e-books in International Economics category
by Matt Bakker - University of California Press , 2015
Matt Bakker examines how migrant remittances -- the resources of some of the world's least affluent people -- have come to be seen in recent years as a fundamental contributor to development in the migrant sending states of the global south.
by Ronald Lee, Andrew Mason - Edward Elgar Pub , 2011
Lee and Mason have done a magnificent service by undertaking this comprehensive, compelling, and supremely innovative examination of the economic consequences of changes in population age structure. The book will be a must read for the next decade.
by Edward L. Hudgins (ed.) - Cato Institute , 1997
Edward Hudgins argues that free trade is challenged from many parts of the political spectrum. Only international free trade and domestic free markets hold the promise of increasing living standards and job opportunities.
by Heather A. Conley - CSIS/Rowman & Littlefield , 2013
The book explores the key economic dynamics at play in the rapidly changing Arctic region. This report evaluates both the economic benefits of an increasingly open Arctic region and the costs of exploring the riches of the American Arctic.
by AP Faure - Bookboon , 2013
All aspects of the forex market are covered: organizational structure, cross rates, spreads, quotation conventions, role of exchange rates, participants, relationship with the balance of payments and the money stock, and other relevant issues.
by Klaus Solberg Søilen - BookBoon , 2012
With the shift from geopolitics to geoeconomics the focus is no longer the Heartland or the Rimland, or any coherent geographical region, but the set of all geographical locations containing important natural resources, so called Nareland.
by Jacob L. Mosak - Principia Press , 1944
From the table of contents: Static-Equilibrium Theory in International Trade; Intertemporal-Equilibrium Theory in International Trade: Individual Consumer Planning, Entrepreneurial Planning, Market Equilibrium in a Closed Economy, etc.
by Steve Suranovic - Saylor Foundation , 2010
The book is built on author's belief that to understand the international economy, students need to learn how economic models are applied to real world problems. Models provide insights about the world that are not obtainable solely by discussion.
by Steve Suranovic - Saylor Foundation , 2010
This text presents numerous models in some detail, not by employing advanced mathematics, but rather by a detailed description of how a model's assumptions influence its conclusions. Students will learn how the models connect with the real world.
by Robert A. Mundell - MacMillan , 1968
Topics covered: terms of trade, income transfers, productivity changes, tariffs, consumption taxes, production taxes, transport costs, tariff preferences, factor mobility, policy analysis in the context of general equilibrium systems, etc.
by Igor Eromenko - BookBoon , 2010
Topics covered: general characteristics of the World Trade Organization; common steps that have to be taken during the accession process; Computable General Equilibrium Models; application of CGE model to a specific case study; and more.
- Government Printing Office , 2015
A Basic Guide to Exporting is a good place to begin for anyone who's never had a course in international marketing. The book's sixteen chapters provide a comprehensive study of international marketing, and how to look at exporting as a process.
by Marco Mongiello - BookBoon , 2009
The author explains the informational value of an annual report under the IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards). Topics as the Balance sheet, Income statement, Cash flow statement and Statement of changes in equity are explained.
by Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe, Martin Uribe - Columbia University , 2014
The authors develop a theoretical framework for the analysis of the determinants of international capital movements, trade imbalances, and nominal and real exchange rates. The framework is then used as the basis for the discussion of policy issues.
by Steven M. Suranovic - internationalecon.com , 2007
It is important to understand the reasons why economists use the tools that they do and be forthright about their limitations. This text was designed to make information about international economics accessible for all who are interested.
- UNCTAD , 2009
The report highlights the areas in which the global economy experienced systemic failures. UNCTAD examines some of the problems to be tackled immediately because they can only be addressed through recognition of their multilateral dimensions.
by Michael L. Gerlach - University of California Press , 1997
This book attempts to explain the remarkable economic success of Japan in the postwar period - a success it is crucial for us to understand in a time marked by controversial trade imbalances and concerns over competitive industrial performance.
by James Markusen et al. - McGraw-Hill/Irwin , 1994
A comprehensive, balanced text, the perfect book for International Trade courses at the undergraduate level. It can also be used as a background text for beginning graduate courses. Intermediate Microeconomics is a pre-requisite for this text.
by Asterios G. Kefalas - South-Western Pub , 2008
This is a textbook on international business strategy. It provides a quick refresher on international economics, trade, and finance, and builds a good theoretical base before addressing the basic functions, or tasks, of global management.