Biochemistry (27)
Bioinformatics (12)
Botany (28)
Cell Biology (11)
Ecology (20)
Evolutionary Biology (19)
Genetics (23)
Microbiology (17)
Molecular Biology (16)
Neuroscience (24)
Zoology (30)
see also
Medicine: Genetics (32)
Anatomy (22)
Bioengineering (22)
Astrobiology (13)
e-books in Biology category

by Thomas Sauter, Marco Albrecht - Open Book Publishers , 2023
This book is an introduction to the language of systems biology, which is spoken among many disciplines. Authors draw on a multidisciplinary background to facilitate the understanding of biochemical networks, metabolic modeling and system dynamics.

by Sarah Baatout - Springer , 2023
This textbook focuses on the various aspects of radiobiology. This book offers a unique perspective, by covering not only radiation biology but also radiation physics, radiopharmacy, nuclear medicine, space radiation, radiation protection, etc.

by Patrick Bateson - Open Book Publishers , 2017
In this lucid and accessible book, eminent biologist Professor Sir Patrick Bateson argues that we should pay attention to whole systems, rather than to simple causes, when trying to understand the complexity of development.

by William A. Locy - H. Holt and Company , 1908
The author brings under one view the broad features of biological progress, and increases the human interest by writing the story around the lives of the great Leaders. This is an untechnical account of the rise and progress of biology.

by Karsten König - De Gruyter Open , 2018
This monograph demonstrates the latest developments in two-photon fluorescence microscopy and second-harmonic generation microscopy. A special focus lies on clinical applications, e.g. in dermatology, ophtalmology, neuro sciences and cell biology.

- Lumen Learning , 2017
Biology is the culmination of the achievements of the natural sciences from their inception to today. It is the cradle of emerging sciences such as the biology of brain activity, genetic engineering of custom organisms, and the biology of evolution.

by Tom Rea - University of Pittsburgh Press , 2001
Bone Wars presents a cultural history of the early years of paleontology at the turn of the last century. With the help of contemporary newspaper stories, Tom Rea re-creates a remarkable story of hubris, hope, and late Victorian science.

by Greg Gorman (ed.) - MDPI AG , 2014
Mass spectrometry has become a vital tool for scientist in exploring how biological systems function. This volume will focus on the application of mass spectrometry to biological problems that focus on the advancement of medicine and curing diseases.

by Albert Martini - Project Gutenberg , 2015
The lives and accomplishments of over 200 scientists are presented chronologically and are related to each other in order to illustrate the evolution of knowledge about biology and microbiology from the Classic Greek era to the present.

by Iain Brassington - Bloomsbury Academic , 2013
This book explores the complex relationship between modern biosciences and human flourishing. Here cognitive enhancement, longevity, and the spectacle of excellence in sports, are examined within the context of what constitutes a life well lived.

by Leonas Lancelot Burlingame - H. Holt & company , 1922
Biology comprises a large amount of information which is susceptible of being organized into a coherent set of principles suitable for presentation to the lay public. This necessarily involves stressing principles rather than factual details.

by Karen Peterson - NPG Education , 2010
The book helps you to explore what career is best for you. Starting with an assessment of who you are and how you work, this guide takes you on a journey that extends from a survey of possible careers through the steps necessary to get there.

- OpenStax College , 2013
Biology is designed for multi-semester biology courses for science majors. It is grounded on an evolutionary basis and includes exciting features that highlight careers in the biological sciences and everyday applications of the concepts at hand.

by Taha Sochi - arXiv , 2013
The flow of fluids at branching junctions plays important roles in most biological flow systems. The present paper highlights some key issues related to the flow of fluids at these junctions with special emphasis on the biological flow networks.

by Samantha Fowler, et al. - OpenStax College , 2013
This textbook conveys the major themes of biology, such as a foundation in evolution, and features a rich and engaging art program. It is intended for the introductory biology course for non-science majors taught at most two- and four-year colleges.

by Paul Doerder, et al. - Wikibooks , 2013
Contents: Getting Started: Chemical Building Blocks of Life, History and Origin of Life; Cells, Energy and Metabolism; Genetics; Classification of Living Things; Evolution; Tissues and Systems; Additional material: Gallery of Biologists.

by Hiroshi Moriyama (ed.) - InTech , 2013
This book provides convincing reasons which explain sex differences. The somewhat different data on sex differences in the book will offer new ideas not only to life scientists and biologists, but social and cultural scientists as well.

