e-books in Media Studies category

by T. Beyes, M. Leeker, I. Schipper - De Gruyter Open , 2017
The contributions engage with the implications of digital media and its networked infrastructures for modulations of affect and the body, for performing cities, protest, organization and markets, and for the performativity of critique.

by Shannon Mattern - University of Minnesota , 2015
Using techniques like excavation and mapping to discover the modern city's roots in time, Shannon Mattern advocates for urban media archaeology, a multisensory approach to investigating the material history of networked cities.

by Melinda Hinkson (ed.) - ANU Press , 2016
Imaging Identity presents potent reflections on the human condition through the prism of portraiture. These essays consider why portraits continue to have such galvanising appeal and perform fundamental work across so many social settings.

by Bill Moggridge - The MIT Press , 2010
Bill Moggridge examines connections and conflicts between old and new media, describing how the MSM have changed and how new patterns of media consumption are emerging. The book features interviews with 37 significant figures in mass communication.

by Michelle Ferrier, Elizabeth Mays , 2017
The textbook is designed to fill the needs of a growing number of journalism and mass communications programs in the U.S. that are teaching media entrepreneurship, media innovation, and the business of journalism to undergraduates and graduates.

by Sybille Krämer - Amsterdam University Press , 2015
This rich study provides a comprehensive introduction to media philosophy while offering a new perspective on the concept and function of transmission media in all systems of exchange. Kramer uses the figure of the messenger as a key metaphor ...

by Nanna Verhoeff - Amsterdam University Press , 2012
This book is a must for anybody interested in visual culture and media theory. It offers a theoretical account of the central dimension of our contemporary existence -- interfacing and navigating data and physical world through a variety of screens.

by Nico Carpentier - Intellect Ltd , 2011
This book looks at participation as a structurally unstable concept and as the object of a political struggle that makes it oscillate between minimalist and maximalist versions. This struggle is analysed in theoretical reflections in five fields.

by Niki Seth-Smith (ed.) - Commonwealth Publishing , 2016
'Rethinking the BBC: Public Media in the 21st Century' brings together some of the most influential thinkers on media politics and policy in the UK and beyond. It is a vital contribution to the debate on public media at a moment of rapid change.

by Michael Ross, et al. - Transcript-Verlag , 2015
In this volume, international media scholars and computer scientists present their projects, varying from film-historical databases to automatic video analysis software, discussing their application of digital tools and reporting on their results.

by Sean Cubitt (ed.) - Open Humanities Press , 2015
The authors study the historical evolution of digital light-based technologies. The book provides a critical account of digital light-based technologies and techniques by tracing their genealogies and comparing them with their predecessor media.

by Jack Lule - The Saylor Foundation , 2013
The text will support an engaging course experience for students that will not only show them the powerful social and economic forces will affect the future of media technology, but will challenge students to do their part in shaping that future.

by Marianne van den Boomen, et al. - Amsterdam University Press , 2009
The authors assembled their 'digital material' into an anthology, covering issues ranging from desktop metaphors to Web 2.0 ecosystems, from touch screens to blogging and e-learning, from role-playing games and cybergothic music to wireless dreams.

by Siegfried Zielinski - Amsterdam University Press , 1999
The book reconstructs the genesis of cinema and television as historically relative cultural forms, focussing on the interaction between the apparatus and its uses. It is also a plea for 'staying power' in studies of cultural technology of film.

by Joe Karaganis - SSRC Books , 2011
An independent study of music, film and software piracy in emerging economies, with a focus on Brazil, India, Russia, etc. The report argues that the problem of piracy is better conceived as a failure of affordable access to media in legal markets.

by Steve Buckley, et al. - World Bank Publications , 2008
This book provides development practitioners with a wide overview of the key policy and regulatory issues involved in supporting freedom of information and expression and enabling development of a pluralistic and independent broadcasting sector.

by Joseph Turow, Lokman Tsui - University of Michigan Press , 2008
The book addresses a series of questions about the ways in which hyperlinks organize behavior online. These essays will be valuable to anyone interested in the connections that structure communication discourse in the world of digital media.

by Emily Chivers Yochim - University of Michigan Press , 2010
Skate Life examines how young male skateboarders use skate culture media in the production of their identities. Emily Chivers Yochim offers a comprehensive ethnographic analysis of an Ann Arbor, Michigan, skateboarding community.

by Russell Neuman - University of Michigan Press , 2010
The authors explore the issue of media evolution. Focusing on a variety of examples in media history, ranging from the telephone to the television, the radio to the Internet, these essays address questions about the nature of technological change.

by John Carey, Martin C. J. Elton - University of Michigan Press , 2010
The book investigates the human factors involved in technological change and their implications for current and future media. It will find a broad audience ranging from media and communication scholars to historians and organizational theorists.

by Drew Davidson et al. - Carnegie Mellon University , 2010
An introduction to the future of mass media and mass communications - cross-media communications. Cross-media is explained through the presentation and analysis of contemporary examples and project-based tutorials in cross-media development.

by Dan Gillmor - Lulu.com , 2010
We're in an age of information overload, and too much of what we watch, hear and read is mistaken, deceitful or even dangerous. Yet you and I can take control and make media serve us by being active consumers and participants. Here's how.

by Adam D. Thierer - The Progress & Freedom Foundation , 2005
Are media companies in this country too big? Is the media diverse enough and competitive enough today? And what relationship, if any, does media size have to the health of our democracy? These are the questions Adam Thierer explores in this book.

by Stephen Hill, Bevis Fenner - BookBoon , 2010
This is an ideal guidebook for undergraduates studying a range of Media and Cultural Studies courses. Alongside more traditional forms like film, television and music, the book also makes reference to Facebook, YouTube and MySpace.

by Dan Gillmor - O'Reilly Media, Inc. , 2004
The book about journalism's transformation from a mass-media structure to something more democratic, a story of evolutionary change and a modern revolution, because technology has given us a toolkit that allows anyone to become a journalist.

by Lawrence Lessig - Penguin Press HC , 2004
Never before have the big cultural monopolists used the fear created by new technologies to shrink the public domain of ideas, even as the same corporations use the same technologies to control more and more what we can and can't do with culture.