
General & Introductory Physics

e-books in General & Introductory Physics category

Book cover: Body Physics: Motion to MetabolismBody Physics: Motion to Metabolism
by - Open Oregon Educational Resources ,
The book sticks to the basic functioning of the human body, from motion to metabolism, as a common theme through which the fundamental physics topics are introduced. It is designed to meet the objectives of a high school or freshman level course.
Book cover: Problems in Introductory PhysicsProblems in Introductory Physics
by - LightAndMatter.com ,
This book is a collection of homework problems for use in an introductory physics course. It is a work in progress, currently complete through mechanics and electromagnetism. There is a complete set of ancillary materials, including solutions.

Book cover: An Outline of First Year College PhysicsAn Outline of First Year College Physics
by - Barnes & Noble ,
The purpose of this book is to summarize the essential features of first year college physics. The subject matter is divided into the classical branches of mechanics, properties of matter, wave motion, sound, heat, electricity, magnetism, and light.
Book cover: Theoretical Physics ReferenceTheoretical Physics Reference
by - Theoretical-Physics.net ,
This is an attempt to derive all theoretical physics equations (ever needed for applications) from the general and special relativity and the standard model of particle physics. All calculations are very explicit, with no intermediate steps left out.
Book cover: Funadamentals Of Physical ScienceFunadamentals Of Physical Science
by - McGraw-Hill ,
This is a book for college students who wish a general knowledge of the physical sciences rather than detailed knowledge in any one science. It should likewise fill the need of the general reader, who seeks information about the methods of science.
Book cover: Elementary Physics II: Oscillations, WavesElementary Physics II: Oscillations, Waves
by - Bookboon ,
We begin by discussing waves in matter - sound being a special case. To understand the nature of light we begin by introducing Electric and Magnetic fields and build the relationships which develop into the Maxwell's Electromagnetic Field Equations.
Book cover: Essential Graduate PhysicsEssential Graduate Physics
by - Stony Brook University ,
The goal was to make students familiar with the basic notions of physics, and the main effort was to organize the material in a logical sequence. Topics: Classical Mechanics, Classical Electrodynamics, Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics.
Book cover: Algebra-Based College PhysicsAlgebra-Based College Physics
by - Bookboon ,
This book (Part I and II) grew from the request of the author's students to provide a concise, but yet comprehensive text of the key topics and concepts covered in his algebra-based introductory physics course at a comprehensive public university.
Book cover: Elementary Physics I: Kinematics, Dynamics and ThermodynamicsElementary Physics I: Kinematics, Dynamics and Thermodynamics
by - Bookboon ,
This book develops the ideas which are necessary for a beginning student to appreciate physics at the most fundamental level. The topics covered are: varieties of motion and causes thereof, conservation principles, energy, momentum, gravitation, etc.
Book cover: The Feynman Lectures on PhysicsThe Feynman Lectures on Physics
by - The California Institute of Technology ,
This is a 1964 physics textbook based upon the lectures given by Feynman to undergraduate students at Caltech. It includes lectures on mathematics, electromagnetism, Newtonian physics, quantum physics, and the relation of physics to other sciences.
Book cover: Problems and Questions in PhysicsProblems and Questions in Physics
by - The Macmillan Company ,
A numerical example in Physics serves a manifold purpose. It takes the mathematical expression of a physical law out of the realm of mere abstraction, by emphasizing the connection between such a law and the phenomena of daily observation.
Book cover: Learn Physics TodayLearn Physics Today
by - easyphysics.net ,
An online physics tutorial. Contents: Velocity; Acceleration; Forces and Newton's Laws; Motion in Two Dimensions; Projectile and Periodic Motion; Waves; Sound; Light; Electric Forces; Electric Field; The Current; Basic Circuit; Advanced Circuit.
Book cover: ABE Advanced Level PhysicsABE Advanced Level Physics
by - OpenStax College ,
This book is intended to meet the needs of the Advanced Level Physics course (roughly Grade 11). The text includes learning objectives, concept questions, links to labs and simulations, and ample practice opportunities to solve application problems.
Book cover: General Physics IIGeneral Physics II
by - East Tennessee State University ,
General Physics II is the second course in a two-semester sequence that covers the following four main sections of classical physics: electromagnetism, wave mechanics, electromagnetic radiation and its interaction with matter, and optics.
Book cover: Text-Book of General PhysicsText-Book of General Physics
by - Amer. Bk. Co ,
A textbook which states the theory of the subject in a clear and logical manner so that recitations can be held on it. Divided into sections: Mechanics and Properties of Matter, Heat, Vibrations and Waves, Sound, Light, Magnetism and Electricity.
