
Differential Topology

see also

Differential Geometry (42)

e-books in Differential Topology category

Book cover: Lectures on Differential TopologyLectures on Differential Topology
by - arXiv.org ,
This text is a comprehensive introduction to the theory of smooth manifolds, maps, and fundamental associated structures. It is geared toward beginning master's and doctoral students with an undergraduate mathematics background.
Book cover: Contact TopologyContact Topology
by - University of Texas at Austin ,
This is a course on contact manifolds, which are odd dimensional manifolds with an extra structure called a contact structure. Most of our study will focus on three dimensional manifolds, though many of these notions hold for any odd dimension.
Book cover: Differential TopologyDifferential Topology
by - Johns Hopkins University ,
This is an elementary text book for the civil engineering students with no prior background in point-set topology. This is a rather terse mathematical text, but provided with an abundant supply of examples and exercises with hints.
Book cover: Differential Topology and Morse TheoryDifferential Topology and Morse Theory
by - University of Sheffield ,
These notes describe basic material about smooth manifolds (vector fields, flows, tangent bundle, partitions of unity, Whitney embedding theorem, foliations, etc...), introduction to Morse theory, and various applications.

Book cover: Differential Topology of Fiber BundlesDifferential Topology of Fiber Bundles
by - FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg ,
From the table of contents: Basic Concepts (The concept of a fiber bundle, Coverings, Morphisms...); Bundles and Cocycles; Cohomology of Lie Algebras; Smooth G-valued Functions; Connections on Principal Bundles; Curvature; Perspectives.
Book cover: Introduction to Differential Topology, de Rham Theory and Morse TheoryIntroduction to Differential Topology, de Rham Theory and Morse Theory
by - Radboud University ,
Contents: Why Differential Topology? Basics of Differentiable Manifolds; Local structure of smooth maps; Transversality Theory; More General Theory; Differential Forms and de Rham Theory; Tensors and some Riemannian Geometry; Morse Theory; etc.
Book cover: Introduction to Differential TopologyIntroduction to Differential Topology
by - Boise State University ,
This is a preliminary version of introductory lecture notes for Differential Topology. We try to give a deeper account of basic ideas of differential topology than usual in introductory texts. Many examples of manifolds are worked out in detail.
Book cover: Contact GeometryContact Geometry
by - arXiv ,
This is an introductory text on the more topological aspects of contact geometry. After discussing some of the fundamental results of contact topology, I move on to a detailed exposition of the original proof of the Lutz-Martinet theorem.
Book cover: Ricci Flow and the Poincare ConjectureRicci Flow and the Poincare Conjecture
by - American Mathematical Society ,
This book provides full details of a complete proof of the Poincare Conjecture following Grigory Perelman's preprints. The book is suitable for all mathematicians from advanced graduate students to specialists in geometry and topology.
Book cover: Lecture Notes on Differentiable ManifoldsLecture Notes on Differentiable Manifolds
by - National University of Singapore ,
Contents: Tangent Spaces, Vector Fields in Rn and the Inverse Mapping Theorem; Topological and Differentiable Manifolds, Diffeomorphisms, Immersions, Submersions and Submanifolds; Examples of Manifolds; Fibre Bundles and Vector Bundles; etc.
Book cover: Tight and Taut SubmanifoldsTight and Taut Submanifolds
by - Cambridge University Press ,
Tight and taut submanifolds form an important class of manifolds with special curvature properties, one that has been studied intensively by differential geometers since the 1950's. This book contains six articles by leading experts in the field.
Book cover: Introduction to Symplectic and Hamiltonian GeometryIntroduction to Symplectic and Hamiltonian Geometry
by ,
The text covers foundations of symplectic geometry in a modern language. It describes symplectic manifolds and their transformations, and explains connections to topology and other geometries. It also covers hamiltonian fields and hamiltonian actions.
Book cover: Manifolds of Differentiable MappingsManifolds of Differentiable Mappings
by - Birkhauser ,
This book is devoted to the theory of manifolds of differentiable mappings and contains result which can be proved without the help of a hard implicit function theorem of nuclear function spaces. All the necessary background is developed in detail.
Book cover: Lectures on Symplectic GeometryLectures on Symplectic Geometry
by - Springer ,
An introduction to symplectic geometry and topology, it provides a useful and effective synopsis of the basics of symplectic geometry and serves as the springboard for a prospective researcher. The text is written in a clear, easy-to-follow style.
Book cover: Symplectic GeometrySymplectic Geometry
by - Princeton University ,
An overview of symplectic geometry – the geometry of symplectic manifolds. From a language of classical mechanics, symplectic geometry became a central branch of differential geometry and topology. This survey gives a partial flavor on this field.
Book cover: Differentiable ManifoldsDifferentiable Manifolds
by ,
The historical driving force of the theory of manifolds was General Relativity, where the manifold is four-dimensional spacetime, wormholes and all. This text is occupied with the theory of differential forms and the exterior derivative.