
History of China

e-books in History of China category

Book cover: Ancient China SimplifiedAncient China Simplified
by - Chapman & Hall ,
This is an easy to read yet highly informative history of ancient China. It is a classic in the field and covers all aspects of ancient Chinese life and culture. From the dynasties of the kings to the occupations and entertainments of the people.
Book cover: Two Years in the Forbidden CityTwo Years in the Forbidden City
by - Moffat, Yard and company ,
Der Ling served as a lady-in-waiting to the Empress Dowager Ci-Xi in the early years of the 20th Century. Her insider view gives a captivating and intimate portrait of the Dragon Lady, who brought the country to the brink of destruction.

Book cover: Drugging a Nation: The Story of China and the Opium CurseDrugging a Nation: The Story of China and the Opium Curse
by - Success Magazine ,
A personal investigation, during an extended tour, of the conditions of the opium trade in China and its effects upon the nation. Though frankly journalistic in tone, the book presents something more than the hasty conclusions of a journalist.
Book cover: Inscribed Landscapes: Travel Writing from Imperial ChinaInscribed Landscapes: Travel Writing from Imperial China
by - University of California Press ,
This anthology is the only comprehensive collection in English of Chinese travel writing from the first century A.D. through the nineteenth. The anthology is abundantly illustrated with paintings, portraits, maps, and drawings.
Book cover: Chinese History in Economic PerspectiveChinese History in Economic Perspective
by - University of California Press ,
The essays assembled here represent a turning point in the study of Chinese economic history. These studies break new ground, bringing Western economic theory to the study of China's economy since the seventeenth century.
Book cover: The Civilization of ChinaThe Civilization of China
by - H. Holt and Company ,
A brief outline of Chinese civilization from the earliest times down to the 20th century. The book was written for readers who know little or nothing of China, in the hope that it may succeed in alluring them to a wider and more methodical survey.