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e-books in Linux category

Book cover: Rocky Linux 9 EssentialsRocky Linux 9 Essentials
by - Answertopia ,
The book provides detailed information on the installation, use, and administration of the Rocky Linux 9 distribution. It covers topics such as operating system installation, the basics of the GNOME desktop environment, configuring web servers, etc.
Book cover: Linux InsideLinux Inside
by - GitBook ,
A book-in-progress about the linux kernel and its insides. The goal is simple - to share my modest knowledge about the insides of the linux kernel and help people who are interested in linux kernel insides, and other low-level subject matter.

Book cover: Into the Core: A look at Tiny Core LinuxInto the Core: A look at Tiny Core Linux
by - TinyCoreLinux.net ,
The Core book gives a gentle introduction to Core, its concepts, and how it functions. It covers Core from start to finish. The concepts are explained in detail, from usage details to internals, ending up with several example projects.
Book cover: Bodhi Linux 3 for BeginnersBodhi Linux 3 for Beginners
by - Smashwords ,
Bodhi Linux 3 incorporates the latest version of the elegant Enlightenment desktop manager. This guide explains in easy steps how to install Bodhi Linux on your computer, how to customize and use it, and how to install a range of applications.
Book cover: Step-by-Step Guide to Bodhi LinuxStep-by-Step Guide to Bodhi Linux
by - Smashwords ,
Bodhi Linux is an offshoot of the Ubuntu Linux operating system. This guide is suitable for anyone migrating to Linux from Windows, and explains in easy steps how to install Bodhi Linux on your computer, how to customize and use it, etc.
Book cover: Puppy LinuxPuppy Linux
- Wikibooks ,
Puppy Linux is a free distribution (distro) of Linux that can run live (without installation). It is specifically designed to be smaller than other distros (and faster or suitable for older hardware) but nevertheless fully featured.
Book cover: Linux SoundLinux Sound
by ,
There is a large variety of tools for every aspect of Linux sound system. If two methods are developed for one task, which one should be chosen? What are the distinguishing features of one solution that make it more appropriate for your problem?
Book cover: The Linux Command LineThe Linux Command Line
by - Lulu.com ,
Designed for the new command line user, this volume covers the same material as LinuxCommand.org but in much greater detail. In addition to the basics of command line use and shell scripting, the book includes some more advanced topics.
Book cover: CentOS EssentialsCentOS Essentials
by - Techotopia ,
CentOS Essentials is a book designed to provide detailed information on the use and administration of the CentOS 5.x Linux distribution. The book covers the basics of configuring the desktop environment, resolving screen resolution issues, etc.
Book cover: A Slackware Desktop Enhancement GuideA Slackware Desktop Enhancement Guide
by - Human Readable ,
The pros and cons of Slackware could be summarized in one word: minimalism. This guide will help people overcome some of the common usability hurdles infamously associated with Slackware. The result is a stable and satisfying operating system.
Book cover: Linux Quick Fix NotebookLinux Quick Fix Notebook
by - Prentice Hall ,
This book provides instructions on how to configure the most popular Linux back office applications. To avoid confusion between the many flavors of Linux, this book exclusively uses the command line to illustrate the tasks needed to be done.
Book cover: The Linux Gamers' HOWTOThe Linux Gamers' HOWTO
by ,
This is a stepping stone to to give people the knowledge to begin thinking about what is going on with their games. You need to know a little more about what's going on behind the scenes with your system to be able to keep your games healthy.
Book cover: Linux Parallel Processing HOWTOLinux Parallel Processing HOWTO
by - The Aggregate ,
This document discusses the basic approaches to parallel processing available to Linux users: SMP Linux systems, clusters of networked Linux systems, parallel execution using multimedia instructions, and attached processors hosted by a Linux system.
Book cover: The Linux Wireless LAN HowtoThe Linux Wireless LAN Howto
by ,
This document will explore the magical world of Wireless LANs and Linux. Wireless LAN is not a very widespread and well known technology, even in the Linux world, so we will try to gather here most of the available information.
Book cover: Linux IPv6 HOWTOLinux IPv6 HOWTO
by ,
The goal of the Linux IPv6 HOWTO is to answer both basic and advanced questions about IPv6 on the Linux operating system. This HOWTO will provide the reader with enough information to install, configure, and use IPv6 applications on Linux machines.
Book cover: Linux DictionaryLinux Dictionary
by ,
This document is designed to be a resource for those Linux users wishing to seek clarification on Linux/UNIX/POSIX related terms and jargon. At approximately 24000 definitions it is one of the largest Linux related dictionaries currently available.
Book cover: Guide to Managing Media and Public Relations in the Linux CommunityGuide to Managing Media and Public Relations in the Linux Community
by - Linux Professional Institute ,
This document is intended for people who want to learn practical ways to raise the profile of an organization or promote new programs. This guide provides information on how to generate positive public relations and news media coverage for Linux.
