
C++ Programming Language


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e-books in C++ Programming Language category

Book cover: C++ Notes for ProfessionalsC++ Notes for Professionals
- GoalKicker ,
Contents: Getting started with C++; Operator precedence; Arrays; Loops; Metaprogramming; Basic type keywords; Pointers; C++ Containers; Namespaces; Regular expressions; Data Structures in C++; Threading; Design pattern implementation in C++; etc.
Book cover: Modern C++Modern C++
by - GitBook ,
This serves as documentation for more advanced/modern features of C++ that are not currently covered in the curriculum at many universities. Some topics covered aren't necessarily C++ specific, but are more general software engineering aspects.

Book cover: Practical C++ MetaprogrammingPractical C++ Metaprogramming
- O'Reilly Media ,
C++ template metaprogramming is ideal for performing automatic compile-time optimization. With this ebook, you'll learn how improved metaprogramming techniques in C++11 and C++14 can help you avoid mistakes by making the compiler work for you.
Book cover: C++ Today: The Beast Is BackC++ Today: The Beast Is Back
by - O'Reilly Media ,
Now that software development is shifting primarily toward mobile and cloud computing, C++ is returning to the dominant position. Authors demonstrate how modern C++ provides the power necessary for server farms as well as low-footprint mobile apps.
Book cover: Practical Guide to Bare Metal C++Practical Guide to Bare Metal C++
by - GitBook ,
The intended audience of this document is professional C++ developers who want to understand bare metal development a little bit better, get to know how to use C++ language in an embedded environment, and bring their C++ skills to an 'expert' level.
Book cover: C++ Best PracticesC++ Best Practices
by - GitBook ,
This document is meant to be a collaborative discussion of the best practices in C++. We fill in some of the lower level details and provide specific stylistic recommendations while also discussing how to ensure overall code quality.
Book cover: The Ultimate Question of Programming, Refactoring, and EverythingThe Ultimate Question of Programming, Refactoring, and Everything
by ,
In this article you will find 42 recommendations about coding in C++ that can help a programmer avoid a lot of errors, save time and effort. Every recommendation is given with a practical example, which proves the currentness of this question.
Book cover: How to Make a Computer Operating System in C++How to Make a Computer Operating System in C++
by - GitHub ,
Online book about how to write a computer operating system in C/C++ from scratch. The goal is to build a very simple UNIX-based operating system, not just a 'proof-of-concept'. The OS should be able to boot, start a userland shell, and be extensible.
Book cover: Optimizing Software in C++Optimizing Software in C++
by - Agner.org ,
This is an optimization manual for advanced C++ programmers. Topics: The choice of platform and operating system. Choice of compiler and framework. Finding performance bottlenecks. The efficiency of different C++ constructs. Multi-core systems. Etc.
Book cover: Optimizing C++Optimizing C++
- Wikibooks ,
This book contains guidelines and advices on how to write efficient software using the C++ language. Software correctness and maintainability are taken into account, but are not the primary concerns. The book is for intermediate C++ programmers.
Book cover: C++ Hacker's GuideC++ Hacker's Guide
by - No Starch Press ,
This book contains a collection of hacks born out of Steve Oualline's over forty years of programming experience. Here you will find all sorts of hacks to make your programs more reliable, more readable, and easier to debug.
Book cover: More C++ IdiomsMore C++ Idioms
- Wikibooks ,
The objective is to present modern C++ idioms to programmers who have moderate level of familiarity with C++, and help elevate their knowledge so that C++ feels much friendlier to them. It is designed to be an exhaustive catalog of reusable idioms.
Book cover: Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++
by - Dover Publications ,
A comprehensive treatment focusing on efficient data structures and algorithms, this text explains how to select or design the data structure best suited to specific problems. It uses C++ programming language and is suitable for second-year courses.
Book cover: C++ for C ProgrammersC++ for C Programmers
by - Smashwords ,
A book with exhaustive examples of C++ intended to help a C programmer learn and use C++. The book is not organized in a traditional chapter format, included are example programs that illustrate the important points of C++ in an evolutionary manner.
Book cover: Parallel Programming with Microsoft Visual C++Parallel Programming with Microsoft Visual C++
by - Microsoft Press ,
