e-books in Engineering Reference category
by Nina Möllers, Karin Zachmann - De Gruyter Open , 2014
Focussing on a range of energy types, this volume analyzes the social, cultural and political concepts of energy and their implementation and materialization within technical systems, applications, media representations and consumer practice.
by William Hallauer - Virginia Tech , 2016
This is a formal college engineering textbook, complete with homework problems. It will be understandable for students of engineering system dynamics, a valuable teaching resource for course instructors, and a useful reference for self-study.
- National Academy of Engineering , 2017
Engineering societies work largely independently on undergraduate education. To explore the potential for enhancing societies role, National Academy of Engineering held a workshop on the engagement of engineering societies in undergraduate education.
- Wikibooks , 2010
This textbook introduces engineering techniques and practices to high school students. The goals of this book are to help students gain an appreciation for engineering and its role throughout human history, and understand what engineers do.
by Paul L. Younger (ed.) - MDPI AG , 2015
After decades of being largely the preserve of countries in volcanic regions, the use of geothermal energy is now expanding worldwide. This reflects its excellent low-carbon credentials and its ability to offer baseload and dispatchable output.
by Jaroslav Mencik (ed.) - InTech , 2016
Our life is strongly influenced by the reliability of the things we use, as well as of processes and services. Methods for reliability assessment and optimization are thus very important. This book explains the fundamental concepts and tools.
by Phillip C. Wankat, Frank S. Oreovicz - Purdue University , 2007
This book covers all aspects of teaching engineering and other technical subjects. It presents both practical matters and educational theories. It is organized to start with practical teaching applications and then leads to educational theories.
by D. S. Gunderson (ed.) - Maritime.org , 1994
Upon completing this training course, you should understand the basics of blueprint reading including projections and views, technical sketching, and the use of blueprints in the construction of machines, piping, electrical and electronic systems ...
by John W. Wesner - ETC Press , 2013
We look at the entertainment industry in general, with a focus on delighting the customers. We ask what is unique about the domain Entertainment, we look at the broad scope of Entertainment, and ask the reader about their entertainment preferences.
by E. R. Latifee , 2008
This is a book for beginners in engineering drawing in any engineering. Contents: Review of Geometry; Classical Viewing; Dimensioning, Line Types and Other Views; Development of solids and Others; Lessons in AutoCAD; Sample Questions and Exercises.
by Yang Chunyan, Cai Wen - Science Press , 2012
The book systematically elaborates the theoretical foundation, methodology and fields of application of extension engineering and presents application cases. The characteristics of the book lie in its combination of theory with practice.
by Krzysztof Biernat (ed.) - InTech , 2015
This book presents an analysis of the results of studies of motor fuels ageing, conducted in laboratory and model conditions, in terms of building a system operating on-line, allowing continuous assessment of the operational usability of fuels.
by B. S. Dhillon, Chanan Singh - John Wiley & Sons , 1981
The scope of reliability engineering is extremely wide, encompassing many areas of engineering technology. Reliability engineering helps ensure the success of space missions, maintain the national security, provide reliable transportation, and so on.
by Alan Finn - Bookboon , 2014
This book is intended to be a guide to all those inventors, actual or would-be, those who have yet to take their first real steps toward making their new product dreams come true. WRTI is an inventors club based at Southampton Solent University.
by Roger Fenner - Bookboon , 2014
The book offers a deliberately simple introduction to boundary element methods applicable to a wide range of engineering problems. The mathematics are kept as simple as reasonably possible. Several boundary element computer programs are presented.
by A.R. Parkinson, R.J. Balling, J.D. Hedengren - Brigham Young University , 2013
In this text we discuss a computer-based approach to design optimization, to search for the best design according to criteria that we specify. Further, we employ sophisticated algorithms that enable the computer to efficiently search for the optimum.
by Kamran Iqbal - Bookboon , 2013
This book is addressed to engineering students and practicing engineers. It covers the fundamentals of commonly used optimization methods in engineering design. These include graphical optimization, linear and nonlinear programming, etc.
- Wikibooks , 2012
This is a shared appendix with tables for use in book on engineering, math and science. Topics: Integral Transforms; Mathematical Tables; Statistical Tables; Mechanical Engineering; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Computer Engineering.
by Steven J Cox - Rice University , 2012
We strive to speak the Matlab language free of syntactic error, to confidently translate English simulation and/or design questions, to identify the proper numerical method for the job, and to represent the solution in a visually striking way.
by Nancy G. Leveson - The MIT Press , 2012
Revisiting and updating ideas pioneered by 1950s aerospace engineers, and testing her new model extensively on real-world examples, Leveson has created a new approach to safety that is more effective and easier to use than current techniques.
by Karel Perutka - InTech , 2011
The book presents several approaches in the key areas of practice for which the MATLAB software package was used. It will be of great interest to control and electrical engineers and students in the fields of research the book covers.
by Mihir Sen, Joseph M. Powers - University of Notre Dame , 2010
Multidimensional calculus, linear analysis, linear operators, vector algebra, ordinary differential equations. Directed at first year graduate students in engineering and undergraduates who wish to become better prepared for graduate studies.
