
Applied Mathematics: Optimization


Combinatorial (5)

e-books in Applied Mathematics: Optimization category

Book cover: Convex Optimization: Algorithms and ComplexityConvex Optimization: Algorithms and Complexity
by - arXiv.org ,
This text presents the main complexity theorems in convex optimization and their algorithms. Starting from the fundamental theory of black-box optimization, the material progresses towards recent advances in structural and stochastic optimization.
Book cover: Data Assimilation: A Mathematical IntroductionData Assimilation: A Mathematical Introduction
by - arXiv.org ,
This book provides a systematic treatment of the mathematical underpinnings of work in data assimilation. Authors develop a framework in which a Bayesian formulation of the problem provides the bedrock for the derivation and analysis of algorithms.
Book cover: An Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization TheoryAn Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization Theory
by - De Gruyter Open ,
Starting with the case of differentiable data and the classical results on constrained optimization problems, continuing with the topic of nonsmooth objects involved in optimization, the book concentrates on both theoretical and practical aspects.
Book cover: Universal Optimization and Its ApplicationUniversal Optimization and Its Application
by - viXra.org ,
This book describes new method of optimization (''Method of Deformation of Functional'') that has the advantages at greater generality and flexibility as well as the ability to solve complex problems which other methods cannot solve.

Book cover: Optimization Algorithms: Methods and ApplicationsOptimization Algorithms: Methods and Applications
by - InTech ,
This book covers state-of-the-art optimization methods and their applications in wide range especially for researchers and practitioners who wish to improve their knowledge in this field. It covers applications in engineering and various other areas.
Book cover: Decision Making and Productivity MeasurementDecision Making and Productivity Measurement
by - arXiv ,
I wrote this book as a self-teaching tool to assist every teacher, student, mathematician or non-mathematician, and to support their understanding of the elementary concepts on assessing the performance of a set of homogenous firms ...
Book cover: A Practical Guide to Robust OptimizationA Practical Guide to Robust Optimization
by - arXiv ,
The aim of this paper is to help practitioners to understand robust optimization and to successfully apply it in practice. We provide a brief introduction to robust optimization, and also describe important do's and don'ts for using it in practice.
Book cover: Optimization Models For Decision MakingOptimization Models For Decision Making
by - Springer ,
This is a Junior level book on some versatile optimization models for decision making in common use. The aim of this book is to develop skills in mathematical modeling, and in algorithms and computational methods to solve and analyze these models.
Book cover: Linear ProgrammingLinear Programming
by - University of Washington ,
These are notes for an introductory course in linear programming. The four basic components of the course are modeling, solution methodology, duality theory, and sensitivity analysis. We focus on the simplex algorithm due to George Dantzig.
Book cover: Discrete OptimizationDiscrete Optimization
by - Utrecht University ,
From the table of contents: Preliminaries (Optimization Problems); Minimum Spanning Trees; Matroids; Shortest Paths; Maximum Flows; Minimum Cost Flows; Matchings; Integrality of Polyhedra; Complexity Theory; Approximation Algorithms.
Book cover: Robust OptimizationRobust Optimization
by - Princeton University Press ,
Written by the principal developers of robust optimization, and describing the main achievements of a decade of research, this is the first book to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date account of this relatively new approach to optimization.
Book cover: Lectures on Optimization: Theory and AlgorithmsLectures on Optimization: Theory and Algorithms
by - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research ,
Contents: Differential Calculus in Normed Linear Spaces; Minimization of Functionals; Minimization Without Constraints; Minimization with Constraints; Duality and Its Applications; Elements of the Theory of Control and Elements of Optimal Design.
Book cover: Iterative Methods for OptimizationIterative Methods for Optimization
by - Society for Industrial Mathematics ,
This book presents a carefully selected group of methods for unconstrained and bound constrained optimization problems and analyzes them in depth both theoretically and algorithmically. It focuses on clarity in algorithmic description and analysis.
Book cover: Applied Mathematical Programming Using Algebraic SystemsApplied Mathematical Programming Using Algebraic Systems
by - Texas A&M University ,
This book is intended to both serve as a reference guide and a text for a course on Applied Mathematical Programming. The text concentrates upon conceptual issues, problem formulation, computerized problem solution, and results interpretation.
Book cover: Optimal Stopping and ApplicationsOptimal Stopping and Applications
by - UCLA ,
From the table of contents: Stopping Rule Problems; Finite Horizon Problems; The Existence of Optimal Rules; Applications. Markov Models; Monotone Stopping Rule Problems; Maximizing the Rate of Return; Bandit Problems; Solutions to the Exercises.
Book cover: The Design of Approximation AlgorithmsThe Design of Approximation Algorithms
by - Cambridge University Press ,
This book shows how to design approximation algorithms: efficient algorithms that find provably near-optimal solutions. It is organized around techniques for designing approximation algorithms, including greedy and local search algorithms.
Book cover: Applied Mathematical ProgrammingApplied Mathematical Programming
by - Addison-Wesley ,
This book shows you how to model a wide array of problems. Covered are topics such as linear programming, duality theory, sensitivity analysis, network/dynamic programming, integer programming, non-linear programming, and my favorite, etc.
Book cover: Linear Complementarity, Linear and Nonlinear ProgrammingLinear Complementarity, Linear and Nonlinear Programming
by ,
This book provides an in-depth and clear treatment of all the important practical, technical, computational, geometric, and mathematical aspects of the Linear Complementarity Problem, Quadratic Programming, and their various applications.
Book cover: Optimization and Dynamical SystemsOptimization and Dynamical Systems
by - Springer ,
Aimed at mathematics and engineering graduate students and researchers in the areas of optimization, dynamical systems, control systems, signal processing, and linear algebra. The problems solved are those of linear algebra and linear systems theory.
Book cover: Notes on OptimizationNotes on Optimization
by - Van Nostrand ,
The author presents the main concepts mathematical programming and optimal control to students having diverse technical backgrounds. A reasonable knowledge of advanced calculus, linear algebra, and linear differential equations is required.
Book cover: Optimization Algorithms on Matrix ManifoldsOptimization Algorithms on Matrix Manifolds
by - Princeton University Press ,
Many science and engineering problems can be rephrased as optimization problems on matrix search spaces endowed with a manifold structure. This book shows how to exploit the structure of such problems to develop efficient numerical algorithms.
Book cover: Convex OptimizationConvex Optimization
by - Cambridge University Press ,
A comprehensive introduction to the subject for students and practitioners in engineering, computer science, mathematics, statistics, finance, etc. The book shows in detail how optimization problems can be solved numerically with great efficiency.