

e-books in Macroeconomics category

Book cover: Macroeconomics: Theory through ApplicationsMacroeconomics: Theory through Applications
by - The Saylor Foundation ,
'Macroeconomics: Theory through Applications' will assist you in increasing students' economic literacy both by developing their aptitude for economic thinking and by presenting key insights about economics that every educated individual should know.
Book cover: MacroeconomicsMacroeconomics
by - Wikibooks ,
This textbook concerns the wonderful world of macroeconomics, or economics on a very large scale, concerning national and international systems. It is primarily aimed at students in their final few years of secondary education.
Book cover: A Discussion of Financial Economics in Actuarial ModelsA Discussion of Financial Economics in Actuarial Models
by - Arkansas Tech University ,
This book is intended to help individuals to pass actuarial exams. The manuscript covers the financial economics segment of Exam M referred to by MFE/3F. Answer keys are provided so that you check your numerical answers against the correct ones.
Book cover: Introduction to MacroeconomicsIntroduction to Macroeconomics
by - University of Vienna ,
Macroeconomics describes and explains economic processes that concern aggregates. An aggregate is a multitude of economic subjects that share some common features. By contrast, microeconomics treats economic processes that concern individuals.

Book cover: Introduction to MacroeconomicsIntroduction to Macroeconomics
by - Indiana-Purdue University ,
This is an introductory principle of economics text that covers topics in macroeconomics. The book presents factual material concerning the operation of the aggregate economy as well as the development of understanding of economic policy.
Book cover: Principles of MacroeconomicsPrinciples of Macroeconomics
by - Saylor Foundation ,
The authors teach economics as the study of choice by providing students with an accessible, straightforward overview of economics. This book helps students to understand how real individuals actually work with economics.
Book cover: Essentials of MacroeconomicsEssentials of Macroeconomics
by - BookBoon ,
In Macroeconomics the object is to study the performance, structure and behavior of a national or regional economy as a whole. This free 163-pages long textbook provides a comprehensive overview of all facets from Macroeconomics.
Book cover: The Stochastic Growth ModelThe Stochastic Growth Model
by - BookBoon ,
This text presents the stochastic growth model, a stochastic version of the neoclassical growth model with microfoundations, and provides the backbone of a lot of macroeconomic models that are used in modern macroeconomic research.
Book cover: Lectures in Open Economy MacroeconomicsLectures in Open Economy Macroeconomics
by - Duke University ,
An introduction to open economy macroeconomics. From the table of contents: A First Look at the Data; An Endowment Economy; An Economy with Capital; The Real Business Cycle Model; The Terms of Trade; Interest-Rate Shocks; Sovereign Debt.
Book cover: International MacroeconomicsInternational Macroeconomics
by - Columbia University ,
The authors develop a theoretical framework for the analysis of the determinants of international capital movements, trade imbalances, and nominal and real exchange rates. The framework is then used as the basis for the discussion of policy issues.
Book cover: Lecture Notes in Financial EconomicsLecture Notes in Financial Economics
by ,
The present Lecture Notes in Financial Economics are based on the author's teaching notes for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses on financial economics, macroeconomic dynamics, financial econometrics and financial engineering.
Book cover: Notes on Dynamic Methods in MacroeconomicsNotes on Dynamic Methods in Macroeconomics
by - UCL ,
These notes are targeted to advanced Master and Ph.D. students in economics. The material contained in these notes only assumes the reader to know basic math and static optimization, and a basic graduate knowledge of economics.
Book cover: Real Macroeconomic TheoryReal Macroeconomic Theory
by ,
These lecture notes cover a one-semester course. The overriding goal of the course is to begin provide methodological tools for advanced research in macroeconomics. The emphasis is on theory, although data guides the theoretical explorations.
Book cover: Quantitative Macroeconomics: An IntroductionQuantitative Macroeconomics: An Introduction
by ,
Business cycles are both important and, despite a large amount of economic research, still incompletely understood. In these notes the author will describe how to use standard neoclassical theory to explain business cycle fluctuations.
Book cover: Notes on Macroeconomic TheoryNotes on Macroeconomic Theory
by - University of Iowa ,
Contents: Simple Representative Agent Models; Growth With Overlapping Generations; Neoclassical Growth and Dynamic Programming; Endogenous Growth; Choice Under Uncertainty; Consumption and Asset Pricing; Search and Unemployment; etc.
Book cover: Macroeconomic Theory and PolicyMacroeconomic Theory and Policy
by - Simon Fraser University ,
The goal of this textbook is to provide students with an introduction to the microfoundations of macroeconomic theory. It is intended primarily as an exposition designed to illustrate the basic idea that underlies the modern research methodology.
Book cover: Recursive Models of Dynamic Linear EconomiesRecursive Models of Dynamic Linear Economies
by ,
This book views many apparently disparate dynamic economic models as examples of a single class of models that can be adapted and specialized. The goal is to create a class of models that merge recursive economic theory with dynamic econometrics.
Book cover: MAcroeconomics Lecture NotesMAcroeconomics Lecture Notes
by - Queen’s University ,
The course should help you: learn how models work; understand the models macroeconomists typically use; understand how shocks affect the economy; think about current and historical events in a disciplined way; and acquire research skills.
Book cover: MacroeconomicsMacroeconomics
by - UCLA ,
Work Effort, Production, and Consumption; The Behavior of Households with Markets for Commodities and Credit; The Demand for Money; The Market-Clearing Model; The Labor Market; Inflation; Business Cycles; Unemployment; Economic Growth; etc.
Book cover: Macroeconomic TheoryMacroeconomic Theory
by - Simon Fraser University ,
The purpose of this course is to put you in a position to read and analyze journal articles in macroeconomics. The goal of 'teaching you macroeconomics' by describing theories and empirical observations about the macroeconomy -- is secondary.
Book cover: Lecture Notes in MacroeconomicsLecture Notes in Macroeconomics
by ,
Lecture notes for a first-year graduate course in macroeconomics: Money and Prices; Nominal Rigidities and Economic Fluctuations; Macroeconomic Policy; Investment; Unemployment and Coordination Failure; Continuous-Time Dynamic Optimization.