
Object-Oriented Software Composition

Large book cover: Object-Oriented Software Composition

Object-Oriented Software Composition

Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR
ISBN/ASIN: 0132206749
ISBN-13: 9780132206747
Number of pages: 362

Over the part ten years, object-oriented technology has started to have a significant impact in industry. Despite its many positive aspects, there have been some problems in successfully applying the technology to large projects, and in achieving adequate levels of flexibilitly and software reuse. Based on the research of the Object Systems Group in Geneva, this book looks at a range of issues, from programming languages and systems through to tools, frameworks and methods. Chapters are self-contained, with the development of ideas moving from programming language design issues to environments and applications. Aware of recent trends, the book examines the development of multimedia systems as an application domain. Up-to-date information on the activities of the Object Systems Group.

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