
Data Modeling Techniques for Data Warehousing

Large book cover: Data Modeling Techniques for Data Warehousing

Data Modeling Techniques for Data Warehousing

Publisher: IBM Redbooks
ISBN/ASIN: 0738402451
ISBN-13: 9780738402451
Number of pages: 216

This redbook gives detail coverage to the topic of data modeling techniques for data warehousing, within the context of the overall data warehouse development process. The process of data warehouse modeling, including the steps required before and after the actual modeling step, is discussed. Detailed coverage of modeling techniques is presented in an evolutionary way through a gradual, but well-managed, expansion of the content of the actual data model. Coverage is also given to other important aspects of data warehousing that affect, or are affected by, the modeling process. These include architecting the warehouse and populating the data warehouse. Guidelines for selecting a data modeling tool that is appropriate for data warehousing are presented.

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