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e-books in Linear Algebra category
![Book cover: Numerical Methods for Large Eigenvalue Problems](images/12485.jpg)
by Yousef Saad , 2011
A comprehensive guide to computational techniques for finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors of large matrices. It emphasizes practical algorithms and software development, particularly for sparse matrices. The book covers background theory ...
![Book cover: Linear Algebra](images/12195.jpg)
by Jonathan Gleason - University of California , 2018
From the table of contents: K-modules and linear transformations; Linear independence, spanning, bases, and dimension; Coordinates, column vectors, and matrices; Eigenstuff; Multilinear algebra and tensors; Inner-product spaces; Applications.
![Book cover: The Theory of Determinants and Their Applications](images/12181.jpg)
by Robert Forsyth Scott - Cambridge University Press , 1904
In the present treatise I have attempted to give an exposition of the Theory of Determinants and their more important applications. The treatise uses Grassmann's alternate units, by means of which the study of determinants is much simplified.
![Book cover: The Hermitian Two Matrix Model with an Even Quartic Potential](images/11712.jpg)
by M. Duits, A.B.J. Kuijlaars, M. Yue Mo - American Mathematical Society , 2012
The authors consider the two matrix model with an even quartic potential and an even polynomial potential. The main result is the formulation of a vector equilibrium problem for the limiting mean density for the eigenvalues of one of the matrices.
![Book cover: An Introduction to Determinants](images/11344.jpg)
by William Thomson , 1882
Every important principle has been illustrated by copious examples, a considerable number of which have been fully worked out. As my main object has been to produce a textbook suitable for beginners, many important theorems have been omitted.
![Book cover: Differential Equations and Linear Algebra](images/11211.jpg)
by Simon J.A. Malham - Heriot-Watt University , 2010
From the table of contents: Linear second order ODEs; Homogeneous linear ODEs; Non-homogeneous linear ODEs; Laplace transforms; Linear algebraic equations; Matrix Equations; Linear algebraic eigenvalue problems; Systems of differential equations.
![Book cover: Applied Linear Algebra in Action](images/10920.jpg)
by Vasilios N. Katsikis - InTech , 2016
Topics: Matrices, Moments and Quadrature; Structured Approaches to General Inverse Eigenvalue Problems; Eigenvalue Problems; Nonnegative Inverse Elementary Divisors Problem; Some Recent Advances in Nonlinear Inverse Scattering in 2D; and more.
![Book cover: Applied and Computational Linear Algebra: A First Course](images/9815.jpg)
by Charles L. Byrne - University of Massachusetts Lowell , 2013
This book is a text for a graduate course that focuses on applications of linear algebra and on the algorithms used to solve the problems that arise in those applications. Tthe particular nature of the applications will prompt us to seek algorithms.
![Book cover: Lectures on Linear Algebra and Matrices](images/8358.jpg)
by G. Donald Allen - Texas A&M University , 2003
Contents: Vectors and Vector Spaces; Matrices and Linear Algebra; Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors; Unitary Matrices; Hermitian Theory; Normal Matrices; Factorization Theorems; Jordan Normal Form; Hermitian and Symmetric Matrices; Nonnegative Matrices.
![Book cover: Notes on Linear Algebra](images/8237.jpg)
by Peter J. Cameron - Queen Mary, University of London , 2008
On the theoretical side, we deal with vector spaces, linear maps, and bilinear forms. On the practical side, the subject is really about one thing: matrices. This module is a mixture of abstract theory and concrete calculations with matrices.
![Book cover: Linear Algebra: Theorems and Applications](images/7738.jpg)
by Hassan Abid Yasser (ed.) - InTech , 2012
This book contains selected topics in linear algebra, which represent the recent contributions in the field. It includes a range of theorems and applications in different branches of linear algebra, such as linear systems, matrices, operators, etc.
![Book cover: Numerical Methods for Large Eigenvalue Problems](images/6502.jpg)
by Yousef Saad - SIAM , 2011
This book discusses numerical methods for computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors of large sparse matrices. It provides an in-depth view of the numerical methods for solving matrix eigenvalue problems that arise in various engineering applications.
![Book cover: Linear Algebra](images/6409.jpg)
by Peter Petersen - UCLA , 2007
This book covers the aspects of linear algebra that are included in most advanced undergraduate texts: complex vectors spaces, complex inner products, spectral theorem for normal operators, dual spaces, quotient spaces, the minimal polynomial, etc.
![Book cover: Notes on Numerical Linear Algebra](images/6250.jpg)
by George Benthien , 2006
Tutorial describing many of the standard numerical methods used in Linear Algebra. Topics include Gaussian Elimination, LU and QR Factorizations, The Singular Value Decomposition, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors via the QR Method, etc.
![Book cover: Introduction to Linear Bialgebra](images/4571.jpg)
by W.B.V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache, K. Ilanthenral - arXiv , 2005
This book introduced a new algebraic structure called linear bialgebra. We have ventured in this book to introduce new concepts like linear bialgebra and Smarandache neutrosophic linear bialgebra and also give the applications of these structures.
