
Chemical Engineering

see also

Chemistry (47)

e-books in Chemical Engineering category

Book cover: Flow and Heat or Mass Transfer in the Chemical Process IndustryFlow and Heat or Mass Transfer in the Chemical Process Industry
by - MDPI AG ,
The goal of this special issue is to provide a forum for recent developments in theory, state-of-the-art experiments, and computations on the interaction between flow and transfer in single and multi-phase flow, and from small scales to large scales.
Book cover: Nanoparticles for CatalysisNanoparticles for Catalysis
by - MDPI AG ,
This book illustrates the width of applications of metal nanoparticles in catalysis. It covers metal nanoparticles preparation using natural biomolecules to the catalytic, photocatalytic and electrocatalytic activity of supported metal nanoparticles.

Book cover: Membrane DistillationMembrane Distillation
by - MDPI AG ,
Membrane distillation (MD) is a relatively new thermal membrane process which is attracting significant interest as a potential low cost and energy saving alternative to conventional separation processes such as distillation and reverse osmosis (RO).
Book cover: Effective Chemistry Communication in Informal EnvironmentsEffective Chemistry Communication in Informal Environments
- National Academies Press ,
Chemistry plays a critical role in daily life, impacting areas such as consumer products, energy production, etc. Communicating about chemistry in informal environments has the potential to raise public interest and understanding of chemistry.
Book cover: Innovative Inorganic SynthesisInnovative Inorganic Synthesis
by - MDPI AG ,
The need for new compounds often demands increasingly sophisticated and imaginative synthesis strategies. Equally, the modern societal pressures of cost, safety and environmental protection require new attitudes to the synthesis of chemical products.
Book cover: Ion Exchange: Studies and ApplicationsIon Exchange: Studies and Applications
by - InTech ,
This book provides broad coverage of ion exchange and its applications. The authors focus on the importance of ion exchange applications such as strengtening dental porcelains, gradient changes in glass refraction, and resins as effective sorbents.
Book cover: Separation ProcessesSeparation Processes
by - Center for Studies in Higher Education ,
This classic text is intended for classes focusing on separation processes, mass-transfer operations, unit operations, and distillations. It will satisfy the unit operations or momentum, heat, and mass transfer core requirements of the curriculum.
Book cover: Membrane Filtration ProcessesMembrane Filtration Processes
by - Bookboon ,
This book describes the various filtration processes using membranes such as microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis. Fluid mechanics concepts are reviewed in order to permit to describe the flow inside filtration modules.
Book cover: Momentum, Heat, and Mass TransferMomentum, Heat, and Mass Transfer
by - Bookboon ,
This book covers the transport of momentum, heat, and mass in non-equilibrium systems. It derives balance equations for general properties and introduces the concepts of convective and diffusive flux. These are applied to the conservation of mass.
Book cover: Chemical Engineering VocabularyChemical Engineering Vocabulary
by - Bookboon ,
The Chemical Engineering Vocabulary was written for students and young professionals in chemistry, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering and economics, who have to do with chemical engineering in an academic or industrial setting.
Book cover: Glossary of CombustionGlossary of Combustion
by - Bookboon ,
More than 2,500 terms from combustion and related fields are described. Relevant expressions were selected, ranging from laboratory applications to large-scale boilers, from experimental research such as spectroscopy to computer simulations.
Book cover: Process Control FundamentalsProcess Control Fundamentals
- PAControl.com ,
Precise control of level, temperature, pressure and flow is important in many process applications. This book introduces you to control in process industries, explains why it is important, and identifies the ways in which precise control is ensured.
Book cover: ElectrochemistryElectrochemistry
by - InTech ,
Electrochemistry has been undergoing significant transformations in the last few decades. It is now the province of academics interested in thermodynamic properties of solutions and of industrialists using electrolysis or manufacturing batteries.
Book cover: Introduction to Chemical Engineering ProcessesIntroduction to Chemical Engineering Processes
- Wikibooks ,
This book explains the basic principles behind what chemical engineers do and how they can use powerful tools from physics to solve problems involving steady-state processes. The book is designed as an introduction to the subject.
Book cover: Advancing DesalinationAdvancing Desalination
by - InTech ,
The purpose of desalination is to make water drinkable, or pure enough for industrial applications. This volume touches on Membranes and Systems, Solar Desalination, Reverse Osmosis Process Chemistry and Control, Drinking Water Quality, etc.
Book cover: Mass Transfer in Chemical Engineering ProcessesMass Transfer in Chemical Engineering Processes
by - InTech ,
This book offers several approaches in solving mass transfer problems for different applications: measurements of the diffusion coefficients, estimation of the mass transfer coefficients, mass transfer limitation in separation processes, etc.
Book cover: Essentials of ChemistryEssentials of Chemistry
by - BookBoon ,
