e-books in E-Commerce category

by Andreas M. Antonopoulos - O'Reilly Media , 2014
The book tells you everything you need to know about one of the most exciting revolutions since the invention of the web: digital money. Bitcoin is the first successful digital currency. It's global, frictionless and it is changing money forever.

by Daniel Forrester - Smashwords , 2013
Bitcoin has been brooding within the tech community over the last few years. Learn the Ins and Outs of Bitcoin, the elusive new currency, including Bitcoin Mining, how to buy, sell and invest, and how you can achieve long term profits.

by David Nguyen - Smashwords , 2013
Based on the 10 topics announced in the Study Guide of Magento. This book presents each topic and provides useful tips for developers to work with Magento. At the end of some topics, you can find questions designed to revise what you have learned.

by Princely Ifinedo - InTech , 2012
A collection of well-written papers that employ empirical and theoretical/conceptual approaches to highlight insights on the global acceptance of electronic business (e-business) and other useful applications and conceptualizations in the area.

by Andrew Wyckoff, Alessandra Colecchia - OECD , 1999
This book represents one of the very first analyses of the role of electronic commerce in economy, and addresses such issues as the impact of e-commerce on employment and on society, as well as its contribution to economic growth and efficiency.

by Michael Froomkin , 1996
This text explores the limits that technology imposes on the legal and policy options available to those concerned about anonymous communication, digital cash, and distributed databases, and the ways in which they might reduce personal privacy.

by Zorayda Ruth Andam - Wikibooks , 2003
Internet commerce is a powerful tool in the economic growth of developing countries. However, this is premised on strong political will and good governance. This primer seeks to provide policy guidelines toward this end.

by Diane Cabell at al. - faqs.org , 2001
The broadest definition of e-commerce is 'the conduct of transactions by electronic means'. In this introductory course we will focus specifically on purchases of goods and services from online stores on the Web, and a fictional e-enterprise.

by P. Berthon, L. F. Pitt, G. M. Zinkhan, R. T. Watson - Harcourt , 2008
This text provides a strategic marketing and managerial perspective of electronic commerce. The research of the four highly-qualified authors provides the basis for the book, allowing for first-hand experience, varied viewpoints, and relevance.