

e-books in Supersymmetry category

Book cover: Supersymmetry and the MSSM: An Elementary IntroductionSupersymmetry and the MSSM: An Elementary Introduction
by - arXiv.org ,
These notes are an expanded version of a short course of lectures given for graduate students in particle physics at Oxford. The level was intended to be appropriate for students in both experimental and theoretical particle physics.
Book cover: Lectures on Supersymmetry BreakingLectures on Supersymmetry Breaking
by - arXiv ,
We review the subject of spontaneous supersymmetry breaking. First we consider supersymmetry breaking in a semiclassical theory. We illustrate it with several examples, demonstrating different phenomena, including metastable supersymmetry breaking.
Book cover: Introduction to SupersymmetryIntroduction to Supersymmetry
by - King's College London ,
Supersymmetry has been a very fruitful subject of research and has taught us a great deal about mathematics and quantum field theory. Hopefully this course will convince the student that supersymmetry is a beautiful and interesting subject.
Book cover: Supersymmetry and Gauge TheorySupersymmetry and Gauge Theory
by - King's College London ,
From the table of contents: Introduction; Gauge Theory; Fermion: Clifford Algebras and Spinors; Supersymmetry; Elementary Consequences of Supersymmetry; Super-Yang Mills; Extended Supersymmety; Physical Features of Yang-Mills Theories.

Book cover: SupersymmetrySupersymmetry
by - King's College London ,
Contents: Symmetries, A No-go Theorem and How to Avoid It; Clifford Algebras and Spinors; Elementary Consequences of Supersymmetry; The Four-dimensional Wess-Zumino Model; Extended Supersymmetry; Central Extensions and BPS Soliton States; etc.
Book cover: Supersymmetry in Particle Physics: An Elementary IntroductionSupersymmetry in Particle Physics: An Elementary Introduction
by - Cambridge University Press ,
Intended for graduate students in particle physics, and researchers in experimental and phenomenological supersymmetry, this is the first textbook to provide a simple introduction to a previously formidably technical field.
Book cover: Elements of SupersymmetryElements of Supersymmetry
by - arXiv ,
These notes provide an introduction to supersymmetry. They begin with supersymmetric quantum mechanics and the basic properties of spinor fields. The supersymmetry of simple theories of spin-zero and spin-one-half fields is discussed...
Book cover: Lectures on SupersymmetryLectures on Supersymmetry
by - Trinity College Dublin ,
These notes are based on a number of graduate lectures. The aim is to provide a concise introduction to supersymmetry including some classic material such as the Coleman-Mandula theorem, supersymmetry algebra and non-renormalisation theorems.
Book cover: Cambridge Lectures on Supersymmetry and Extra DimensionsCambridge Lectures on Supersymmetry and Extra Dimensions
by - arXiv ,
These lectures are aimed at finishing undergraduate and beginning postgraduate students. The text gives an introduction to supersymmetry in four spacetime dimensions, and extra dimensions which are combined with the concept of supersymmetry.
Book cover: Introduction to SupersymmetryIntroduction to Supersymmetry
by - arXiv ,
The present introduction is elementary and pragmatic. The author discusses: spinors and the Poincar'e group, the susy algebra and susy multiplets, superfields and susy lagrangians, susy gauge theories, spontaneously broken susy, and more.
Book cover: Quantization in Astrophysics, Brownian Motion, and SupersymmetryQuantization in Astrophysics, Brownian Motion, and Supersymmetry
by - MathTiger ,
The present book discusses, among other things, various quantization phenomena found in Astrophysics and some related issues including Brownian Motion. Most chapters in this book come from published papers in various peer-reviewed journals.
Book cover: Superspace or One Thousand and One Lessons in SupersymmetrySuperspace or One Thousand and One Lessons in Supersymmetry
by - arXiv ,
Supersymmetry is the supreme symmetry: It unifies spacetime symmetries with internal symmetries, fermions with bosons, and (local supersymmetry) gravity with matter. Under quite general assumptions it is the largest possible symmetry of the S-matrix.