e-books in Analytic Geometry category
by W. F. Osgood, W. C. Graustein - Macmillan and co. , 1921
The object of an elementary college course in Analytic Geometry is is to acquaint the student with new and important geometrical material, and to provide him with powerful tools for the study of geometry and pure mathematics, physics and engineering.
by Percey F. Smith, A. S. Gale - Ginn & company , 1904
This is a drill book for beginners which presents the elements of the subject in a manner conforming with modern ideas. The scope is limited by the assumption that a knowledge of Algebra through quadratics must suffice for any investigation ...
by Robert J.T. Bell - Macmillan , 1963
For the student whose interests lie in the direction of Applied Mathematics, the book provides a complete exposition of the properties of the plane, the straight line, and the conicoids. It is also intended to furnish him with a book of reference.
by M. Briot, M. Bouquet - Werner school book company , 1896
This translation has been made with the hope that the high scientific character of Briot et Bouquets Legons de Geometric Analytique may contribute something toward the improvement of the standard of instruction in the elements of analytical geometry.
by V. Snyder, T.P. Hill - H. Holt and Company , 1914
In this book, the first eight chapters include the subjects usually treated in rectangular coordinates. They presuppose as much knowledge of algebra, geometry, and trigonometry as in the major requirement of the College Entrance Examination Board.
by E.W. Nichols - Leach, Shewell & Sanborn , 1892
This textbook is designed for Colleges, Universities, and Technical Schools. The aim of the author has been to prepare a work for beginners, and at the same time to make it sufficiently comprehensive for the requirements of an undergraduate course.
by F.S. Woods, F.H. Bailey - Ginn and Company , 1917
The first part of the book brings together all methods for the graphical representation of functions of one variable, and analytic geometry of two dimensions. The transition to the calculus is made early through the discussion of slope and area ...
by A. Ziwet, L.A. Hopkins, E.R. Hedrick - The Macmillan Company , 1913
The book combines analytic geometry and topics traditionally treated in college algebra that depend upon geometric representation. Through this combination it becomes possible to show the student more directly the meaning of these subjects.
by Frederick S. Woods - Ginn & Co. , 1922
This book aims to present some of the general concepts and methods which are necessary for advanced work in algebraic geometry, and thus to bridge the gap between the usual text in analytic geometry and treatises or articles on special topics.
by Ruslan Sharipov - UFA , 2011
This is a regular textbook of analytical geometry covering vector algebra and its applications to describing straight lines, planes, and quadrics in two and three dimensions. The book is addressed to students of mathematics, physics and engineering.
by Alfred Baker - W. J. Gage , 1905
The principles of Analytical Geometry are developed in the first two chapters of this book. The remainder of the book is occupied in applying the principles and methods of Analytical Geometry to the straight line, circle, parabola, etc.
by L. P. Siceloff, G. Wentworth, D. E. Smith - Ginn and Company , 1922
Contents: Geometric Magnitudes; Loci and their Equations; The Straight Line; The Circle; Transformation of Coordinates; The Parabola; The Ellipse; The Hyperbola; Conics in General; Polar Coordinates; Higher Plane Curves; Point, Plane, and Line; etc.