
Ada Programming Language

e-books in Ada Programming Language category

Book cover: Ada Quality and Style GuideAda Quality and Style Guide
- Wikibooks ,
This guide helps computer professionals produce better Ada programs by identifying a set of stylistic guidelines that will impact the quality of their Ada programs. The guidelines also provide usage examples, in addition to possible exceptions.
Book cover: Introducing Ada 95Introducing Ada 95
by ,
Ada is a language of special value in the development of large programs which must work reliably. This document introduces Ada 95, which increases the flexibility of Ada making it applicable to wider domains but retains the inherent reliability.
Book cover: Ada-95: A guide for C and C++ programmersAda-95: A guide for C and C++ programmers
by - Ada Home ,
This tutorial for C/C++ programmers shows them what Ada can provide and how to set about turning the experience they have gained in C/C++ into good Ada programming. It covers the Ada types, language constructs, Object Oriented programming, etc.
Book cover: Ada 95 Reference ManualAda 95 Reference Manual
by - Springer ,
This manual is identical to the standard ISO/IEC 8652:1995(E) for the Ada programming language. The new enhancements make Ada 95 an outstanding language. The flexibility, object orientation, and improved interfacing capabilities have been added.

Book cover: Ada in Action, Second EditionAda in Action, Second Edition
by ,
This book does not teach the Ada programming language, you should be familiar with Ada syntax and semantics. The author shares the experiences he has had using Ada in engineering applications. This text will help you avoid some common pitfalls.
Book cover: Ada 95 Rationale - The Language - The Standard LibrariesAda 95 Rationale - The Language - The Standard Libraries
by ,
This document describes the rationale for Ada 95, the revised International Standard. It introduces to Ada 95 and its features, gives a detailed account of the core language, covers the various annexes which address the predefined environment, etc.
Book cover: Quick AdaQuick Ada
by ,
The history of Ada, sample programs, lexical conventions, basics types of Ada, control structures, arrays, records, subprograms, packages, generics, exceptions, files, access types, object oriented features of Ada, concurrency support, etc.
Book cover: The Big Online Book of Linux Ada ProgrammingThe Big Online Book of Linux Ada Programming
by - PegaSoft ,
This text covers basic software development on Linux, a review of the core Ada 95 language, and an introduction to designing programs that work with the Linux kernel and standard C libraries. It also covers some of the Ada bindings.
Book cover: Ada 95: The Lovelace TutorialAda 95: The Lovelace Tutorial
by - Springer ,
An introduction to Ada 95, a basic understanding of programming is assumed. Object-oriented facilities of Ada are covered in depth, and all of the essential features of Ada are covered thoroughly. Written for students and professional programmers.
Book cover: Ada ProgrammingAda Programming
- Wikibooks ,
This text is an Ada programming language tutorial. Ada puts emphasis on good software engineering practices that scale well to very large software systems. This is the first Ada tutorial covering the new Ada 2005 standard.
Book cover: Object Oriented Software in Ada 95Object Oriented Software in Ada 95
by ,
The text for students and programmers who wish to learn the object-oriented language Ada 95. It covers the basic constructs in the Ada 95, the object-oriented features of the language, and an introduction to the tasking features of Ada.
Book cover: Ada 95: The Craft of Object-Oriented ProgrammingAda 95: The Craft of Object-Oriented Programming
by - Prentice Hall ,
A beginner's introduction to Ada 95, it uses an example-driven approach that gradually develops large case-study type programs. The text also covers exception handling, user-defined types, procedures, functions, and packages.
Book cover: Ada DistilledAda Distilled
by - AdaWorks ,
An introduction for experienced programmers new to Ada. The text highlights some key features of the language, with coded examples. It emphasizes syntax, control structures, subprogram rules, and how-to coding issues rather than design issues.