Book cover: Understanding PhysicsUnderstanding Physics
by - Springer ,
Provides a thorough grounding in contemporary physics while placing physics into its social context. A course designed for students preparing to enter fields outside of science or engineering, including students planning to teach in K-12 classrooms.
Book cover: Physics with CalculusPhysics with Calculus
- Wikibooks ,
This textbook is designed for use with first- and second-year college level physics for engineers and scientists. While the content is not mathematically complicated or very advanced, the students are expected to be familiar with calculus.
Book cover: The Universe is Only SpacetimeThe Universe is Only Spacetime
by - onlyspacetime.com ,
This book makes the case that everything in the universe can be formed from the single building block of 4 dimensional spacetime. It shows how all fundamental particles, forces and cosmology can be derived from this energetic spacetime.
Book cover: Introductory Physics NotesIntroductory Physics Notes
by - University of Winnipeg ,
These notes constitute a general, non-calculus introductory physics course. Topics: Motion; Force; Work and Energy; Momentum and Collisions; Circular Motion; Solids and Fluids; Vibrations and Waves; Electric Fields and Potentials; and more.
Book cover: Preparing for College PhysicsPreparing for College Physics
by - TTU ,
In this booklet I've tried to pick out the bits of your math courses that you will really need to get through your first courses in physics and chemistry. In addition, I give some directions on how to use an inexpensive scientific calculator.
Book cover: Worked Examples from Introductory PhysicsWorked Examples from Introductory Physics
by - TTU ,
Physics is learned through problem-solving. This book is a set of example problems typical of those given in non-calculus physics courses solved and explained. This text is here to help you with the physics course you're taking.
Book cover: PhysicsPhysics
by - P. Blakiston's Son & Co. ,
In the preparation of this text, the pupil, his experience and interests have been constantly kept in mind. The order of topics, illustrations, and problems have been selected with the purpose of a clear understanding of the physical phenomena.
Book cover: College PhysicsCollege Physics
- OpenStax College ,
This introductory, algebra-based, two-semester college physics book is grounded with real-world examples to help students grasp key, fundamental physics concepts. It includes learning objectives, concept questions, and ample practice opportunities.
Book cover: An Introduction to PhysicsAn Introduction to Physics
by - Library Press ,
In the following pages a scheme of the subject is developed, which forms a two-year course when two or three hours a week are devoted to the subject. The portions of Physics usually treated under Applied Mechanics and Electricity have been omitted.
Book cover: PhysicsPhysics
by - Scott, Foresman and Co ,
The aim is to show the student that knowledge of physics enables him to answer many of the questions over which he has puzzled long in vain. The development of each equation is presented with the aid of physical, rather than mathematical concepts.
Book cover: Light and MatterLight and Matter
by ,
This is a textbook intended for a one-year introductory course. Algebra and trig are used, and there are optional calculus-based sections. Topics covered: Newtonian physics, conservation laws, vibrations and waves, electricity and magnetism, optics.
Book cover: A-level Physics (Advancing Physics)A-level Physics (Advancing Physics)
- Wikibooks ,
The book contains everything you need to know for the OCR Physics B (Advancing Physics) specification. Contents: Physics in Action; Understanding Processes; Physics in Practice; Rise and Fall of the Clockwork Universe; Field and Particle Pictures.
Book cover: The Physics HypertextbookThe Physics Hypertextbook
by - physics.info ,
Table of Contents: Prefaces; Mechanics (Kinematics, Dynamics, Energy, Rotational Motion, Planetary Motion, Periodic Motion, Fluids); Thermal Physics; Waves and Optics; Electricity and Magnetism; Modern Physics; Foundations.
Book cover: Elementary Physics for EngineersElementary Physics for Engineers
by - Cambridge University Press ,
An elementary textbook for first year students taking an engineering course. The author presents some essential facts of elementary physics as briefly and straightforwardly as possible without any insistence upon details of no practical importance.
Book cover: Physics for Technical StudentsPhysics for Technical Students
by - McGraw-Hill ,
The practical side of the subject has been emphasized throughout. This method will sustain interest in the subject by showing its applications. More space than usual has been devoted to Force, Torque, Translatory Motion, and Rotary Motion.
Book cover: Physics for College StudentsPhysics for College Students
by - Allyn and Bacon ,
Contents: MECHANICS (Kinematics, Dynamics, Mechanics of Fluids); SOUND (Waves, Transmission, Music); LIGHT (Nature of Light, Sensations of Color, Optical Instruments); HEAT (Transmission and Radiation, Thermodynamics); MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY.
Book cover: Physics for University StudentsPhysics for University Students
by - Allyn and Bacon ,
Contents: HEAT: Temperature and its Measurement; Expansion; Transmission of Heat; Radiation and Absorption; Thermodynamics; Kinetic Theory of Gases; ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM: Electric Charges; Electrical Potential; Capacity and Condensers; etc.
