

e-books in Linguistics category

Book cover: Creative Multilingualism: A ManifestoCreative Multilingualism: A Manifesto
by - Open Book Publishers
This book is a contribution to the field of modern languages, highlighting the relationship between multilingualism and creativity, and, crucially, reaching beyond an Anglo-centric view of the world. Intended to spark further research and discussion.
Book cover: Essentials of LinguisticsEssentials of Linguistics
by - McMaster University ,
This book is suitable for any beginning learner of linguistics but is primarily aimed at the Canadian learner, focusing on Canadian English for learning phonetic transcription, and discussing the status of Indigenous languages in Canada.
Book cover: Brehe's Grammar AnatomyBrehe's Grammar Anatomy
by - University of North Georgia ,
Steven Brehe's Grammar Anatomy makes grammar accessible to general and specialist readers alike. This book provides an in-depth look at beginner grammar terms and concepts, providing clear examples with limited technical jargon.

Book cover: Languages from the World of the BibleLanguages from the World of the Bible
by - De Gruyter Open ,
The alphabetic script unites a number of civilizations in ancient Syria-Palestine, which together constitute the background of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. This work presents overviews of the relevant languages and their interaction.
Book cover: Language in the Digital Era: Challenges and PerspectivesLanguage in the Digital Era: Challenges and Perspectives
by - De Gruyter Open ,
The authors focus on the evolution of language in the digital era. They explore the aspects of humanities and linguistics in the digital environment. The book focuses on language and translation and includes topics on the digital translation policy.
Book cover: Introduction to Paremiology: A Comprehensive Guide to Proverb StudiesIntroduction to Paremiology: A Comprehensive Guide to Proverb Studies
- De Gruyter Open ,
This handbook introduces key elements of the philological research area called paremiology (the study of proverbs). The basic notions, among others, include defining proverbs, main proverb features, origin, collecting and categorization of proverbs.
Book cover: Analyzing Linguistic Data: A Practical Introduction to StatisticsAnalyzing Linguistic Data: A Practical Introduction to Statistics
by - Cambridge University Press ,
This book provides an introduction to the statistical analysis of quantitative data for researchers studying language and language processing. Designed for linguists with a non-mathematical background, it clearly introduces the basic principles ...
Book cover: Philology and Its HistoriesPhilology and Its Histories
by - The Ohio State University Press ,
In this volume noted scholars discuss the history of philology from antiquity to the present. This book addresses a wide variety of authors, documents, and movements, among them Greek papyri, Latin textual traditions, the Renaissance, etc.
Book cover: Semantics: Theory and ApplicationSemantics: Theory and Application
by - Georgetown University Library ,
This book discusses current developments in semantics and its relationships to theoretical linguistics, to applied linguistics, and to other related disciplines. It includes the fields of anthropology, computer science, philosophy, and psychology.
Book cover: Introduction to Text LinguisticsIntroduction to Text Linguistics
by - Routledge ,
From the table of contents: Foreword; Basic notions; The evolution of text linguistics; The procedural approach; Cohesion; Coherence; Intentionality and acceptability; Informativity; Situationality; Intertextuality; Research and schooling; References
Book cover: The English Language: From Sound to SenseThe English Language: From Sound to Sense
by - Parlor Press ,
Written to help readers become independent language analysts capable of critically evaluating claims about the language. It guides its readers on topics including basic assumptions about language and discourse, pronunciation, parts of speech, etc.
Book cover: Developing Linguistic Corpora: a Guide to Good PracticeDeveloping Linguistic Corpora: a Guide to Good Practice
by - Oxbow Books ,
In this volume, a selection of leading experts in various key areas of corpus construction offer advice in a readable and largely non-technical style to help the reader to ensure that their corpus is well designed and fit for the intended purpose.
Book cover: English Synonyms and AntonymsEnglish Synonyms and Antonyms
by - ManyBooks ,
Practical and invaluable guide to clear and precise diction for writers, speakers, students, business and professional men. With notes on the correct use of prepositions; designed as a companion for the study and as a textbook for the use of schools.
Book cover: Introduction to Probability Theory and Statistics for LinguisticsIntroduction to Probability Theory and Statistics for Linguistics
by - UCLA ,
Contents: Basic Probability Theory (Conditional Probability, Random Variables, Limit Theorems); Elements of Statistics (Estimators, Tests, Distributions, Correlation and Covariance, Linear Regression, Markov Chains); Probabilistic Linguistics.
Book cover: An Introduction to Applicative Universal GrammarAn Introduction to Applicative Universal Grammar
by - Rowan University ,
This monograph was written to make it easier for those curious about AUG to understand this interesting linguistic theory. Topics: A description of the semiotic theory of language; Phonology; Genotype Grammar; Phenotype Grammar; and Methodology.
Book cover: An Introductory Course in Theoretical English GrammarAn Introductory Course in Theoretical English Grammar
by - Vilnius Pedagogical University ,
This book is intended for university-level students of English who have already taken a practical grammar course. Our aim is to provide the students with a brief survey of English morphological problems in the light of present-day linguistics.