This guide introduces you to the most frequently used patterns of parallel programming and provides executable code samples for them, using PPL. When thinking about where to begin, a good place to start is to review the patterns in this book.
Book cover: Language Translation Using PCCTS and C++Language Translation Using PCCTS and C++
by - Automata Publishing Company ,
This book is a reference guide for the parser generator ANTLR, ANother Tool for Language Recognition, and the tree-parser generator SORCERER, which is suited to source-to-source translation. It is valuable to scientists, engineers, or programmers.
Book cover: No Bugs!: Delivering Error-Free Code in C and C++No Bugs!: Delivering Error-Free Code in C and C++
by - Addison-Wesley ,
The book offers a revolutionary approach to software development by showing how to write error-free code from the start. Presented are techniques to stop many kinds of bugs from being included in a program. It also discusses how to test programs.
Book cover: Debugging C and C++ code in a Unix environmentDebugging C and C++ code in a Unix environment
by - OOPWeb.com ,
This document describes several techniques and tools for debugging code in C-like languages in a Unix environment. We will also discuss some good coding practices that will diminish the occurrence of certain types of bugs.
Book cover: Introduction to  Object-Oriented Programming  Using C++Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Using C++
by - Globewide Network Academy ,
In this course, object-orientation is introduced as a new programming concept which should help you in developing high quality software. Object-orientation is also introduced as a concept which makes developing of projects easier.
Book cover: C++ Programming for ScientistsC++ Programming for Scientists
by - NIST
From the table of contents: ANSI C; C++ as a better C; C++ Classes and Objects; Objects in Scientific Computing; Inheritance and Polymorphism; Templates, Exceptions and Observations; Programming Examples; Scientific Library Examples.
Book cover: Industrial Strength C++Industrial Strength C++
by - Prentice Hall ,
This book defines a C++ coding standard that should be usable for almost all programmers. Text and examples explain each individual rule and recommendation. The book covers naming conventions, resource management, code organization, and more.
Book cover: Taligent's Guide to Designing ProgramsTaligent's Guide to Designing Programs
- Taligent Press ,
Well-Mannered object-oriented design in C++: this is a brief overview of object-oriented program design, focusing on operating-system development. The text will be of interest to the C++ programmers who need a quick summary of good OOP techniques.
Book cover: Programming the Be Operating SystemProgramming the Be Operating System
by - O'Reilly ,
This book gives C++ programmers their start to developing the applications on Be operating system. The book begins with simple programs and gradually adds elements of the graphical interface. It carefully describes drawing and message handling.
Book cover: Programming PearlsProgramming Pearls
by - Addison-Wesley Professional ,
The book focuses on choosing the right algorithms and on showing how to solve problems effectively. Each chapter frames a particular programming task (sorting numbers, creating anagrams, counting the words). Code examples are written in C and C++.
Book cover: Financial Numerical Recipes in C++Financial Numerical Recipes in C++
by ,
Useful examples and algorithms for people working within the field of finance. Typical examples are option/derivatives pricing, term structure calculations, mean variance analysis. The author made C++ subroutines that implements common algorithms.
Book cover: C++ AnnotationsC++ Annotations
by - University of Groningen ,
The book for knowledgeable users of C who would like to make the transition to C++. It is the main textbook for C++ programming courses at the University of Groningen. The text does not cover C++'s basic grammar, which is equal to C's grammar.
Book cover: Optimizing C ++Optimizing C ++
by - Prentice Hall PTR ,
The book provides C++ programmers with a practical approach to code optimization. The text consists of case studies of database problems with various searching and compression algorithms, the source code, and explanation of the solutions.
Book cover: An Introduction to GCCAn Introduction to GCC
by - Network Theory Ltd ,
This manual provides a complete introduction to the GNU C and C++ compilers, common problems and encountered error messages, with numerous easy examples. The text covers compiling using headers and libraries, preprocessor, linking, and more.
Book cover: How to think like a Computer Scientist (C++ Version)How to think like a Computer Scientist (C++ Version)
by ,
This book teaches you to think like a computer scientist - to combine the best features of mathematics, natural science, and engineering, to use formal languages to denote ideas, to observe the behavior of complex systems, form hypotheses, etc.