![Book cover: n-Linear Algebra of Type II](images/4144.jpg)
by W. B. V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache - InfoLearnQuest , 2008
This book is a continuation of the book n-linear algebra of type I. Most of the properties that could not be derived or defined for n-linear algebra of type I is made possible in this new structure which is introduced in this book.
![Book cover: n-Linear Algebra of Type I and Its Applications](images/4132.jpg)
by W. B. V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache - InfoLearnQuest , 2008
n-Linear Algebra of type I introduced in this book finds applications in Markov chains and Leontief economic models. Scientists and engineers can adopt this concept in fuzzy finite element analysis of mechanical structures with uncertain parameters.
![Book cover: Special Set Linear Algebra and Special Set Fuzzy Linear Algebra](images/4121.jpg)
by W. B. V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache, K. Ilanthenral - CuArt , 2009
Special Set Linear Algebras introduced by the authors in this free book is an extension of Set Linear Algebras, which are the most generalized form of linear algebras. These structures can be applied to multi-expert models.
![Book cover: Set Linear Algebra and Set Fuzzy Linear Algebra](images/4104.jpg)
by W. B. V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache, K. Ilanthenral - InfoLearnQuest , 2008
Set linear algebras, introduced by the authors in this book, are the most generalized form of linear algebras. These structures make use of very few algebraic operations and are easily accessible to non-mathematicians as well.
![Book cover: Linear Algebra, Infinite Dimensions, and Maple](images/blank.gif)
by James V. Herod - Georgia Tech , 1997
These notes are about linear operators on Hilbert Spaces. The text is an attempt to provide a way to understand the ideas without the students already having the mathematical maturity that a good undergraduate analysis course could provide.
![Book cover: Linear Algebra C-4: Quadratic equations in two or three variables](images/3317.jpg)
by Leif Mejlbro - BookBoon , 2009
The book is a collection of solved problems in linear algebra, this fourth volume covers quadratic equations in two or three variables. All examples are solved, and the solutions usually consist of step-by-step instructions.
![Book cover: Linear Algebra C-2: Geometrical Vectors, Vector Spaces and Linear Maps](images/3293.jpg)
by Leif Mejlbro - BookBoon , 2009
The book is a collection of solved problems in linear algebra. The second volume covers geometrical vectors, vector spaces and linear maps. All examples are solved, and the solutions usually consist of step-by-step instructions.
![Book cover: Linear Algebra Examples C-1: Linear equations, matrices and determinants](images/3278.jpg)
by Leif Mejlbro - BookBoon , 2009
The book is a collection of solved problems in linear equations, matrices and determinants. All examples are solved, and the solutions consist of step-by-step instructions, and are designed to assist students in methodically solving problems.
![Book cover: Grassmann Algebra](images/2837.jpg)
by John Browne , 2001
The primary focus of this book is to provide a readable account in modern notation of Grassmann's major algebraic contributions to mathematics and science. It should be accessible to scientists and engineers, students and professionals alike.
![Book cover: A Second Semester of Linear Algebra](images/blank.gif)
by S. E. Payne - University of Colorado Denver , 2009
This book is written as a text for a second semester of linear algebra at the senior or first-year-graduate level. It is assumed that you already have successfully completed a first course in linear algebra and a first course in abstract algebra.
![Book cover: Linear algebra via exterior products](images/blank.gif)
by Sergei Winitzki - Ludwig-Maximilians University , 2009
An introduction to the coordinate-free approach in basic finite-dimensional linear algebra. The reader should be already exposed to the elementary vector and matrix calculations. The author makes extensive use of the exterior product of vectors.
![Book cover: Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems](images/1960.jpg)
by Richard Barrett et al. - Society for Industrial Mathematics , 1987
The book focuses on the use of iterative methods for solving large sparse systems of linear equations. General and reusable templates are introduced to meet the needs of both the traditional user and the high-performance specialist.
![Book cover: Super Linear Algebra](images/1955.jpg)
by W. B. V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache - InfoQuest , 2008
In this book, the authors introduce the notion of Super linear algebra and super vector spaces using the definition of super matrices defined by Horst (1963). This book expects the readers to be well-versed in linear algebra.
![Book cover: Linear Algebra Review and Reference](images/blank.gif)
by Zico Kolter - Stanford University , 2015
From the tabble of contents: Basic Concepts and Notation; Matrix Multiplication; Operations and Properties; Matrix Calculus (Gradients and Hessians of Quadratic and Linear Functions, Least Squares, Eigenvalues as Optimization, etc.).
![Book cover: Introduction to Vectors and Tensors Volume 1: Linear and Multilinear Algebra](images/122.jpg)
by Ray M. Bowen, C.-C.Wang - Springer , 2008
This book presents the basics of vector and tensor analysis for science and engineering students. Volume 1 covers algebraic structures and a modern introduction to the algebra of vectors and tensors. Clear presentation of mathematical concepts.