
Intellectual Property

e-books in Intellectual Property category

Book cover: Introduction to Intellectual Property LawIntroduction to Intellectual Property Law
by - University of Iowa ,
The author provides a comprehensive overview of key principles in intellectual property law. The book is designed to guide readers through the fundamentals of IP law, focusing on the reasons behind legal protections and how these impact businesses.
Book cover: Patent Law: An Open-Access CasebookPatent Law: An Open-Access Casebook
by - University of Miami ,
This is a comprehensive casebook covering all the fundamentals of the United States patent system. It is a valuable resource for law students taking a course in patent law, lawyers looking for reference material, or inventors.
Book cover: Intellectual Property StrategyIntellectual Property Strategy
by - The MIT Press ,
How a flexible and creative approach to intellectual property can help an organization accomplish goals. John Palfrey offers a short briefing on intellectual property strategy for corporate managers and nonprofit administrators.

Book cover: Digital CopyrightDigital Copyright
by - Michigan Publishing Services ,
Jessica Litman questions whether copyright laws crafted by lawyers and their lobbyists really make sense for the vast majority of us. Should every interaction between ordinary consumers and copyright-protected works be restricted by law?
Book cover: A Philosophy of Intellectual PropertyA Philosophy of Intellectual Property
by - ANU eText ,
The author argues that lying at the heart of intellectual property are duty-bearing privileges. The book is designed to be accessible to specialists in a number of fields. It will interest philosophers, political scientists, and legal scholars.
Book cover: The Digital Rights MovementThe Digital Rights Movement
by - The MIT Press ,
Drawing on social movement theory and science and technology studies, the author Hector Postigo presents case studies of resistance to increased control over digital media, describing a host of tactics that range from hacking to lobbying.
Book cover: What if we could reimagine copyright?What if we could reimagine copyright?
by - ANU Press ,
The leading international thinkers represented in this collection reconsider copyright's fundamental questions: the subject matter that should be protected, the ideal scope and duration of those rights, and how it should be enforced.
Book cover: Intellectual Property Rights in an Age of Electronics and InformationIntellectual Property Rights in an Age of Electronics and Information
- U.S. Government Printing Office ,
This report examines the impact of recent advances in communication and information technologies on the intellectual property system. It focuses primarily on the Federal copyright system, and on the continuing effectiveness of copyright law ...
Book cover: Intellectual Property: Law and the Information SocietyIntellectual Property: Law and the Information Society
by - Center for the Study of the Public Domain ,
This open coursebook is an introduction to intellectual property law, the set of private legal rights that allows individuals and corporations to control intangible creations and marks, and the exceptions and limitations that define those rights.
Book cover: Open AccessOpen Access
by - The MIT Press ,
In this concise introduction, Peter Suber tells us what open access is, how it benefits authors and readers, how we pay for it, how it avoids copyright problems, how it has moved from the periphery to the mainstream, and what its future may hold.
Book cover: Copyright for Librarians: the essential handbookCopyright for Librarians: the essential handbook
- Berkman Center for Internet and Society ,
Delve into copyright theory, understand the public domain or explore enforcement. The Handbook is concise reading for librarians who want to hone their skills, and for anyone learning about or teaching copyright law in the information field.
Book cover: Freedom of ExpressionFreedom of Expression
by - Wikibooks ,
The book covers the ways in which intellectual property laws have been used to privatize all forms of expression. Kembrew McLeod challenges the blind embrace of privatization as it clashes against our right to free speech and shared resources.
Book cover: Intellectual Property RightsIntellectual Property Rights
by - U.S. Department of State ,
Intellectual property issues are getting more and more attention these days. It is worth spending some time considering how intellectual property rights (IPR) developed and what role they play in achieving widely shared objectives.
Book cover: Access to Knowledge in the Age of Intellectual PropertyAccess to Knowledge in the Age of Intellectual Property
by - Zone Books ,
The book maps the emerging field of A2K activism as a series of historical moments, strategies, and concepts. It gathers some of the most important thinkers and advocates in the field to make the strategies at play in this new domain visible.
Book cover: Against Intellectual PropertyAgainst Intellectual Property
by - Ludwig von Mises Institute ,
The author argues that the existence of patents, copyrights and trademarks are contrary to a free market. They all use the state to create artificial scarcities of non-scarce goods and employ coercion in a way that is contrary to property rights.
Book cover: The Public Domain: Enclosing the Commons of the MindThe Public Domain: Enclosing the Commons of the Mind
by - Yale University Press ,
In this book the author describes the range wars of the information age - today's heated battles over intellectual property. He argues that every informed citizen needs to know at least something about intellectual property law.
Book cover: Free CultureFree Culture
by - Penguin Press HC ,
Never before have the big cultural monopolists used the fear created by new technologies to shrink the public domain of ideas, even as the same corporations use the same technologies to control more and more what we can and can't do with culture.