

see also

Nanotechnology (18)

e-books in Nanostructures category

Book cover: Theory of Scanning Tunneling MicroscopyTheory of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
by - arXiv ,
The goal of this manuscript is to review the basics behind the theory accompanying Scanning Tunneling Microscopy. Contents: Introduction; Description of scanning tunneling microscopy; Modeling currents; Examples of simulations and experiments.
Book cover: Lecture Notes on NanomagnetismLecture Notes on Nanomagnetism
by - Institut Neel, Grenoble ,
Nanomagnetism may be defined as the branch of magnetism dealing with low-dimension systems and/or systems with small dimensions. These notes are mainly devoted to magnetic ordering, magnetic domains, magnetization reversal, and more.
Book cover: Quantum Transport in Semiconductor NanostructuresQuantum Transport in Semiconductor Nanostructures
by - arXiv ,
In this review we present a self-contained account of three novel transport regimes in semiconductor nanostructures. The experimental and theoretical developments in this field have developed hand in hand, a balance that we maintained here as well.

Book cover: Polymer Thin FilmsPolymer Thin Films
by - InTech ,
Written for researchers who have chosen to study an area that appeals to them and one in which they show a genuine interest. It is targeted together to form the knowledge pathway to obtain an advanced polymeric research in polymer thin film.
Book cover: The Quantum Hall Effect: Novel Excitations and Broken SymmetriesThe Quantum Hall Effect: Novel Excitations and Broken Symmetries
by - arXiv ,
These notes present an introduction to most aspects of the integer and fractional quantum Hall effects. This is followed by an extensive discussion of quantum Hall ferromagnetism. The effective field theories are derived and discussed in some detail.
Book cover: Computational Nanoscience: Do It Yourself!Computational Nanoscience: Do It Yourself!
by - NIC ,
This volume focuses on the application of electronic structure calculations and dynamical simulation techniques covering aspects of solid state physics, surface and nanoscience, chemical reactions and dynamics, magnetism and electron transport, etc.
Book cover: Introduction to Nanoscience and NanotechnologyIntroduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
by ,
These notes about nanoscience and nanotechnology should explain to the student some of the underlying concepts behind 'nano'. It describes to the student the physics rather than just providing a qualitative overview of developments in the field.
Book cover: Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of NanotechnologyEngines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology
by - Anchor ,
This book heralds the new age of nanotechnology, which will give us thorough and inexpensive control of the structure of matter. Drexler examines the enormous implications of these developments for medicine, the economy, and the environment.
Book cover: Essentials of NanotechnologyEssentials of Nanotechnology
by - BookBoon ,
The book introduces the reader to the world of Nanotechnology, the basis of the next technological revolution. The author explains the basic concepts and definitions regarding choice of materials, then it proceeds to discuss the areas of application.
Book cover: Nanomaterials - A SojournNanomaterials - A Sojourn
by - National Centre for Catalysis Research ,
Nanomaterials today have pervaded every sphere of human activity and can be presented in various formats. Sector-wise application of nanomaterials yields a synthesis approach and probably easy to comprehend. This approach is adopted in the book.
Book cover: Unbounding the Future: the Nanotechnology RevolutionUnbounding the Future: the Nanotechnology Revolution
by - William Morrow and Co. ,
An examination of the benefits and dangers of the new nanotechnology revolution. The book delivers scenarios of nanotechnology at work, some thrilling, some terrifying, all compelling. The authors give a deep sense of things that will happen.