
History of Physics

e-books in History of Physics category

Book cover: Mathematics and Physical Science in Classical AntiquityMathematics and Physical Science in Classical Antiquity
by - Oxford University Press ,
The volume gives a general survey of the science of Classical Antiquity, laying however special stress on the mathematical and physical aspects. Topics: Ionian Natural Philosophy; Pythagoreans; Hippocrates; Mathematics in the Fifth Century; Plato ...
Book cover: Memories of a Theoretical PhysicistMemories of a Theoretical Physicist
by - arXiv.org ,
The target audience is theoretical physicists, especially young ones, who may enjoy comparing my struggles with their own. It has too much physics for a nontechnical reader, and too little for a physicist, but there will be different things for each.

Book cover: Makers of ElectricityMakers of Electricity
by - Fordham University Press ,
This volume represents an effort in the direction of the biographical history of electricity. The controlling idea in its preparation was to provide brief yet reasonably complete sketches of the lives of the great pioneer workers in electricity.
Book cover: Galileo and EinsteinGalileo and Einstein
by - UVa ,
This course traces the historical development of some key scientific ideas: space, time, motion, mass and force. Philosophers, and more practical people, have struggled with these concepts since the earliest recorded times ...
Book cover: Lord KelvinLord Kelvin
by - J. M. Dent & Co. ,
The aim of the volume is to give an account of Lord Kelvin's life of scientific activity, and to explain to the student, and to the general reader who takes an interest in physical science and its applications, the nature of his discoveries.
Book cover: Eight Lectures on Theoretical PhysicsEight Lectures on Theoretical Physics
by - Columbia University Press ,
Landmark lectures (1909) by discoverer of quantum theory present revolutionary developments occasioned by application of quantum hypothesis to blackbody radiation. Also, how statistical mechanics transformed understanding of chemical physics.
Book cover: String Theory: a perspective over the last 25 yearsString Theory: a perspective over the last 25 years
by - arXiv ,
This text provides some historical background and then reviews developments in string theory over the last twenty-five years. Both perturbative and non-perturbative approaches are surveyed and their impact on how we view quantum gravity is analysed.
Book cover: Preludes to Dark Energy: Zero-point energy and vacuum speculationsPreludes to Dark Energy: Zero-point energy and vacuum speculations
by - arXiv ,
Although dark energy is a modern concept, some elements in it can be traced back to the early part of the twentieth century. This paper examines the origin of the idea of zero-point energy and in particular how it appeared in a cosmological context.
Book cover: Elements of Early Modern PhysicsElements of Early Modern Physics
by - University of California Press ,
Part 1 is a very general and discursive survey of 17th century physics; Part 2 is a valuable comparison of the various institutional settings in which 17th and 18th century scientists worked; Part 3 is a history of electricity up to about 1800.
Book cover: Quantum Theory at the CrossroadsQuantum Theory at the Crossroads
by - Cambridge University Press ,
1927 Solvay conference reconsidered. Contrary to folklore, the interpretation question was not settled at this conference and no consensus was reached; instead, a range of sharply conflicting views were presented and extensively discussed.
Book cover: Lawrence and His Laboratory: A History of the Lawrence Berkeley LaboratoryLawrence and His Laboratory: A History of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
by - University of California Press ,
The Radiation Laboratory in Berkeley, California, was the birthplace of particle accelerators, radioisotopes, and modern big science. This volume is a saga of physics and finance in the Great Depression, when a new kind of science was born.
Book cover: From c-Numbers to q-NumbersFrom c-Numbers to q-Numbers
by - University of California Press ,
A mathematically precise history of quantum mechanics. This history is a maze of conceptual problems, through which Olivier Darrigol provides a lucid and learned guide, tracking the role of formal analogies between classical and quantum theory.
Book cover: Lawrence and the CyclotronLawrence and the Cyclotron
by - American Institute of Physics ,
As he built machines to study subatomic particles, Ernest Lawrence created modern Big Science. After helping make the first atomic bombs, he became a leader of Cold War science. His biography is illustrated with pictures, explanations and a song.
Book cover: Albert Einstein: Image and ImpactAlbert Einstein: Image and Impact
- American Institute of Physics ,
His theories and philosophy rose above a turbulent life. The story, checked for accuracy by leading historians, will interest all readers. Enhanced with striking pictures, voice clips, and essays, this is a one-stop source for Einstein information.