
Psychology & Counseling

e-books in Psychology & Counseling category

Book cover: The Psychopath Code: Cracking The Predators That Stalk UsThe Psychopath Code: Cracking The Predators That Stalk Us
by - GitBook ,
Don't look for serial killers.. one in 25 of the people around you is a psychopath, living a secret life. Psychopaths take what they want, they feel only the emotions of a predator. Pieter Hintjens is an expert in the dynamics of group psychology.
Book cover: When You Don't Know Where to TurnWhen You Don't Know Where to Turn
by - Contemporary Books, Inc. ,
This book is about how you can get the most appropriate kind of help for your problems, goals, and personality. The book sets out to help you become adequately informed about the range of therapies -- as these relate to your goals and interests.
Book cover: Analyzing CharacterAnalyzing Character
by - ManyBooks ,
This work is a treatise upon the fascinating and valuable art of analyzing human character. It makes no attempt to teach the principles upon which this art is based. It is an attempt to familiarize the reader with the most important of these.
Book cover: From Tragedy to Challenge: The Impact of Disabilities on FamiliesFrom Tragedy to Challenge: The Impact of Disabilities on Families
by - Smashwords ,
The book is based on a qualitative research to find out how carers overcame traumas and conflicts to make the best out difficult situations. It recognizes the importance that positive emotions such as hope and faith play in their daily lives.

Book cover: How to Be FreeHow to Be Free
by - Smashwords ,
How can we free ourselves from mental suffering? How can we unlock what William Blake referred to as 'the mind-forged manacles' -- those unhelpful, unfounded and inflexible habits of thought which keep us from reaching our true creative potential?
Book cover: Subconscious Restructuring for AdultsSubconscious Restructuring for Adults
by - Illumine Books ,
Subconscious Restructuring is an evidence-based counseling, life coach discipline which has been proven affective for depression, weight loss, PTSD, suicide prevention, ADHD, OCD, anorexia, bulimia, anxiety, anger, addiction, and relationships.
Book cover: Thy Will Be Done: Sickness, Faith, and the God Who HealsThy Will Be Done: Sickness, Faith, and the God Who Heals
by - The Plough Publishing House ,
With childlike confidence in the possibility of miracles and a deep trust that the Creator is supremely wise and good, the author point us away from our woes and to Jesus. As the Great Physician, he offers lasting comfort and healing without cost.
Book cover: Managing StressManaging Stress
by - BookBoon ,
We may not be able to control the events that happen to us but we can certainly manage the meaning and the impact that they have upon us. In this textbook, you'll be given information, techniques and strategies to manage your stress levels.
Book cover: How to Rescue Your Loved One from the WatchtowerHow to Rescue Your Loved One from the Watchtower
by - CreateSpace ,
Each year thousands of husbands, wives, sons and daughters are converted by Jehovah's Witnesses through their so-called free home Bible study. This book tells exactly what to do to rescue them from the Jehovah's Witnesses.
Book cover: Be Not Afraid: Overcoming The Fear Of DeathBe Not Afraid: Overcoming The Fear Of Death
by - Plough Publishing House ,
Arnold addresses fears that every person faces: fear of death and loss, fear of vulnerability, and fear of suffering. A pastor who has worked with the dying for three decades, Arnold knows that each of us must meet death in our own unique way.
Book cover: How to Survive the Loss of a LoveHow to Survive the Loss of a Love
by - Prelude Press ,
One of the most directly helpful books on the subject of loss ever written. This completely revised and expanded edition encompasses not only the medical and psychological advances in the treatment of loss, but also the authors' own experiences.
Book cover: Be Your Own TherapistBe Your Own Therapist
by - Purple Paradox Press ,
This online self help book can aid people of average mental health make many psychological changes in their lives. Positive therapeutic changes happen most often as the result of pointing one's mind in more effective directions.