
English as a Foreign Language

e-books in English as a Foreign Language category

Book cover: The Structure of the English SentenceThe Structure of the English Sentence
by - American Book Company ,
The book is a detailed guide to English grammar and syntax, analyzing sentence components and their functions. It provides a systematic approach to understanding sentence construction, making it a valuable resource for linguists and students.
Book cover: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English
- Pearson Education ESL ,
Quick and easy to use: 155,000 natural examples bring English to life; Clear definitions written using only 2000 common words; British and American pronunciations of headwords; Instant pop-up dictionary for the web or email; 4000 new words ...
Book cover: English Language Learning and TechnologyEnglish Language Learning and Technology
by - John Benjamins Pub ,
This book explores implications for applied linguistics of recent developments in technologies used in second language teaching and assessment. The book identifies significant areas of interplay between technology and applied linguistics.
Book cover: 5,000 Most-Used Shorthand Forms5,000 Most-Used Shorthand Forms
by - Gregg Pub. Co ,
The 5,000 words of highest frequency were selected from 5,136,816 running words taken from the vocabularies of business correspondence; of personal letters from all parts of the country; of well-known writers; of letters printed in magazines; etc.

Book cover: Practice Handbook in EnglishPractice Handbook in English
by - D. Appleton-Century company ,
This Practice Handbook reviews the fundamentals of writing and speech. About half its bulk is exercise material, oral and written, with tests and reviews. It attempts to be simple, definite, practical. The book provides eighty full-page exercises.
Book cover: Dictionary of the British English Spelling SystemDictionary of the British English Spelling System
by - Open Book Publishers ,
This book will tell all you need to know about British English spelling. It's a reference work intended for anyone interested in the English language, especially those who teach it, whatever the age or mother tongue of their students.
Book cover: A Desk-Book of Errors in EnglishA Desk-Book of Errors in English
by - Funk & Wagnalls Company ,
The purpose of these pages is to point out common errors which any speaker or writer may unconsciously commit, and to help him to avoid them and the vulgarisms of the street which have crept into the language, as well as those absurd blunders ...
Book cover: An Advanced English Grammar with ExercisesAn Advanced English Grammar with Exercises
by - Ginn & Co. ,
This grammar is intended for students who have already received instruction in the rudiments. The Exercises are collected at the end of the text, so as not to break continuity. Certain topics of importance have been treated with unusual thoroughness.
Book cover: I Still Can't Speak EnglishI Still Can't Speak English
by - Bookboon ,
Read how you can finally learn to speak English quickly by curating your own free and hugely effective social learning and social media English course. Follow the process and you will improve as much as the learners in the real case studies.
Book cover: English Grammar For Economics And BusinessEnglish Grammar For Economics And Business
by - Bookboon ,
This innovative book is a must for all those students and professors of Economics and Business Studies with English as a Foreign Language (EFL) who need to write academic texts in English (essays, papers, Masters/Doctoral theses, articles, books).
Book cover: English Communication for ScientistsEnglish Communication for Scientists
by - NPG Education ,
This book is a brief guide on how to communicate more effectively in English, no matter how much previous experience you have. Although it was developed with non-native speakers of English in mind, it should prove useful for native speakers, too.
Book cover: Business English: A Practice BookBusiness English: A Practice Book
by - D.C. Heath & Co. ,
The author's aim has been to teach the art of using words in such a way as to make people think and act. To do this she has applied the principles of literary composition to the highly complex and ever increasing problems of our business life.
Book cover: Fifteen Thousand Useful PhrasesFifteen Thousand Useful Phrases
by ,
A practical handbook of pertinent expressions, literary, commercial, conversational, and oratorical terms, for the embellishment of speech and literature, and the improvement of the vocabulary of those persons who read, write, and speak English.
Book cover: English in UseEnglish in Use
- Wikibooks ,
This is a book about the actual use of the English language. It features sections about types of grammar, punctuation and formality. This wikibook is intended for use by native speakers or advanced learners of English as a second language.
Book cover: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current EnglishThe Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English
by - The Clarendon Press ,
This is the 1919 edition, which in its own province and on its own scale uses the materials and follows the methods by which the Oxford editors have revolutionized lexicography. The book is designed as a dictionary, and not as an encyclopedia.
Book cover: Mastering American EnglishMastering American English
by - McGraw-Hill ,
Mastering American English is a comprehensive exercise book for use with adult students at the intermediate and advanced levels of language learning. The student's attention is called to the grammar and structure of English through examples.
Book cover: Synonyms and AntonymsSynonyms and Antonyms
by - Georg Sully and co. ,
An alphabetical list of words in common use, grouped with others of similar and opposite meaning. The aim in compiling this book has been to make the list of words in common use concise yet full, and authoritative yet suggestive.
Book cover: An Introductory Course in Theoretical English GrammarAn Introductory Course in Theoretical English Grammar
by - Vilnius Pedagogical University ,
This book is intended for university-level students of English who have already taken a practical grammar course. Our aim is to provide the students with a brief survey of English morphological problems in the light of present-day linguistics.
Book cover: Word Study and English GrammarWord Study and English Grammar
by - Committee on education ,
Word study and English grammar are important for several reasons. A man's use of words is commonly taken as a measure of his knowledge and even of his intelligence. Carelessness often causes a man to be held in much less esteem than he deserves.
Book cover: The Many Roads to JapanThe Many Roads to Japan
by - Smashwords ,
This is an interactive reader for ESL students and teachers, it is recommended for low intermediate level and up. The book tells the story of one foreigner who had to follow many twists and turns in his life journey before finding his niche in Japan.
Book cover: Internet Basics for ESL StudentsInternet Basics for ESL Students
by ,
A 14-Lesson Introduction to Using Computers and the Internet for Students of English as a Second Language. The Lessons: Basic Computer Terms and the History of the Internet; Hardware and Internet Software; Computer Problems and Peripherals; etc.