

e-books in Engineering category

Book cover: The A B C of MiningThe A B C of Mining
by - Rand, McNally & Co. ,
A Handbook for Prospectors, Treating fully of Exploratory and Preparatory Work of the Physical Properties of Ores, Field Geology, the Occurrence and Associations of Minerals, Methods of Chemical Analysis and Assay, Blow-pipe Tests, ...
Book cover: Innovations and New TechnologiesInnovations and New Technologies
by - viXra ,
Author summarizes some of the revolutionary macro-projects, concepts, ideas, innovations, and methods for scientists, engineers, technical students, and the world public. The book gives the main physical data and technical equations in attachments.
Book cover: The Nuclear Energy Option: An Alternative for the 90'sThe Nuclear Energy Option: An Alternative for the 90's
by - Plenum Press ,
Cohen provides scientifically sound risk analyses of the energy options that he believes must be exercised in the next 10 years. This work stands opposed to some recent greenhouse effect-oriented titles by proposing more nuclear power plants.
Book cover: Introductory Well TestingIntroductory Well Testing
by - Bookboon ,
The objective is to provide an easy to read introduction to classical well test theory. No previous knowledge in well testing is required. The reader is expected to understand basic concepts of flow in porous media. Some calculus skill is required.

Book cover: Engineering ManagementEngineering Management
by - InTech ,
The book synthesises the engineering principles with business practice, i.e. the book provides an interface between the main disciplines of engineering/technology and the organizational, administrative, and planning abilities of management.
Book cover: The New EngineeringThe New Engineering
by - Ventuno Press ,
The New Engineering presents an engineering science that is conceptually and mathematically much simpler than conventional engineering. The simplicity results from abandoning contrived parameters such as resistances and coefficients and moduluses.
Book cover: Concurrent EngineeringConcurrent Engineering
by - Wikibooks ,
Concurrent engineering is a process in which appropriate disciplines are committed to work interactively to conceive, develop, and implement product programs that meet pre-determined objectives. This book is geared toward entry-level engineers.
Book cover: Applications and Experiences of Quality ControlApplications and Experiences of Quality Control
by - InTech ,
The rich palette of topics set out in this book provides a broad overview of the developments in the field of quality control. This book can serve as a basis for starting interdisciplinary cooperation, which is an integral part of research.
Book cover: The Age of Invention: A Chronicle of Mechanical ConquestThe Age of Invention: A Chronicle of Mechanical Conquest
by - ManyBooks ,
This volume is a record of inventive genius and mechanical progress in the United States. All this book seeks to do is to outline the personalities of some of the outstanding American inventors and indicate the significance of their achievements.
Book cover: Engineering: An Introduction for High SchoolEngineering: An Introduction for High School
- CK-12 Foundation ,
The aim of the authors is to introduce engineering techniques and practices to high school students. This book is designed for a broad range of student abilities and does not require significant math or science prerequisites.
Book cover: Engineering AcousticsEngineering Acoustics
- Wikibooks ,
Engineering acoustics is the study of the generation and manipulation of sound waves, from an engineering perspective. The book describes some of the fundamental principles of acoustics, it requires knowledge of calculus and differential equations.
Book cover: An Introduction to Energy SourcesAn Introduction to Energy Sources
by - Indian Institute of Technology ,
The reasons for the choice of energy sources are many. There is a need to know the options available, the need to harness some of these sources efficiently and effectively and above all the environmental concerns these energy sources give rise to.