

e-books in Ornithology category

Book cover: British Sea BirdsBritish Sea Birds
by - Bliss, Sands and Foster ,
Amongst the many natural objects that confront the visitor to the sea, there are none more readily detected than birds. The wide waters of the ocean and its varied coast-line of cliff or sand, are the haunts of many birds of specialised type.
Book cover: Birds in FlightBirds in Flight
by - Gay & Hancock ltd. ,
The wings of the bird not only lift the body from the earth, but they sustain it in the air by their marvellously complex movements. And this is true, in varying degrees of bird, and bat, and butterfly: of dragon-fly and beetle ...
Book cover: Bald Eagles in AlaskaBald Eagles in Alaska
by - Smashwords ,
A collection of papers and articles from international bald eagle experts, which present a complete portrait of the status and ecology of the bald eagle in Alaska. Myriad topics include culture, biology, population history and status, etc.
Book cover: The Natural History of Cage BirdsThe Natural History of Cage Birds
by - W. & R. Chambers ,
The natural history of cage birds, their management, habits, food, diseases, treatment, breeding, and the methods of catching them. The author described all the indigenous European birds with which he was acquainted that are capable of being tamed.

Book cover: Familiar Studies of Wild BirdsFamiliar Studies of Wild Birds
by - The Gorham Press ,
A photographer's study of wild birds he found around the area in the 1900's. The nature photographer F. N. Whitman also gives detailed information to the photographer just trying their hand at bird photography and how to go about it.
Book cover: Birds in the BushBirds in the Bush
by - Houghton, Mifflin and company ,
Excellent nature book for the student of birds, easy reading with descriptions of an obsessive birder from 100 years ago. Covers his travels, and birding, in New England. A must read for today's birders. First published in 1885.
Book cover: American BirdsAmerican Birds
by - Charles Scribners' Sons ,
The book covers Kingfishers, Hummingbirds, Crows, Sparrows, Orioles, Sea Gulls, and many more. Profusely illustrated with photographs taken in the wild. Nice photos also of the photographers in action - 50 feet in the air with the old-style cameras.
Book cover: British Birds in their HauntsBritish Birds in their Haunts
by - George Routledge & Sons ,
This admirable work by the late Rev. C. A. Johns has already proved the making of many a naturalist and it will be a delight and help to many more nature lovers who wish to determine a species without recourse to bulky scientific works.
Book cover: Color Key to North American BirdsColor Key to North American Birds
by - D. Appleton & co. ,
To learn to call a bird by its right name is the first step in the study of ornithology. We may investigate the birds, or desire merely a knowledge of the species in our garden, but in either case we are confronted by this question of identification.
Book cover: A Quantitative Study of the Nocturnal Migration of BirdsA Quantitative Study of the Nocturnal Migration of Birds
by - University of Kansas ,
The nocturnal migration of birds is a phenomenon that long has intrigued zoologists the world over. Yet, despite this universal interest, most of the fundamental aspects of the problem remain shrouded in uncertainty and conjecture.
Book cover: Bird NeighborsBird Neighbors
by - Doubleday, Page & Company ,
An introductory acquaintance with 150 birds commonly found in the gardens, meadows, and woods about our homes. The purpose of the writer is to give, in a popular and accessible form, knowledge which is accurate and reliable about the life of birds.
Book cover: Territory in Bird LifeTerritory in Bird Life
by - E. P. Dutton and company ,
From the contents: The Disposition to Secure a Territory; The Disposition to Defend the Territory; The Relation of Song to the Territory; The Warfare between Different Species; The Relation of the Territory to Migration; and more.
Book cover: What Bird is That?What Bird is That?
by - D. Appleton & co ,
A pocket museum of the land birds of the eastern United States arranged according to season. The birds are drawn and reproduced with such accuracy that no essential detail of color or form is lost. They are all drawn to nearly the same scale.
Book cover: The Bird BookThe Bird Book
by - Doubleday, Page and Co. ,
An illustrated dictionary of North American birds. You will find more than seven hundred birds illustrated, with hundreds of photographs. This guide gives you the information you need to make a quick identification of any bird you are likely to meet.