by Irving W. Burr - McGraw-Hill , 1953
The present book is the outgrowth of a course in statistics for engineers which has been given at Purdue University. The book is written primarily as a text book for junior, senior, and graduate students of engineering and physical science.
by John Perry - E. Arnold , 1897
This book describes what has for many years been the most important part of the regular college course in the Calculus for Mechanical and Electrical Engineering students. The students knew only the most elementary mathematics.
by Ivan S. Sokolnikoff - McGraw Hill , 1941
The chief purpose of the book is to help to bridge the gap which separates many engineers from mathematics by giving them a bird's-eye view of those mathematical topics which are indispensable in the study of the physical sciences.
by E. V. Huntington, L. A. Fischer - McGraw Hill , 1918
The Handbook contains, in compact form, accurate statements of those facts and formulas of mathematics which are likely to be useful to the worker in applied mathematics. It is thought to be more comprehensive than any other similar work in English.
by Charles B. Clapham - Chapman & Hall , 1925
This book is an endeavour to treat the elementary portions of Practical Mathematics in a thorough and practical manner and with a sufficient amount of engineering application, suitable for elementary students of technical schools and for home study.
by William Neville Rose - Chapman , 1922
These two volumes form a most comprehensive and practical treatise on the subject. They show the direct bearing of all principles to engineering practice, and will prove a valuable reference work embracing all the mathematics needed by engineers.
by Robert Fox Sorsbie - Griffin , 1911
A knowledge of geology is of the first importance to the practical engineer. The author compiled the requisite information in a clear and concise manner in one volume, in the hope that it may serve as a handy book of reference.
by Frederick Hanley Seares - Stephens , 1909
The main purpose of the volume is an exposition of the principal methods of determining latitude, azimuth, and time. Generally speaking, the limit of precision is that corresponding to the engineer's transit or the sextant.
by R. M. Brannon - The University of Utah , 2003
A step-by-step introduction to tensor analysis that assumes you know nothing but basic calculus. Considerable emphasis is placed on a notation style that works well for applications in materials modeling, but other notation styles are also reviewed.
by Samuel Keller - D. Van Nostrand Company , 1908
Much that is ordinarily included in treatises on Analytics and Calculus, has been omitted from this book, not because it was regarded as worthless, but because it was considered quite unnecessary for the student of engineering.
by H. Morton, D. S. Morton - The Technical Press , 1952
The book, which is interesting, instructive and wide in scope, is the result of many years of experience in teaching science to mining students on the part of one of the authors and several years' practical experience underground by the other.
by Nicholas M. Patrikalakis, Takashi Maekawa - Springer , 2009
Shape interrogation is the process of extraction of information from a geometric model. It is a fundamental component of CAD/CAM systems. The authors focus on shape interrogation of geometric models bounded by free-form surfaces.
The goal of this handbook is to help scientists and engineers incorporate statistical methods in their work as efficiently as possible. Many parts of the book feature case studies or examples with computations from the free downloadable software.
by Bruce Hajek - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , 2009
These notes were written for a graduate course on random processes. Students are assumed to have had a previous course in probability, some familiarity with real analysis and linear algebra, and some familiarity with complex analysis.
by Darryl Morrell - CK-12 Foundation , 2009
Matlab is a language used by several computational packages known as m-file environments. This text introduces freshman engineering students to problem solving using an m-file environment. Most of the information applies to any environment.
by Johan Wevers , 2008
This 108 pages document contains a lot of equations in physics. It is written at advanced undergraduate/postgraduate level. It is intended to be a short reference for anyone who works with physics and often needs to look up equations.
by Johan Wevers , 2008
A 66 pages mathematics formulary that is intended for physicists and engineers: Basics; Probability and statistics; Calculus; Differential equations; Linear algebra; Complex function theory; Tensor calculus; Numerical mathematics.
by M. Abramowitz, I. A. Stegun - GPO , 1964
Students and professionals in the fields of mathematics, physics, engineering, and economics will find this reference work invaluable. A classic resource for special functions, standard trig, and exponential logarithmic definitions and extensions.
by Jiří Lebl - Lulu.com , 2017
One semester introductory course on differential equations aimed at engineers. The book covers first order ODEs, higher order linear ODEs, systems of ODEs, Fourier series and PDEs, eigenvalue problems, and the Laplace transform.
by George W. Collins, II - NASA ADS , 2003
'Fundamental Numerical Methods and Data Analysis' can serve as the basis for a wide range of courses that discuss numerical methods used in science. The author provides examples of the more difficult algorithms integrated into the text.
by Erhan Cinlar, Robert J. Vanderbei , 2000
This text covers general notions regarding sets, functions, sequences, and series; metric spaces, convergence, continuity, approximations; functions on metric spaces; differential and integral equations; convex analysis; measure and integration.
by Leon van Dommelen , 2012
This book was written for engineering graduate students who find themselves caught up in nano technology. The first part of the book provides a solid introduction to classical quantum mechanics, the second part discusses more advanced topics.
- Power Engineering Training Systems , 2003
For the use of students and examination candidates, approved by the Interprovincial Power Engineering Curriculum Committee and the Provincial Chief Inspectors' Association's Committee for the standardization of Power Engineer's Examinations in Canada.