
Walter Scott

e-books in Walter Scott category

Book cover: The Black DwarfThe Black Dwarf
by - DeWolfe, Fiske ,
The story is set just after the Union of Scotland and England (1707). The dwarf is Sir Edward Mauley, a hermit regarded by the locals as being in league with the Devil, who becomes embroiled in a complex tale of love, revenge, and betrayal.
Book cover: WoodstockWoodstock
by - Archibald Constable and Co. ,
Set just after the English Civil War, the story was inspired by the legend of the Good Devil of Woodstock, which in 1649 supposedly tormented parliamentary commissioners who had taken possession of a royal residence at Woodstock, Oxfordshire.

Book cover: The TalismanThe Talisman
by ,
Set in the deserts around Syria and Palestine, Talisman is Walter Scott's classic tale of the Crusade. In Talisman, no one is who you think they are and if they are, and neither are they on the side you expect. It makes fascinating reading...
Book cover: The Surgeon's DaughterThe Surgeon's Daughter
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Scott wrote this novel in 1827, the first of his last six hard years as he struggled to solve the financial problems that had come to consume his life. The book is filled with drama and humor, while set in one of the most interesting times.
Book cover: Saint Ronan's WellSaint Ronan's Well
by - J.M. Dent ,
Set in Scotland, at the beginning of the 19th century, Scott's story turns its back upon the wars waging on the world's stage and presents a regency comedy. Meg Dodd, a sentimental virago, keeps a run-down inn in a derelict Tweedale village ...
Book cover: Rob RoyRob Roy
by - Estes And Lauriat ,
This novel helped establish the historical novel as a literary form. In rich prose and vivid description, author follows the adventures of Frank Osbaldistone, who is sent to Scotland and finds himself drawn to the powerful figure of Rob Roy.
Book cover: RedgauntletRedgauntlet
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Scott's 1824 Redgauntlet is the final novel in his series about the doomed Jacobite cause. This warm and wonderfully relaxed novel celebrating, among other things, friendship, is also a penetrating psychological study of attachment to a lost cause.
Book cover: Peveril of the PeakPeveril of the Peak
by - George Routledge ,
Ranging from Derbyshire to the Isle of Man and culminating in London, this novel interweaves political intrigue, personal responsibilities and the ways in which the forces of history are played out in the struggles of individual human lives.
Book cover: The AntiquaryThe Antiquary
by - Estes and Lauriat ,
The Antiquary, Scott's personal favorite among his novels, is characteristically wry and urbane. It deals with the problem of how to understand the past so as to enable the future. Set in the tense times of the wars with revolutionary France.
Book cover: KenilworthKenilworth
by ,
Amy is married to the Earl of Leicester, one of the queen's favorites, who must keep his marriage secret or else incur royal displeasure. Rich in character, melodrama, and romance, Kenilworth is rivaled only by the great Elizabethan dramas.
Book cover: Guy ManneringGuy Mannering
by - Estes & Lauriat ,
Narrating the story of Harry and his adventures, this amazing work dwells on the ups and downs he faced throughout his life. As Mannering, the student of astrology, foresees this child's future, everything appears to be in turmoil and mayhem.
Book cover: IvanhoeIvanhoe
by - A. C. McClurg & co ,
Chivalric novel, skillful blend of historic reality, high adventure and chivalric romance in Medieval England. Ivanhoe returns from the Crusades and defendedst Rebecca against a charge of witchcraft, but Lady Rowena is his true love.
Book cover: WaverleyWaverley
by - Estes and Lauriat ,
Sir Walter Scott's first book is an 1814 historical novel, which was an astonishing success at the time. The text is an attempt at describing the Scottish landscape and the features of life during the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745.