flanders on the Western Front, the true story of three brothers George, Joe and Dave, who served in the AIF during World War One. They all had life changing experiences but not all of those were caused by the war.
Book cover: A Sailor of King GeorgeA Sailor of King George
by - John Murray ,
These are the riveting recollections of an officer of the Royal Navy in the first years of the nineteenth century, through the long wars with Britain's enemy Spain and the France of the Revolution, Consulate and of the newly crowned Emperor Napoleon.
Book cover: The Diary of a U-boat CommanderThe Diary of a U-boat Commander
by - Feedbooks ,
The diary of a WWI U-Boat commander. A fascinating glimpse of life on the German U-boats during the intense submarine blockade. Iy also reminds us there were humans involved as we read of the thoughts and love of a man longing for his sweetheart.
Book cover: War's Dark FrameWar's Dark Frame
by - Dodd, Mead and company ,
Abruptly we realized that war for the individual has the quality of a perpetual tragic disaster. Later, in the cities of Europe, in the devastated districts, in the towns under bombardment, in the front line trenches, that truth was forced upon me.
Book cover: Reconciliation Road: A Family OdysseyReconciliation Road: A Family Odyssey
by - University of Washington Press ,
John Douglas Marshall takes leave of his career as a journalist to examine the legacy of his grandfather, the military historian S.L.A. Marshall, whose reputation and findings from the field of battle were challenged after his death.
Book cover: The CaptivesThe Captives
by - Herald Print ,
This journal was commenced one hundred and twelve years ago by a youth of seventeen years of age, who had been taken prisoner by the British, and carried into New York with most of the prisoners, on board first the Good Hope and then on the old...
Book cover: The Generalship of Ulysses S. GrantThe Generalship of Ulysses S. Grant
by - Dodd, Mead and Company ,
The reader leaves this book with a sense of knowing and understanding Grant, and believing that Grant's personality was the critical factor in the Union's 1864-1865 Virginia compaigns. This text is an essential Civil War reading.