Book cover: Physics Study GuidePhysics Study Guide
by - Wikibooks ,
This guide is meant as a supplement to a year long freshman level physics course with a trigonometry prerequisite. The overview of equations and definitions and eventually sample problem solutions are pertinent to an introductory physics course.
Book cover: General Physics: An Elementary Text-Book for CollegesGeneral Physics: An Elementary Text-Book for Colleges
by - MacMillan ,
The fundamental principles of physics are covered: kinematics, simple harmonic motion, some general and special properties of matter, waves, sound, theory of heat, magnetism, electrostatics, electric currents, light, optical instruments.
Book cover: 21st Century Physics21st Century Physics
by - CK-12 Foundation ,
Contents: Gravitation; Nuclear Energy; The Standard Model of Particle Physics; The Standard Model and Beyond; A Brief Synopsis of Modern Physics; Nanoscience; Biophysics; Kinematics: Motion, Work, and Energy; Laboratory Activities; etc.
Book cover: People's Physics Book - BasicPeople's Physics Book - Basic
- CK-12 Foundation ,
The book gives a multifaceted strategy to teach physics conceptually and mathematically. Contents: Units; Wave; Light; Optics; Force; Motion; Projectile Motion; Momentum; Energy; Heat; Circular Motion; Gravity; Electrostatics; DC Electric Circuits.
Book cover: College Physics for Students of Biology and ChemistryCollege Physics for Students of Biology and Chemistry
by - Raymond Walters College ,
This textbook is intended as a vehicle for students in the biological and chemical sciences, enabling them to understand the physical underpinnings of their later studies. The systems under investigation will relate to human physiology.
Book cover: Practical PhysicsPractical Physics
by - Ginn & Company ,
The chief aim of this book in all of its editions has been to present elementary physics in such a way as to stimulate the pupil to do some thinking on his own account about the hows and whys of the physical world in which he lives.
Book cover: Applications of Classical PhysicsApplications of Classical Physics
by - California Institute of Technology ,
An introduction to the fundamentals and applications of all the major branches of classical physics. We shall take a journey through spacetime and phase space, through statistical and continuum mechanics, and through optics and relativity.
Book cover: Essential Physics 1Essential Physics 1
by - Archive.org ,
Introduction to classical and special relativity, Newtonian dynamics and gravitation, Einsteinian dynamics and gravitation, and wave motion. This is a book for first-year college students who have an interest in pursuing a career in Physics.
Book cover: Introductory Physics IIntroductory Physics I
by ,
A free textbook for Newtonian mechanics, waves and oscillations, and thermodynamics. This text is intended to be used in the first semester of a two-semester series of courses teaching introductory physics at the college level.
Book cover: FHSST PhysicsFHSST Physics
- Wikibooks ,
A high school textbook on physics covering waves and wavelike motion, forces, momentum, work and energy, collisions, gravitation, pressure, heat, electrostatics, electricity, magnetism, electronics, the atom, modern physics, atomic nucleus.
Book cover: Calculus-Based Physics Volume 2Calculus-Based Physics Volume 2
by ,
An introductory physics textbook, volume 2 covers the electric field, potential, voltage, electric current, resistors, Kirchhoff's rules, magnetic field, electromagnetic waves, diffraction, interference, geometric optics, Maxwell's equations.
Book cover: Calculus-Based Physics Volume 1Calculus-Based Physics Volume 1
by ,
An introductory physics textbook, volume 1 covers conservation energy and momentum, motion, force, Newton’s laws, circular motion, moment of inertia, statics, work and energy, impulse and momentum, oscillations, waves, fluids, thermodynamics.
Book cover: Simple NatureSimple Nature
by - LightAndMatter.com ,
A calculus-based textbook for an introductory physics course. It covers mechanics, conservation laws, thermodynamics, and relativity. The 2nd part covers electricity and magnetism, and quantum physics. The new edition includes a chapter on optics.
Book cover: Discover PhysicsDiscover Physics
by - Lightandmatter.com ,
This is a conceptual physics textbook intended for students in a nonmathematical one-semester general-education course. The text covers conservation laws, electricity, magnetism, electromagnetic fields, theory of relativity and optics.
Book cover: Conceptual PhysicsConceptual Physics
by - Lightandmatter.com ,
Conceptual Physics is a nonmathematical physics textbook, dealing with conservation of mass and energy, conservation of momentum, conservation of angular momentum, relativity, electricity, fields, the ray model of light and waves.
Book cover: Motion MountainMotion Mountain
by - motionmountain.net ,
The physics textbook written for the curious reader. It is surprising, entertaining and challenging on every page. It covers fascinating parts of mechanics, thermodynamics, relativity, electrodynamics, quantum theory and unification theories.