e-books in Operations & Project Management category

by Adrienne Watt - BCcampus , 2014
People have been undertaking projects since the earliest days of organized human activity. This book covers the basics of project management. This includes the process of initiation, planning, execution, control, and closeout that all projects share.

by Shuly Cooper, et al. , 2011
This book offers a framework for managing projects in any career area. The concepts can be applied no matter where you work. The mission of this textbook is to provide students with project management skills they can apply in any chosen profession.

by Drew Davidson et al. - ETC Press , 2016
The book describes the dynamic process of collaborative design and development within interdisciplinary teams as they work to create something together. It provides an overview of our research on how diversity, inclusion and innovation are related.

by Wiley, et al. - Pressbooks , 2012
This is a textbook about project management tailored specifically for instructional designers (PM4ID), intended for use in graduate programs in educational technology. This book is based on a pre-existing openly licensed textbook.

by Jacqui Hogan - Bookboon , 2014
The author is looking at why people are so difficult to manage on a project, who those people are and how to manage them better. The book covers in detail how to manage changing requirements and the people issues inherent upon making those changes.

by Christine Petersen - Bookboon , 2013
This book is designed to help you understand the theory, tools, techniques and key success factors for you to succeed in your projects. We will be looking at all aspects of managing projects -- from the technical checklists to the soft skills.

by John Kyriazoglou - Bookboon , 2013
This book is about auditing and improving the performance of your small, medium-sized or large company. It contains a business model, several performance dimensions, 190 audit questions, over 40 performance measures, an evaluation approach, etc.

by Tony Gruebl - Smashwords , 2013
You've hired certified project managers and implemented project management techniques, and yet you still don't have the success you need. You need someone not afraid to ruffle a few feathers, make hard decisions, and speak key truths...

by Mounir A. Ajam - Bookboon , 2013
Through Project Management for the Accidental Project Manager, we offer a solid and proven methodology for managing projects. This methodology applies for different types of projects and we present the coaching material using a 'dialogue' format.

by Svein-Arne Jessen - BookBoon , 2012
Two books on how to master Small- and Medium-Sized Projects. The books systematically review the steps or 'Stepstones' any project manager needs to negotiate. The focus is on SMPs, but all projects could benefit from going through the 'Stepstones'.

by Jane Stephenson, Anne Galloway - BookBoon , 2012
This book is a must read for everyone who is considering presenting a workshop, seminar or training. The book covers everything you need to know about choosing a great topic, planning the run up to your workshop and presenting it effectively.

- GetApp , 2012
Using a project management approach in your business can help you overcome these obstacles so you can be successful. It will help you minimize confusion, rework, errors and best of all, it can help you delight your customers.

by Magnus Mähring - EFI at SSE , 2002
This dissertation investigates how executives engage in information technology projects and how organizational control of IT projects forms and evolves over time. It contains an in-depth account of a large IT project in a financial company.

- PM@UTS , 2009
The following pages on Project Management have been constructed to enhance your understanding of types of projects and then to step you through the process of initiating, planning, implementing and closing small to medium size projects.

- New York State Office for Technology , 2002
The book provides a high-level look at the Project Management Lifecycle, and provides Executive Management with a guide to understanding and supporting project management in their organization. It provides consistency in the way projects are managed.

by MTD Training - BookBoon , 2010
Today, we have more and more demands made upon us at home and at work. In this textbook you will learn skills and techniques to prioritize your work, to avoid time wasting events and communicate what you want and what you don't want.

by MTD Training - BookBoon , 2010
In order to be successful you will need to be well organized and you need to be able to manage resources, time and costs. In this textbook you are going learn skills and the techniques to manage projects more effectively.

by Russell Darnall, John M. Preston - University of Minnesota , 2010
The text provides an overview of project management and uses the standard definitions of the divisions of project management knowledge as described by the Project Management Institute to provide grounding in traditional project management concepts.

by Maria Pomffyova - InTech , 2010
Process management is presented as knowledge, skills, tools, techniques and systems to define, visualize, measure, control, report and improve processes. This book reports about the process management research results in many various areas.

by Massimiliano M. Schiraldi - InTech , 2013
Operations Management is an area of business concerned with managing the process that converts inputs into outputs, in the form of goods and services. This book reports new ideas, original results and practical experiences in Operations Management.

by Olaf Passenheim - BookBoon , 2009
Every project manager has to deal with different targets, different environments, and with different people. Read this book to learn more about Project Management. Contents: Project Organisations, Estimation of Times and Cost, Risk Management, etc.

by Barbee Davis, Harry Tucker - O'Reilly , 2009
This book offers knowledge that's priceless, gained through years of trial and error. The book contains 97 short and extremely practical tips, from some of the world's most experienced project managers and software developers.

by George Pitagorsky - International Institute for Learning , 2007
This book brings together sound wisdom, a nuts-and-bolts grasp of practicalities, and original insights. It's the Zen that's been missing in all too many of today's business books, and George Pitagorsky is the master we've needed.

by Michael Harding Roberts - hraconsulting-ltd.co.uk , 2009
The text covers projects and stages, roles and responsibilities, risk management, estimating, planning, tracking, controlling and reporting, quality management, etc. The book will also be of interest to non-IT people involved in IT projects.