by J.I. Hamaker - P. Blakiston's Sons & Co. , 1913
Part I is designed to acquaint the student with the fundamentals of plant organization and life processes. Part II does the same for animals but in a more thorough method. Part III discusses the most important general biological phenomena.

by Rosalyn Hunter - Wikibooks , 2012
This material is based on lectures that the author presented to students in introductory college Biology courses presented at Navarro Community College. The author has tried to make this book easily readable and browseable by anyone interested.

by Thomas Haslwanter, at al. - Wikibooks , 2012
The book presents our sensory system from an engineering and information processing point of view. This provides insight in the performance of our senses. It also provides understanding of how our senses transduce external information into signals.

by Theodore Goldsmith - Azinet Press , 2011
The book describes the theorists, controversies, history, experimental evidence, and evolution concepts surrounding biological aging theories. Exciting new theories will change the way we think about and attempt to prevent age-related diseases.

by Heikki Hyotyniemi - Helsinki University of Technology , 2006
This report summarizes ten levels of abstraction - from the most elementary to the most general levels when modeling biological systems. The neocybernetic principles can be seen as the key to reaching a holistic view of complex processes in general.

by Theodore C. Goldsmith - Azinet Press , 2011
An overview of biological aging theories including history, current status, and implications for the future of medicine. Topics include: human mortality as a function of age, aging mechanisms and processes, empirical evidence on aging, and more.

by Jeffrey R. Chasnov - The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology , 2010
This applied mathematics text is primarily for final year mathematics major and minor students. The main emphasis is on mathematical modeling, with biology the sole application area. It is assumed that students have no knowledge of biology.

by Daniel Eberli - InTech , 2010
This book serves as a good starting point for anyone interested in the application of Tissue Engineering. The authors offer a colorful mix of topics, which explain the obstacles and possible solutions for TE applications.

by Chris Tachibana, Andrea White, Norman A. Johnson , 2010
The book was designed for high school biology teachers who want to learn about important new discoveries of the last two decades. It was also designed so teachers could familiarize themselves with research methods that will lead to new discoveries.

by W. M. Smallwood - Allyn and Bacon , 1916
Practical Biology offers a simple, workable, attractive, flexible, and teachable course in Biology. Simplicity is a feature of the book. The language is simple, not technical, and the style is easy, flowing, and colloquial.

by Truman Jesse Moon - H. Holt and company , 1921
This text presents the fundamental facts of elementary biology as clearly and briefly as a reasonable scientific accuracy will allow. The course emphasizes the fact that biology is a unit science, based on the fundamental idea of evolution.

by Tung Luong - Wikibooks , 2009
This is a textbook for teaching the principles and practice of proteomics for undergraduate students in the life sciences. The focus is on the analytical methods and data analysis for protein separation, quantitation and identification.

by Simon A. Levin , 2008
This report explores the interface between biology and mathematics. It argues that the stimulation of biological application will enrich the discipline of mathematics for decades or more, as have applications from the physical sciences in the past.

- CK-12 Foundation , 2009
This free online textbook covers seven units: Understanding Living Things; Cells: The Building Blocks of Life; Genetics and Evolution; Prokaryotes, Protists, Fungi, and Plants; The Animal Kingdom; The Human Body; and Ecology.

by B. Akre, J. Brainard, N. Gray-Wilson, D. Wilkin - CK-12 Foundation , 2009
From the table of contents: Chemical Basis of Life; Cell Structure and Function; Photosynthesis; Cell Division and Reproduction; Genetics; Biotechnology; History of Life; Evolutionary Theory; Principles of Ecology; Populations; The Human Body.

by Momna Hejmadi - BookBoon , 2009
A short primer on how cancers develop and grow, and a gentle exploration of the fundamental concepts, using examples and key figures for illustration. The book explains six basic principles that inform our current understanding of cancer.

by Kenneth R. Koehler - Raymond Walters College , 2003
This textbook is intended as a vehicle for students in the biological and chemical sciences, enabling them to understand the physical underpinnings of their later studies. The systems under investigation will relate to human physiology.

- Educational Testing Service , 2008
The content of the test is organized into three major areas: cellular and molecular biology, organismal biology, and ecology and evolution. The test consists of approximately 200 five-choice questions, a number of which are grouped in sets.

by John W. Kimball , 2008
Chemical and cellular basis of life, cell metabolism, DNA, gene expression, cell division, meiosis, mutation, genomics, cancer, aging, embryonic development, the anatomy and physiology of animals and plants, ecology, evolution, the diversity of life.