e-books in Multivariable Calculus category
- OpenStax , 2016
The textbook guides students through the core concepts of calculus. Volume 3 covers parametric equations and polar coordinates, vectors, functions of several variables, multiple integration, and second-order differential equations.
by Wong Yan Loi - National University of Singapore , 2013
Contents: Vector Functions; Functions of several variables; Limits and Continuity; Partial Derivatives; Maximum and Minimum Values; Lagrange Multipliers; Multiple Integrals; Surface Area; Triple Integrals; Vector Fields; Line Integrals; etc.
by Kenneth Kuttler - Brigham Young University , 2011
This book presents the necessary linear algebra and then uses it as a framework upon which to build multivariable calculus. This is the correct approach, leaving open the possibility that at least some students will understand the topics presented.
by Jerry Shurman - Reed College , 2010
A text for a two-semester multivariable calculus course. The setting is n-dimensional Euclidean space, with the material on differentiation culminating in the Inverse Function Theorem, and the material on integration culminating in Stokes's Theorem.
by W W L Chen - Macquarie University , 2008
Introduction to multivariable and vector analysis: functions of several variables, differentiation, implicit and inverse function theorems, higher order derivatives, double and triple integrals, vector fields, integrals over paths, etc.
by George Cain, James Herod , 1997
The text covers Euclidean three space, vectors, vector functions, derivatives, more dimensions, linear functions and matrices, continuity, the Taylor polynomial, sequences and series, Taylor series, integration, Gauss and Green, Stokes.
by Paul Dawkins - Lamar University , 2011
These lecture notes should be accessible to anyone wanting to learn Calculus III or needing a refresher in some of the topics from the class. The notes assume a working knowledge of limits, derivatives, integration, parametric equations, vectors.
by Michael Corral - Schoolcraft College , 2008
A textbok on elementary multivariable calculus, the covered topics: vector algebra, lines, planes, surfaces, vector-valued functions, functions of 2 or 3 variables, partial derivatives, optimization, multiple, line and surface integrals.
by Dan Sloughter - Furman University , 2001
Many functions in the application of mathematics involve many variables simultaneously. This book introducses Rn, angles and the dot product, cross product, lines, planes, hyperplanes, linear and affine functions, operations with matrices, and more.
by Lynn H. Loomis, Shlomo Sternberg - Jones and Bartlett Publishers , 1989
Starts with linear algebra, then proceeds to introductory multivariate calculus, including existence theorems connected to completeness, integration, the Stokes theorem, a chapter on differential manifolds, exterior differential forms, etc.