
Farewell to the Self-Employed: Deconstructing a Socioeconomic and Legal Solipsism

Large book cover: Farewell to the Self-Employed: Deconstructing a Socioeconomic and Legal Solipsism

Farewell to the Self-Employed: Deconstructing a Socioeconomic and Legal Solipsism

Publisher: Greenwood Press
ISBN/ASIN: 0313284660
ISBN-13: 9780313284663
Number of pages: 217

This work offers a firm theoretical foundation for discussing the self-employed, their role over time, and the formulation of policy towards them. It is a comprehensive analysis of self-employment to integrate legal, sociological, and economic theory. Linder offers a conceptual critique of the underpinnigs of the category of the self-employed that calls into question the theoretical coherence of the traditional approaches.

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