Atoms, chemical bonds and chemical compounds, chemical reaction kinetics, chemical equilibria, acid and base theory and electrochemistry -- all of this is presented to help students get a solid understanding of fundamental and applied chemistry.
Book cover: Bioethanol: Science and technology of fuel alcoholBioethanol: Science and technology of fuel alcohol
by - BookBoon ,
Biofuels play significant roles in decarbonisation of our future energy needs. This book provides a timely overview of biomass-to-bioethanol conversion technologies and is aimed at undergraduate students of biological and environmental sciences.
Book cover: Applied ElectrochemistryApplied Electrochemistry
by - The MacMillan Company ,
This is an account of the most important electrochemical industries, as well as the principal applications of electrochemistry in the laboratory. The plan has been to discuss each subject from the theoretical and from the technical point of view.
Book cover: Practical Chemistry for Engineering StudentsPractical Chemistry for Engineering Students
by - Longmans, Green, and Co. ,
The present work, which is essentially for laboratory use, should be found to be a valuable adjunct to the systematic courses of lectures and tutorial classes which the student is expected to attend during his first and second years.
Book cover: Polymer Science and EngineeringPolymer Science and Engineering
- National Academies ,
This book explores the universe of polymers in various fields, such as medicine and biotechnology information and communication, housing and construction, energy and transportation, national defense, and environmental protection.
Book cover: Fluid Bed Particle ProcessingFluid Bed Particle Processing
by - BookBoon ,
The processes and principles of fluid bed wet granulation processes are introduced together with an introduction to the mechanical properties of processed granules. You will learn the basic principles and theory within this important field.
Book cover: Methods in Industrial Biotechnology for Chemical EngineersMethods in Industrial Biotechnology for Chemical Engineers
by - InfoLearnQuest ,
In this book, the authors apply some set of fuzzy techniques to chemical industry problems such as finding the right proportion of raw mix to control pollution, to study flow rates, and to find out the better quality of products.
Book cover: HydrocarbonsHydrocarbons
by - BookBoon ,
The book on the physical properties of hydrocarbons. It is of interest to students and professionals in chemical engineering, fuel technology and mechanical engineering. The author have used it in a newly set up chemical engineering degree course.
Book cover: Fundamentals of ThermodynamicsFundamentals of Thermodynamics
by - University of Pittsburgh ,
This text will provide the student with basic thermodynamic tools for solving many classes of problems. It is intended for first year chemical engineering graduate students with at least one undergraduate course in classical thermodynamics.
Book cover: Fundamentals of Reaction Engineering - ExamplesFundamentals of Reaction Engineering - Examples
by - BookBoon ,
This is the 'Worked Examples' part of the book entitled 'Fundamentals of Reaction Engineering', an introductory text covering the basic elements of reactor design. The focus is on revising the main concepts in the form of problems and their answers.
Book cover: Fundamentals of Reaction EngineeringFundamentals of Reaction Engineering
by - BookBoon ,
This is an introductory text covering the basic elements of reactor design. The focus is on simple flow patterns. Material and energy balances have been derived for continuous stirred tank reactors and tubular flow reactors, assuming plug flow.
Book cover: Fundamentals of Chemical Reaction EngineeringFundamentals of Chemical Reaction Engineering
by - McGraw-Hill ,
An introduction to the quantitative treatment of chemical reaction engineering. The book is appropriate for a one-semester undergraduate or first-year graduate course. The text covers both homogeneous and heterogeneous reacting systems.
Book cover: Coal PyrolysisCoal Pyrolysis
by - Elsevier ,
The monograph on recent pyrolysis research. Experimental and theoretical aspects are discussed in the light of basic chemical and physical mechanisms. The text is useful to chemists, engineers and graduate students with interests in coal research.
Book cover: Fundamentals of Air Pollution EngineeringFundamentals of Air Pollution Engineering
by - Prentice Hall ,
The subject of this book is air pollution engineering. The goal is to present a rigorous analysis of the production of air pollutants and their control. The text is intended for use at the senior or first-year graduate level.
Book cover: Numerical Methods and Modeling for Chemical EngineersNumerical Methods and Modeling for Chemical Engineers
by - John Wiley & Sons ,
Introduction to the quantitative treatment of differential equations that arise in the area of chemical engineering. The book emphasizes the methods implemented in commercial software to help the engineer gain maximum benefit.
Book cover: Frontiers in ChemistryFrontiers in Chemistry
by - National Centre for Catalysis Research ,
Performance materials, composite materials, nano materials, silicon substitutes, solar cells, ionic liquids, fuel cells, nuclear energy options, hydrogen energy, energy storage, diagnosis and drug delivery, pollution control, and more.
Book cover: Elements of X-Ray DiffractionElements of X-Ray Diffraction
by - Addison-Wesley ,
Intended to acquaint the reader with the theory of x-ray diffraction, the experimental methods involved, and the main applications. It stresses X-ray diffraction rather than metallurgy. Designed for beginners, not a reference for the advanced reader.