
Intelligent Vision Systems for Industry

Large book cover: Intelligent Vision Systems for Industry

Intelligent Vision Systems for Industry

Publisher: Springer-Verlag
ISBN/ASIN: 3540199691
ISBN-13: 9783540199694
Number of pages: 473

The application of intelligent imaging techniques to industrial vision problems is an evolving aspect of current machine vision research. Machine vision is a relatively new technology, more concerned with systems engineering than with computer science, and with much to offer the manufacturing industry in terms of improving efficiency, safety and product quality. Beginning with an introductory chapter on the basic concepts, the authors develop these ideas to describe intelligent imaging techniques for use in a new generation of industrial imaging systems. Sections cover the application of AI languages such as Prolog, the use of multi-media interfaces and multi-processor systems, external device control, and colour recognition. The text concludes with a discussion of several case studies that illustrate how intelligent machine vision techniques can be used in industrial applications.

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