
Christianity: Reference

e-books in Christianity: Reference category

Book cover: The Rand-McNally Bible AtlasThe Rand-McNally Bible Atlas
by - Rand McNally & Co. ,
A manual of biblical geography and history especially prepared for the use of teachers and students of the bible, and for Sunday school instruction, containing maps, plans, review charts and illustrated with accurate views of the principal cities.
Book cover: Mary: What the Bible Really SaysMary: What the Bible Really Says
by - InterVarsity Press ,
A balanced, true picture of Mary -- a portrait drawn from scripture with both the overlay of tradition and the dust of neglect removed. Where needed, there are correctives to historical church teaching, but the focus is the clear light of the Bible.
Book cover: The Use of Art in Religious EducationThe Use of Art in Religious Education
by - Abingdon Press ,
The use of art in religious education is not a luxury. It is a necessity. It is a means the use of which makes possible a larger measure of religious growth with the least waste of time and energy and the greatest satisfaction to all concerned.
Book cover: The Book of MormonThe Book of Mormon
For the twelve million members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints worldwide (six million in the United States), The Book of Mormon is literally the word of God, a companion volume to the Bible that contains the everlasting gospel.

Book cover: The King James Version of The BibleThe King James Version of The Bible
English translation of the Christian Bible first published in 1611. In 1604, King James I convened the Hampton Court Conference where a new English version was conceived in response to the perceived problems of the earlier translations.