
Medicine: Genetics

e-books in Medicine: Genetics category

Book cover: Handbook of Genetic CounselingHandbook of Genetic Counseling
- Wikibooks ,
This book is an introduction to the discipline and practice of genetic counseling. The text provides an introduction to genetic counseling as a clinical practice and includes sample counseling outlines and letters for students of genetic counseling.
Book cover: Human Genome Editing: Science, Ethics, and GovernanceHuman Genome Editing: Science, Ethics, and Governance
- National Academies Press ,
This volume considers important questions about the human application of genome editing: balancing potential benefits with unintended risks, governing the use of genome editing, incorporating societal values into clinical applications, etc.
Book cover: Mapping Our Genes - Genome Projects: How Big? How Fast?Mapping Our Genes - Genome Projects: How Big? How Fast?
- U.S. Government Printing Office ,
The growing speed of research in molecular biology had led to proposals to apply novel molecular biological methods to the genetics of entire organisms. Research efforts aimed at mapping large portions or entire genomes are called genome projects ...

Book cover: DNA Helicases: Expression, Functions and Clinical ImplicationsDNA Helicases: Expression, Functions and Clinical Implications
by - Frontiers Media SA ,
In this research topic we will focus on the expression and functions of helicases and their encoding genes, reviewing recent research progresses that provide new insights into development of clinical and pharmaceutical treatments targeting helicases.
Book cover: Genetics and Epigenetics: A Historical OverviewGenetics and Epigenetics: A Historical Overview
by ,
We introduce genetics and epigenetics to the non-expert reader and give an account of the pivotal discoveries that shape these fields. The significance of major discoveries is explained and their impact on our understanding of epigenetic mechanisms.
Book cover: Mitochondrial Replacement TechniquesMitochondrial Replacement Techniques
- National Academies Press ,
This study examines the ethical issues related to MRTs, outlines principles that would provide a framework for oversight of MRTs, and develops recommendations to inform the Administration's consideration of investigational new drug applications.
Book cover: Making Sense of Your Genes: A Guide to Genetic CounsellingMaking Sense of Your Genes: A Guide to Genetic Counselling
- Genetic Alliance ,
The goal of genetic counseling is to help you learn more about the causes of genetic conditions and how they affect you. Genetic counselors can review your family medical histories and explain how genetic conditions are passed down through families.
Book cover: Biological Relatives: IVF, Stem Cells, and the Future of KinshipBiological Relatives: IVF, Stem Cells, and the Future of Kinship
by - Duke University Press ,
Franklin explores how the normalization of IVF has changed how both technology and biology are understood. Drawing on science studies, Franklin charts the evolution of IVF from an experimental research technique into a global technological platform.
Book cover: The Science and Applications of Microbial GenomicsThe Science and Applications of Microbial Genomics
- National Academies Press ,
Participants examined the use of microbial genomics to explore the diversity, evolution, and adaptation of microorganisms in a wide variety of environments; the molecular mechanisms of disease emergence and epidemiology; and more...
Book cover: Genetic DisordersGenetic Disorders
by - InTech ,
Human genetics is the medical field with the most rapid progress. This book aims to provide an overview on some of the latest developments in several genetic diseases. This is a valuable resource for medical practitioners, researchers and students.
Book cover: A Guide to Genetics and HealthA Guide to Genetics and Health
- Genetic Alliance ,
Genetics helps to explain: What makes you unique, or one of a kind; Why family members look alike; Why some diseases like diabetes or cancer run in families; How learning your family health history can help you stay healthy; and much more.
Book cover: Understanding GeneticsUnderstanding Genetics
- Genetic Alliance ,
The purpose of this manual is to provide an educational genetics resource for individuals, families, and health professionals. The manual begins with a basic introduction to genetics concepts, followed by a description of genetic tests.
Book cover: Genetic Testing StoriesGenetic Testing Stories
by - Genetic Alliance ,
Here is a collection of incredible stories: the stories of men, women, and children who have suffered from uncertainty, misdiagnosis, a lack of options and, in some cases, tragic loss. They offer us a window into the world of diagnostic odyssey...
Book cover: Chromosomal Variation in Man:Chromosomal Variation in Man:
by - National Center for Biotechnology Information ,
This volume provides an unparalleled means of reviewing the world literature on all common and rare chromosomal alterations and abnormalities. Subject areas: variations and anomalies, numerical anomalies, and chromosomal breakage syndromes.
