e-books in J. Allan Dunn category

by J. Allan Dunn - Doubleday, Page & company , 1920
There was Wat Lyman, whose white beard fanned wide and low across his faded blue shirt and whose time and weather-beaten face, like a carving in mahogany, was seamed like the payrock he had spent his life in seeking - Wat Lyman, prospector ...

by J. Allan Dunn - A. M. Robertson , 1913
Metropolitan as it is, San Francisco is still an outpost on the frontier line of the Grand Army of Progress, with its citizens of today as redblooded , as full of the joy of living and the triumph of achieving as their forebears and forerunners ...

by J. Allan Dunn - Small, Maynard & Company , 1921
Sheridan, rancher of Chico Mesa, had big dreams of irrigating the mesa. His plan conceived the raising of high-bred beef-cattle on a big scale, fattening them on alfalfa grown under irrigation, producing first-quality beef, commanding a top price...

by J. Allan Dunn - The Frank A. Munsey Company , 1920
It was perfect weather along the San Francisco water-front, and Rainey reacted to the brisk touch of the trade-wind upon his cheek, the breeze tempering the sun, bringing with it a tang of the open sea and a hint of Oriental spices from the wharves.

by J. Allan Dunn - Doubleday, Page & Company , 1921
The usual ingredients of the Western story: three Arizona cowboys, gold mines, bad men, and a beautiful girl. The two men followed the dog across the flats, through mesquite, through scattered greasewood, mounting gradually through chaparral...

by J. Allan Dunn - Sacred Texts , 1916
Our two heros stumbling on a trail of evidence leading to a mystical city deep in the Amazon, a shard of the lost continent where everyone speaks Ancient Greek, but live like Minoans, with a separate woman-only city devoted to worshipping a goddess.