
History of Asia


China (6)
India (6)

e-books in History of Asia category

Book cover: The Turkish Empire: Its Growth and DecayThe Turkish Empire: Its Growth and Decay
by - T. Fisher Unwin ,
This volume tells, in a compact and popular form, the story of the growth and decay of the Turkish Empire. The author explains the process by which the Empire was aggregated by its first Sultans, and has since been dismembered under their successors.
Book cover: Japanese HistoryJapanese History
- Wikibooks ,
Japan today is a modern democracy and economy comparable to the European and USA model of politics and economics. This has not always been the case and throughout most of its history Japan practiced an 'isolationist' policy.

Book cover: Afghanistan: The Soviet Invasion and the Afghan Response, 1979-1982Afghanistan: The Soviet Invasion and the Afghan Response, 1979-1982
by - University of California Press ,
Every ninth Afghan had died, every seventh has been disabled, every third had fled abroad: this book reveals the true horror of this unfortunate conflict. The author is an Afghan historian who has studied Afghan society, culture, and politics.
Book cover: Arabia: The Cradle Of IslamArabia: The Cradle Of Islam
by - F. H. Revell company ,
The ethnological, geographical, archeological, and political information of this text brings to our hands a valuable and readable summary of facts, and quicken an interest in one of the great religious and international problems of our times.
Book cover: The Andaman IslandsThe Andaman Islands
by - South Asia Books ,
Easy to read book on the subject of the Andaman islands and their strange aboriginal inhabitants. The author naively and cheerfully lists his facts and graphic descriptions, adds a few personal observations and then goes on to the next topic.
Book cover: Struggle for AsiaStruggle for Asia
by - Books for Libraries Press ,
Intended to supply a background on Asian affairs for the average citizen, who has neither the time nor the inclination to pursue intensive research, but who reads the daily papers and is frequently puzzled by developments which occur in Asia.