
Materials Science

e-books in Materials Science category

Book cover: Introduction to the Physics of Silicene and other 2D MaterialsIntroduction to the Physics of Silicene and other 2D Materials
by - Springer ,
This book offers an essential introduction and reference guide for the many newcomers to the field of physics of elemental 2D materials. It reviews the most crucial developments regarding silicene from both theoretical and experimental perspectives.
Book cover: Fatigue DamageFatigue Damage
by - MDPI AG ,
This volume deploys physics of fatigue and failure techniques, modelling of the structural response with respect to both local and global failures, and structural design that accounts for scale and time effects in preventing engineering failures.
Book cover: Plasma Processing of MaterialsPlasma Processing of Materials
- The National Academies Press ,
This book describes the relationship between plasma processes and the many industrial applications, examines in detail plasma processing in the electronics industry, highlights the scientific foundation underlying this technology, and more.
Book cover: Carbon FibersCarbon Fibers
by - MDPI AG ,
The focus is on just one area of carbon research: fibers. The topics covered include new fiber fabrication protocols, mechanical behavior of fiber reinforced polymers, new techniques to study the microstructure of fiber containing composites, etc.

Book cover: Non-Destructive TestingNon-Destructive Testing
by - InTech ,
Non-destructive testing (NDT) is based on inspection methodologies that do not require the change or destruction of the component under evaluation. Numerous NDT techniques are increasingly used, thanks to the recent advances in sensing technologies.
Book cover: Radiation Effects in MaterialsRadiation Effects in Materials
by - InTech ,
The types of radiation that can alter structural materials consist of neutrons, ions, electrons, gamma rays or other electromagnetic waves. The book contains four sections: Ionic Materials; Biomaterials; Polymeric Materials and Metallic Materials.
Book cover: MicrolensesMicrolenses
by - MDPI AG ,
The book covers most of the active areas of research in microlenses and microlens arrays. The papers are on the fabrication and characterization of microlenses and microlens arrays, integration of microlenses into complex micro-optical modules, etc.
Book cover: Metallography and Microstructure of Ancient and Historic MetalsMetallography and Microstructure of Ancient and Historic Metals
by - Oxford University Press ,
This book provides an introduction to the structure and morphology of ancient and historic metallic materials. It deals extensively with many practical matters relating to the mounting, preparation, polishing, and microscopy of metallic samples.
Book cover: Magnesium Alloys: Properties in Solid and Liquid StatesMagnesium Alloys: Properties in Solid and Liquid States
by - InTech ,
Magnesium alloys with their unique physical properties are important candidates for many modern engineering applications. Their low density makes them the primary choice in global attempts aimed at reducing the weight of transportation vehicles.
Book cover: Light Metal Alloys ApplicationsLight Metal Alloys Applications
by - InTech ,
Lightweight alloys have become of great importance for construction of transportation equipment. Many alloys have appropriately high strength to warrant their use for structural purposes, and the weight of equipment has been considerably decreased.
Book cover: Materials Science: Advanced TopicsMaterials Science: Advanced Topics
by - InTech ,
Modern materials science is a vibrant scientific discipline at the forefront of physics, chemistry, engineering, biology and medicine, and is becoming increasingly international in scope as demonstrated by emerging international collaborations.
Book cover: Advanced Magnetic MaterialsAdvanced Magnetic Materials
by - InTech ,
This book reports on recent progress in technologies, methods, theory and applications of advanced magnetic materials. It covers broad spectrum of technologies and characterization of rapidly quenched nanowires for information technology.
Book cover: Convection and Conduction Heat TransferConvection and Conduction Heat Transfer
by - InTech ,
The convection and conduction heat transfer, thermal conductivity, and phase transformations are significant issues in design of industrial processes and devices. This book covers mainly heat convection, heat conduction, and heat transfer analysis.
Book cover: Materials of Engineering ConstructionMaterials of Engineering Construction
by - Berkeley ,
The book presents information concerning the mechanical and physical properties of the principal materials of engineering. A knowledge of these properties is necessary for the intelligent selection and use of materials for given requirements.
Book cover: Ferroelectromagnets: Fifty years after discoveryFerroelectromagnets: Fifty years after discovery
by - arXiv ,
The problems and future prospects of enhancing magnetoelectric effects in ferroelectromagnets are being discussed. The book is intended for researchers in ferroelectricity and magnetism and for students of physical specialities.
Book cover: NanocrystalNanocrystal
by - InTech ,
We focused on cutting-edge science and technology of Nanocrystals in this book. Nanocrystal is expected to lead to the creation of new materials and open up fresh possibilities for the solution to the environmental problems and energy problems.
Book cover: New Tribological WaysNew Tribological Ways
by - InTech ,
This book reviews research on atomic and nanometric scale in various fields by introducing several mathematical models to measure some parameters characterizing metals like the hydrodynamic elasticity coefficient, hardness, lubricant viscosity, etc.
Book cover: NanotechnologyNanotechnology
- Wikibooks ,
This book on nanoscience and nanotechnology gathers information about the various tools, methods and systems to provide students, researchers and everyone else a handbook and overview guide to this vast interdisciplinary and expanding field.
Book cover: Carbon NanotubesCarbon Nanotubes
by - InTech ,
Carbon nanotubes are allotropes of carbon with a cylindrical nanostructure. These cylindrical carbon molecules have novel properties, making them potentially useful in many applications in nanotechnology, electronics, optics, and other fields.
Book cover: Applied MechanicsApplied Mechanics
by - J. Wiley ,
The work is a treatise on strength and stability, a number of subjects usually included in treatises on applied mechanics are omitted. It is primarily a text-book, the different subjects are presented in the best way for the progress of the class.
Book cover: The Mechanical Properties of WoodThe Mechanical Properties of Wood
by ,
This book was written primarily for students of forestry to whom a knowledge of the technical properties of wood is essential. The mechanics involved is reduced to the simplest terms and without reference to higher mathematics.
Book cover: Wave Propagation in Materials for Modern ApplicationsWave Propagation in Materials for Modern Applications
by - InTech ,
The advances in nanotechnology give rise new types of materials with unique properties. This book is devoted to the modern methods in electrodynamics and acoustics, developed to describe wave propagation in these modern materials and nanodevices.
Book cover: Mechanics of MaterialsMechanics of Materials
by - Michigan Technological University ,
With strong practical examples and real-life engineering problems, the book promises to provide the skills and principles that students need to organize, integrate, and make sense of the flood of information in the world of modern engineering.
Book cover: Fundamentals of Die Casting DesignFundamentals of Die Casting Design
by ,
This book describes the fundamentals of design of the die casting process and die mold/runner. It will be useful for the die casting engineer as well as managers and anyone else who deals with the die casting operations.
Book cover: Nanomaterials - A SojournNanomaterials - A Sojourn
by - National Centre for Catalysis Research ,
Nanomaterials today have pervaded every sphere of human activity and can be presented in various formats. Sector-wise application of nanomaterials yields a synthesis approach and probably easy to comprehend. This approach is adopted in the book.
Book cover: Elements of X-Ray DiffractionElements of X-Ray Diffraction
by - Addison-Wesley ,
Intended to acquaint the reader with the theory of x-ray diffraction, the experimental methods involved, and the main applications. It stresses X-ray diffraction rather than metallurgy. Designed for beginners, not a reference for the advanced reader.