

e-books in Buddhism category

Book cover: Buddhist Approaches to Human Rights: Dissonances and ResonancesBuddhist Approaches to Human Rights: Dissonances and Resonances
by - Transcript-Verlag ,
This volume provides academic essays that reflect this up to now rather neglected issue from the point of view of the three main Buddhist traditions. It provides multi-faceted and surprising insights into a rather unlikely relationship.
Book cover: Zen Buddhism and its Relation to ArtZen Buddhism and its Relation to Art
by - Luzac & Co. ,
This book is based on the study of original texts and furnishes some information not hitherto accessible. It tells us a little about what Zen actually is, about its relation to ordinary Buddhism, and the nature of its influence upon the arts.
Book cover: The Fundamentals of BuddhismThe Fundamentals of Buddhism
by ,
Pannavaddho starts with the fundamentals of Buddhism and delves into the deep essence of the Dhamma. The fundamental nature of Buddhism is based on the human being, and what the human being is. The Buddha found there was one fundamental problem...
Book cover: The Gospel of BuddhaThe Gospel of Buddha
by - ManyBooks ,
This excellent anthology of the Buddhist Canon gives those new to Buddhism a very concise overview to the teachings of the Buddha. The book does a great job of presenting some of the most important aspects of the Dhamma in a logical order.

Book cover: The Buddhist CatechismThe Buddhist Catechism
by - Theosophical Publishing House ,
Questions and answers on Buddhism grouped in categories: (1) The Life of the Buddha; (2) the Doctrine; (3) the Sangha, or monastic order; (4) a brief history of Buddhism, its Councils and propaganda; (5) some reconciliation of Buddhism with science.