
Environmental Science

e-books in Environmental Science category

Book cover: Global Water: Issues and InsightsGlobal Water: Issues and Insights
by - ANU Press ,
This book brings together some of the world's leading water researchers with an especially written collection of chapters on: water economics; transboundary water; water and development; water and energy; and water concepts.
Book cover: Organic Pollutants: Monitoring, Risk and TreatmentOrganic Pollutants: Monitoring, Risk and Treatment
by - InTech ,
Organic pollutants cause several environmental problems if discharged to air or water body. The occurrence of organic pollutants in the ecosystem is a very important issue. This book deals with several aspects of organic pollutants.
Book cover: Earth and Environmental SciencesEarth and Environmental Sciences
by - InTech ,
The aim of this book is to present the reader with a broad overview of Earth and Environmental Sciences. Topics covered: Geology, Geochemistry, Seismology, Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Mineralogy, Soil, Remote Sensing and Environmental Sciences.

Book cover: Sediment TransportSediment Transport
by - InTech ,
The book covers a wide variety of subject matters. It combines the personal and professional experience of the authors on solid particles transport and related problems, whose expertise is focused in aqueous systems and in laboratory flumes.
Book cover: The 2010 Gulf Coast Oil SpillThe 2010 Gulf Coast Oil Spill
by - BookBoon ,
This monograph was conceived after the author had done a good deal of broadcasting, within the UK and internationally, on the Gulf Coast oil spill. The approach to writing this monograph has been a totally disinterested one.
Book cover: The Tsunami Threat: Research and TechnologyThe Tsunami Threat: Research and Technology
by - InTech ,
This book offers extensive and new information on tsunamis; their origin, history, effects, monitoring, hazards assessment and proposed handling with respect to precaution. Only through knowledge do we know how to behave in a wise manner.
Book cover: Applied EcologyApplied Ecology
- Wikibooks ,
Applied ecology is a framework for a better balance between people and nature in order to reduce human impact. This textbook provides a review of important areas of applied ecological knowledge for advanced university students and site managers.
Book cover: Chemical Ecology: The Chemistry of Biotic InteractionChemical Ecology: The Chemistry of Biotic Interaction
by - National Academies Press ,
This book highlights selected research areas that are contributing to advancement of chemical ecology. Leading experts review the chemistry of insect defense; phyletic dmoninance; social regulation; eavesdropping, alarm and deceit; and reproduction.
Book cover: Concise HydrologyConcise Hydrology
by - BookBoon ,
This is an introductory book on hydrology that covers hydrological cycle, precipitation analysis, evaporation and evapotranspiration processes, infiltration, ground water movement, hydrograph analysis, rainfall runoff modelling, etc.
Book cover: Coal and the EnvironmentCoal and the Environment
by - American Geological Institute ,
The book explains the importance of coal, the environmental concerns associated with its mining and use, and how technological advances are making coal an environmentally cleaner fuel. Includes a poster with information about the mining cycle.
Book cover: Metal Mining and the EnvironmentMetal Mining and the Environment
by - American Geological Institute ,
The booklet offers new tools for raising awareness and understanding of the impact and issues surrounding metal mining and the environment. It provides a geoscience perspective on metal mining and the environment and improves Earth science literacy.
Book cover: Water Encyclopedia: Science and IssuesWater Encyclopedia: Science and Issues
- Advameg, Inc. ,
This encyclopedia contains articles like Acid Rain, Agriculture and Water, Aquaculture, Chemical Analysis of Water, Clean Water Act, Climate and the Ocean, Dams, Desalinization, Drinking Water and Society, Estuaries, Fish and Wildlife Issues, etc.
Book cover: The Green Fuse: An Ecological OdysseyThe Green Fuse: An Ecological Odyssey
by - University of California Press ,
A widely respected ecological scientist draws on the poet's image and his own environmental research to demonstrate the many interconnections among the world's ecosystems. Harte offers a program for doing something about the world's current messes.
Book cover: Sustainable Energy - Without the Hot AirSustainable Energy - Without the Hot Air
by - UIT Cambridge Ltd. ,
Addressing the sustainable energy crisis in an objective manner, this book analyzes the relevant numbers and organizes a plan for change on both a personal level and an international scale -- for Europe, the United States, and the world.
Book cover: The Forgiving Air: Understanding Environmental ChangeThe Forgiving Air: Understanding Environmental Change
by - University of California Press ,
An authoritative, up-to-date handbook on global change. Written by a scientist for nonscientists, this primer humanizes the great environmental issues of our time - the hole in the ozone layer, the greenhouse effect, acid rain, and air pollution.
Book cover: Africa: Atlas of our Changing EnvironmentAfrica: Atlas of our Changing Environment
- United Nations Environment Programme ,
This 400-page Atlas is a unique publication which brings to light stories of environmental change at more than 100 locations spread across every country in Africa. There are more than 300 satellite images, 300 ground photographs and 150 maps.
Book cover: Environmental TechnologiesEnvironmental Technologies
by - InTech ,
This book takes a look at issues such as air, soil and noise pollution problems, environmental quality assessment, monitoring, modeling and risk assessment, environmental health impact assessment, environmental technology development, etc.
Book cover: Averting Catastrophe: Strategies for Regulating Risky TechnologiesAverting Catastrophe: Strategies for Regulating Risky Technologies
by - University of California Press ,
Chernobyl, Bhopal, and Love Canal are symbols of the risks that go hand in hand with modern technology. This volume is a study of the system for containing the risks of such technologies as chemicals, nuclear power, and genetic engineering.
Book cover: Unsaturated Zone Hydrology for Scientists and EngineersUnsaturated Zone Hydrology for Scientists and Engineers
by - Pearson Education ,
This is a systematic coverage of state-of-the-art unsaturated zone hydrology. Coverage begins with the basic physical properties of clays, and moves on to contaminant transport, spatial variability, scaling, and fractals in the earth sciences.
Book cover: The Nature of Northern AustraliaThe Nature of Northern Australia
by - ANU E Press ,
Northern Australia is one of the largest natural areas remaining on Earth. Its tropical savannas, rainforests, and free flowing rivers provide a basis for much of the economic activity and the quality of life for residents of the area.
Book cover: Atmospheric PollutionAtmospheric Pollution
by - BookBoon ,
Atmospheric pollution is is becoming an increasingly important theme as the discussion on global warming becomes ever more relevant. The book introduces the different concepts of atmospheric pollution and the underlying principles.
Book cover: Acceptable Risk?: Making Decisions in a Toxic EnvironmentAcceptable Risk?: Making Decisions in a Toxic Environment
by - University of California Press ,
Modern technology give us much of what we value, but they also gave us Bhopal, Chernobyl, and Three Mile Island. What is acceptable risk? The author finds a pattern of decision-making based on relationships among organizations.
Book cover: Fundamentals of Air Pollution EngineeringFundamentals of Air Pollution Engineering
by - Prentice Hall ,
The subject of this book is air pollution engineering. The goal is to present a rigorous analysis of the production of air pollutants and their control. The text is intended for use at the senior or first-year graduate level.
Book cover: An Introduction to Energy SourcesAn Introduction to Energy Sources
by - Indian Institute of Technology ,
The reasons for the choice of energy sources are many. There is a need to know the options available, the need to harness some of these sources efficiently and effectively and above all the environmental concerns these energy sources give rise to.