

e-books in Physiology category

Book cover: Energy MetabolismEnergy Metabolism
by - Frontiers Media SA ,
Energy metabolism is central to life and altered energy expenditure is responsible for development of the obese phenotype. Energy expenditure is the sum of resting EE, EE of physical activity, cold-induced thermogenesis and thermic effect of feeding.
Book cover: Critical Care PhysiologyCritical Care Physiology
by - MPublishing ,
This review of concepts in critical care physiology focuses on monitoring and management, with content limited to discussion of four topics in integrative physiology (oxygen kinetics, fluid and electrolytes, host defences and metabolism / nutrition).
Book cover: Pain, Its Origin, Conduction, Perception and Diagnostic SignificancePain, Its Origin, Conduction, Perception and Diagnostic Significance
by - D. Appleton ,
Pain is universal, and is present in practically every disease. The physician needs to know the various factors to which a certain pain may be due, and also the reasons why it should be produced and the different diseases giving rise to pain.

Book cover: Experimental Physiology and AnatomyExperimental Physiology and Anatomy
by - American Book Co. ,
This book represents a selection of experimental matter, adapted to the age of elementary students of the subject and which will present the facts of physiology in a concrete form. This is an attempt to place the subject on an experimental basis.
Book cover: Basic Anatomy and Physiology of Human BodyBasic Anatomy and Physiology of Human Body
by - National Open University of Nigeria ,
Anatomy and physiology are closely integrated both theoretically and practically. Anatomical information provides clues about probable functions and physiological mechanisms can be explained only in terms of the underlying anatomy.
Book cover: TRP Channels: Methods in Signal TransductionTRP Channels: Methods in Signal Transduction
by - CRC Press ,
A comprehensive review of the field, the book spans the information gap by providing broad coverage of current methods and techniques commonly used in TRP channel research, and detailed protocols with thorough discussions of the methods.
Book cover: Skeletal Muscle CirculationSkeletal Muscle Circulation
by - Morgan & Claypool Life Sciences ,
This treatise summarizes the current understanding of the mechanisms for blood flow control to skeletal muscle under resting conditions, how perfusion is elevated to meet the increased demand for oxygen and other substrates during exercise.
Book cover: Regulation of Tissue OxygenationRegulation of Tissue Oxygenation
by - Morgan & Claypool Life Sciences ,
This presentation describes various aspects of the regulation of tissue oxygenation, including the roles of the circulatory system, respiratory system, and blood, the carrier of oxygen within these components of the cardiorespiratory system.
Book cover: Protein Phosphorylation in Human HealthProtein Phosphorylation in Human Health
by - InTech ,
The book covers most important research hot points, such as Akt, AMPK and mTOR. Bridges the basic protein phosphorylation pathways with human health and diseases. Detailed and comprehensive text with excellent figure illustration.
Book cover: Apoptosis and MedicineApoptosis and Medicine
by - InTech ,
This book introduces the subject of apoptosis to the uninitiated, looks at apoptosis in normal physiology during bone resorption under mechanical stress, and reviews apoptosis in a number of pathological conditions with an emphasis on cancer.
Book cover: Sex HormonesSex Hormones
by - InTech ,
This is a systematic and updated overview of the male/female sex-hormones and their impact in the physiology of various organs. Additionally, the book discusses their positive and negative association with the pathophysiology of various diseases.
Book cover: Molecular Regulation of EndocytosisMolecular Regulation of Endocytosis
by - InTech ,
This volume is a compilation of scientific 'short stories' about the entry of external substances into cells. Endocytosis regulates diverse processes such as homeostasis of the cell, signal transduction, entry of pathogens and viruses.
Book cover: Iron MetabolismIron Metabolism
by - InTech ,
Iron has various functions in the body, including the metabolism of oxygen in a variety of biochemical processes. This book is reviews and summarizes recent developments in our understanding of iron transport and storage in living systems.
Book cover: Sensory SystemsSensory Systems
by - Wikibooks ,
The book presents our sensory system from an engineering and information processing point of view. This provides insight in the performance of our senses. It also provides understanding of how our senses transduce external information into signals.
Book cover: Bone RegenerationBone Regeneration
by - InTech ,
There are several modalities of bone regeneration including tissue engineering, guided bone regeneration, distraction ontogenesis, and bone grafting. This book concentrates on the recent outstanding breakthroughs in bone regenerative therapy.
Book cover: The Cerebral CirculationThe Cerebral Circulation
by - Morgan & Claypool Life Sciences ,
This book describes structural and functional properties of the cerebral circulation that are unique to the brain, an organ with high metabolic demands, and the need for tight water and ion homeostasis. Autoregulation is pronounced in the brain ...
Book cover: Capillary Fluid Exchange: Regulation, Functions, and PathologyCapillary Fluid Exchange: Regulation, Functions, and Pathology
by - Morgan & Claypool Life Sciences ,
The book summarizes our current understanding of the factors involved in the regulation of transcapillary fluid movement, how fluid movements across the endothelial barrier and through the interstitium and lymphatic vessels influence cell function.
Book cover: Applied PhysiologyApplied Physiology
by - Arnold ,
In the present book an attempt has been made to apply physiology to medicine in the same way as anatomy has long been applied to surgery. It is not intended to be a substitute for physiological textbooks, but merely a companion to them.
Book cover: Practical PhysiologyPractical Physiology
by - Longmans, Green ,
Physiology is the basis of medicine. The medical student should undergo a training in practical physiology, for thereby he learns to observe, to draw conclusions from his observations, and to unravel the causes of his failures.
Book cover: Hand-Book of PhysiologyHand-Book of Physiology
by - Murray ,
Human physiology is the science which treats of the life of man -- of the way in which he lives, and moves, and has his being. It teaches how man is begotten and born; how he attains maturity; and how he dies. This is a 1872 edition of the book.
Book cover: Physiology for BeginnersPhysiology for Beginners
by - MacMillan ,
Contents: The Skeleton; The Brain and Nerves; The Breathing; Hygiene of the Lungs; The Blood; Hygiene of the Circulation; Food; Digestion; Stimulants and Narcotics; How we Move; The Covering of the Body; The Special Senses; The Care of the Health.
Book cover: Applied PhysiologyApplied Physiology
by - American Book Company ,
This primary textbook of applied physiology follows a natural order of treatment. In each subject elementary anatomical facts are presented in a manner which impresses function rather than form, and from the form described derives the function.
Book cover: Mechanosensitivity in Cells and TissuesMechanosensitivity in Cells and Tissues
by - Academia Publishing House Ltd. ,
The rapidly growing cache of knowledge has not only provided the new insights into the function of mechanosensitivity in diverse tissues and organs, but has also displayed the potential therapeutic possibilities that arise from this understanding.
Book cover: Pain and Disability: Clinical, Behavioral, and Public Policy PerspectivesPain and Disability: Clinical, Behavioral, and Public Policy Perspectives
by - National Academies Press ,
This volume covers the epidemiology and physiology of pain; psychosocial contributions to pain and illness behavior; promising ways of assessing and measuring chronic pain; clinical aspects of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation.
Book cover: New Human PhysiologyNew Human Physiology
by - Copenhagen Medical Publishers ,
This is a textbook for students of medical physiology and a refresher for medical doctors. It integrates basic topics and the patho-physiological mechanisms governing human life. The book also contains clinical problems for students.
Book cover: Human PhysiologyHuman Physiology
- Wikibooks ,
Human Physiology explains the workings of your body, it is intended as an undergraduate-level guide to the functios of the body systems at a cellular level, and explains how they work together to maintain a favorable environment for your cells.