Book cover: Mutations in Human Genetic DiseaseMutations in Human Genetic Disease
by - InTech ,
The authors from diverse backgrounds describe how the nature, location and frequency of different types of mutation causing inherited disease are shaped in large part, and often in remarkably predictable ways, by the local DNA sequence environment.
Book cover: Evaluating Human Genetic DiversityEvaluating Human Genetic Diversity
- National Academies Press ,
This report examines the scientific merits and value of research on human genetic or genomic variation and the organizational and ethical issues that such research poses in a more-general context than the proposed Human Genome Diversity Project.
Book cover: Gene Therapy: Developments and Future PerspectivesGene Therapy: Developments and Future Perspectives
by - InTech ,
The aim of this book is to cover key aspects of existing problems in the field of development and future perspectives in gene therapy. Contributions consist of basic and translational research, as well as clinical experiences.
Book cover: Human Genetics for the Social SciencesHuman Genetics for the Social Sciences
by - Sage Publications ,
This book is for students in the behavioral sciences who need to understand genetics, but who have little training in biology. The text provides the basic biology which is essential for genetics and an overview of the principles of genetics.
Book cover: The Evolution of AgingThe Evolution of Aging
by - Azinet LLC ,
This book provides a historical review of biological aging theories including underlying evolution and genetics issues and describes exciting recent discoveries and new theories that are causing renewed interest in aging-by-design.
Book cover: Comparative GenomicsComparative Genomics
by - Humana Press Inc. ,
A collection of robust protocols for molecular biologists beginning to use comparative genomic analysis tools in a variety of areas. The available chapters describe National Center for Biotechnology Information resources available to the public.
Book cover: The New GeneticsThe New Genetics
An introduction to genetics. From the table of contents: Foreword; How Genes Work; RNA and DNA Revealed: New Roles, New Rules; Life's Genetic Tree; Genes Are Us; 21st-Century Genetics; Glossary; Poster: Living Laboratories.
Book cover: Behavioral GeneticsBehavioral Genetics
by - AAAS ,
An introduction to how genes and environments interact through development to shape differences in mood, personality, and intelligence. An introduction for non-scientists to the behavioral genetics and its broader ethical and social implications.
Book cover: Justice and the Human Genome ProjectJustice and the Human Genome Project
by - University of California Press ,
This book's nine essays probe the potential social uses and abuses of detailed genetic information. Lucid and wide-ranging, these contributions will provoke discussion among bioethicists, legal scholars, and policy makers.
Book cover: Genethics: Moral Issues in the Creation of PeopleGenethics: Moral Issues in the Creation of People
by - University of California Press ,
Unprecedented advances in medicine, genetic engineering, and demographic forecasting raise new questions that strain the categories and assumptions of traditional ethical theories. Heyd's approach resolves many paradoxes in intergenerational justice.
Book cover: Help Me Understand GeneticsHelp Me Understand Genetics
- Genetics Home Reference ,
The handbook presents basic information about genetics in clear language: cells and DNA, how genes work, mutations and health, inheriting genetic conditions, genetic consultation, genetic testing, gene therapy, human genome project, genomic research.
Book cover: Handbook of Human Genetic LinkageHandbook of Human Genetic Linkage
by - Johns Hopkins University Press ,
This is a practical guide to human linkage analysis, with emphasis on the use of various computer programs. Much of the book consists of detailed instructions on how to carry out linkage analyses such that novices will be able to complete them.
Book cover: GenomesGenomes
by - Bios Scientific Publishers Ltd ,
Modern molecular genetics from the genomics perspective. It incorporates major advances made recently, including the sequencing of the human genome, characterization of genome expression and replication processes, and transcriptomics and proteomics.
Book cover: The Genetic Landscape of DiabetesThe Genetic Landscape of Diabetes
by - NCBI ,
Guide to the variations in our DNA that influences our risk of developing diabetes. The book introduces the reader to what diabetes is and how it develops. Written for anyone interested in science, patients with diabetes, physicians, students, etc.
Book cover: Genes and DiseaseGenes and Disease
- NCBI ,
A collection of articles that discuss genes and the diseases that they cause. These genetic disorders are organized by the parts of the body that they affect. With each genetic disorder, the underlying mutation is discussed.