Book cover: Notes on Computational LinguisticsNotes on Computational Linguistics
by - UCLA ,
What kind of computational device could use a system like a human language? This text explores the computational properties of devices that could compute morphological and syntactic analyses, and recognize semantic relations among sentences.
Book cover: Syntactic Theory: A Formal IntroductionSyntactic Theory: A Formal Introduction
by - Center for the Study of Language ,
This textbook grew out of our efforts to develop teaching material for the undergraduate-level Introduction to Syntax course. It is particularly well suited to general readers or those who work in disciplines related to linguistics.
Book cover: An Introduction to Syntactic Analysis and TheoryAn Introduction to Syntactic Analysis and Theory
by - UCLA ,
Contents: Morphology; Syntactic analysis; Clauses; Many other phrases; X-bar theory and discontinuities; The model of syntax; Binding and the hierarchical nature of phrase structure; Apparent violations of Locality of Selection; Raising and Control.
Book cover: Introduction to LinguisticsIntroduction to Linguistics
by - UCLA ,
What are human languages, such that they can be acquired and used as they are? This text surveys some of the most important and recent approaches to this question, breaking the problem up along traditional lines. The emphasis is on methods.
Book cover: 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue
by - Project Gutenberg ,
You don't need to be a philologist or an etymologist to become engrossed in this book on the vulgar tongue, popular language and not crude or coarse talk. It contains the fashionable words and favorite expressions of those olden days.
Book cover: Compositional SemanticsCompositional Semantics
by - UMass Amherst ,
Contents: Basic Categorial Syntax; Shortcomings of Standard Categorial Syntax; Expanded Categorial Syntax; Examples of Expanded Categorial Syntax; Categorial Logic; Basic Categorial Semantics; Lambda-Abstraction; Expanded Categorial Semantics; etc.
Book cover: Introduction to Transformational GrammarIntroduction to Transformational Grammar
by - University of Massachusetts ,
These are the always evolving notes from an introductory course on syntactic theory taught at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Its target audience is first-year graduate students, but no background exposure to syntax is presupposed.
Book cover: A Theory of Language and MindA Theory of Language and Mind
by - University of California Press ,
The author offers a stylistically and conceptually exciting investigation of the nature of language, mind, and personhood and the many ways the three connect. Bencivenga contests the basic assumptions of analytic approaches to these topics.
Book cover: Lectures on The Science of LanguageLectures on The Science of Language
by - Charles Scribner ,
The book should attract the attention, not only of the scholar, but of the philosopher, the historian, and the theologian, to a science which concerns them all, and which teaches us that there is more in words than is dreamt of in our philosophy.
Book cover: Structural LinguisticsStructural Linguistics
by - University Of Chicago Press ,
This set of structural methods for descriptive linguistics is intended both for students of linguistics and for persons who may be interested in linguistics. The techniques are given here in some detail, without employing the terminology of logic.
Book cover: The Official Dictionary of Unofficial EnglishThe Official Dictionary of Unofficial English
by - McGraw-Hill ,
The Dictionary presents more than 750 words that have unofficially joined the English language. These words are hot off the street, new even to cyberspace. Each entry features a definition, etymology, and at least three citations from print.
Book cover: Word Study and English GrammarWord Study and English Grammar
by - Committee on education ,
Word study and English grammar are important for several reasons. A man's use of words is commonly taken as a measure of his knowledge and even of his intelligence. Carelessness often causes a man to be held in much less esteem than he deserves.
Book cover: How Language WorksHow Language Works
by - Indiana University ,
The book discusses words and word meaning, phonological categories, phonological processes, the ways in which the units of word form interact with one another, compositionality, the productivity and flexibility of language, etc.
Book cover: Less Than Words Can SayLess Than Words Can Say
by - Little, Brown ,
Author takes examples of bad writing and rips them to shreds. These mistakes are revelations about the mind that wrote them. The examples of bad writing that come from educators are given special attention. Mitchell's first book is also his best.
Book cover: Economics and LanguageEconomics and Language
by - Cambridge University Press ,
Five essays investigating both the economics of language and the language of economics. The author touches on the structure of binary relations in daily language, the evolutionary development of the meaning of words, and more.
Book cover: Language, Proof and LogicLanguage, Proof and Logic
by - Center for the Study of Language ,
The book covers the boolean connectives, formal proof techniques, quantifiers, basic set theory, induction, proofs of soundness and completeness for propositional and predicate logic, and an accessible sketch of Godel's first incompleteness theorem.
Book cover: Computational LinguisticsComputational Linguistics
by ,
The book focuses on the basic set of ideas and facts from the fundamental science necessary for the creation of intelligent language processing tools, without going deeply into the details of specific algorithms or toy systems.