Book cover: The Linux KernelThe Linux Kernel
by ,
This text covers the kernel source, user space and the libc interface, system calls, signals, file names and files, filesystems, Linux virtual file system, memory, processes, character devices, asynchronous events, sysfs and kobjects, security.
Book cover: GNU/Linux Command-Line Tools SummaryGNU/Linux Command-Line Tools Summary
by ,
This document is an attempt to provide a summary of useful command-line tools available to a GNU/Linux based operating system, the tools listed are designed to benefit the majority of users and have being chosen at the authors discretion.
Book cover: Pocket Linux GuidePocket Linux Guide
by - LDP ,
The Pocket Linux Guide is for anyone interested in learning the techniques of building a GNU/Linux system from source code. Each chapter explores a small piece of the overall system explaining how it works, why it is needed and how to build it.
Book cover: Linux 102 Examination: Modular Training NotesLinux 102 Examination: Modular Training Notes
- Leading Edge Business Solutions ,
This course aims to equip you with the knowledge to be able to pass the LPI 102 examination (release 2). We hope that in the course of doing this course you will acquire the skills that go with an understanding of how Linux works.
Book cover: Linux 101 Examination: Modular Training NotesLinux 101 Examination: Modular Training Notes
- Leading Edge Business Solutions ,
This course material is based on the objectives for the Linux Professionals Institute's LPI 101 examination. The course is intended to provide you with the basic skills required for operating and administering Linux systems.
Book cover: Linux 101 HacksLinux 101 Hacks
by - The Geek Stuff ,
There are total of 101 hacks in this book that will help you build a strong foundation in Linux. All the hacks are explained with appropriate Linux command examples that are easy to follow. The hacks are concise, well written and easy to read.
Book cover: OpenSUSE Desktop EssentialsOpenSUSE Desktop Essentials
- Techotopia ,
The book covers the use and configuration of the openSUSE GNOME desktop environment. Topics covered include changing the background, installing and customizing themes, configuring fonts, configuring workspaces, remote access to the desktop, etc.
Book cover: GNU Emacs ManualGNU Emacs Manual
by - Free Software Foundation ,
GNU Emacs is much more than a word processor. This book explains the full range of Emacs' power and contains reference material useful to expert users. Appendices with specific material for Macintosh and Microsoft OS users are included.
Book cover: Slackware Linux Essentails, 2nd EditionSlackware Linux Essentails, 2nd Edition
by - FreeBSD Mall ,
This Book in designed to get you started with Slackware Linux operating system. It`s not meant to cover every single aspect of the distribution, but rather to show what it is capable of and give you a basic working knowledge of the system.
Book cover: Knowing KnoppixKnowing Knoppix
by - Wikibooks ,
This is a guide to the Knoppix Linux for the complete beginner. There is no need to install Knoppix, it runs Linux completely from a CD or DVD. Read this text if you are curious about Linux, and you want to discover what all the fuss is about.
Book cover: Self-Service Linux: Mastering the Art of Problem DeterminationSelf-Service Linux: Mastering the Art of Problem Determination
by - Prentice Hall PTR ,
The book goes into details about the linux system, how to use built in tools, how to read C source code, how that C source translates into assembly, how different assembly optimizations can make debugging difficult, the memory heap and stack, etc.
Book cover: Linux Kernel in a NutshellLinux Kernel in a Nutshell
by - O'Reilly Media, Inc. ,
Comprehensive overview of kernel configuration and building, a critical task for Linux users and administrators. The book covers configuration and installation steps, control of kernel options at runtime, determining what drivers are needed, etc.
Book cover: Linux InternalsLinux Internals
by - The Shuttleworth Foundation ,
A textbook that shows the internal workings of the system in an approachable fashion, so that anyone can use this text to learn. The authors explain the lower level information without becoming too entrenched in the nitty-gritty details.
Book cover: Linux from ScratchLinux from Scratch
by - Iuniverse Inc ,
Teaches you how a Linux operating system works internally and provides the necessary steps to build your own customized Linux system. Information are provided about all that makes Linux work, how system things get together, and depend on each other.
Book cover: Linux Client Migration CookbookLinux Client Migration Cookbook
- IBM.Com/Redbooks ,
Provides a technical planning reference for IT organizations that are considering a migration to Linux-based personal computers. This book explains some of the important planning issues that you could encounter during a migration project.
Book cover: Understanding the Linux Virtual Memory ManagerUnderstanding the Linux Virtual Memory Manager
by - Prentice Hall PTR ,
A comprehensive guide to the Linux VM, it explains in detail how the memory manager is implemented in Linux. The book also includes the theoretical foundations for VM which is of interest to both students and developers.