
Numerical Analysis

e-books in Numerical Analysis category

Book cover: First Semester in Numerical Analysis with JuliaFirst Semester in Numerical Analysis with Julia
by - Florida State University ,
The book presents the theory and methods, together with the implementation of the algorithms using the Julia programming language. The book covers computer arithmetic, root-finding, numerical quadrature and differentiation, and approximation theory.
Book cover: Geometric Transformation of Finite Element Methods: Theory and ApplicationsGeometric Transformation of Finite Element Methods: Theory and Applications
by - arXiv.org ,
We present a new technique to apply finite element methods to partial differential equations over curved domains. Bramble-Hilbert lemma is key in harnessing regularity in the physical problem to prove finite element convergence rates for the problem.
Book cover: Programming for Computations - PythonProgramming for Computations - Python
by - Springer ,
This book presents Python programming as a key method for solving mathematical problems. The style is accessible and concise, the emphasis is on generic algorithms, clean design of programs, use of functions, and automatic tests for verification.

Book cover: Finite Difference Computing with PDEsFinite Difference Computing with PDEs
by - Springer ,
This easy-to-read book introduces the basics of solving partial differential equations by means of finite difference methods. Unlike many of the traditional academic works on the topic, this book was written for practitioners.
Book cover: Solving PDEs in PythonSolving PDEs in Python
by - Springer ,
This book offers a concise and gentle introduction to finite element programming in Python based on the popular FEniCS software library. Using a series of examples, it guides readers through the essential steps to quickly solving a PDE in FEniCS.
Book cover: Introduction to Numerical Methods and Matlab Programming for EngineersIntroduction to Numerical Methods and Matlab Programming for Engineers
by - Ohio University ,
The goals of these notes are to introduce concepts of numerical methods and introduce Matlab in an Engineering framework. The notes were developed by the author in the process of teaching a course on applied numerical methods for Civil Engineering.
Book cover: Introduction to Numerical MethodsIntroduction to Numerical Methods
by - The Hong Kong University ,
This is primarily for non-mathematics majors and is required by several engineering departments. Contents: IEEE Arithmetic; Root Finding; Systems of equations; Least-squares approximation; Interpolation; Integration; Ordinary differential equations.
Book cover: Scientific ComputingScientific Computing
by - Harvey Mudd College ,
This course consists of both numerical methods and computational physics. MATLAB is used to solve various computational math problems. The course is primarily for Math majors and supposes no previous knowledge of numerical analysis or methods.
Book cover: The Numerical Approximation of Functional Differential EquationsThe Numerical Approximation of Functional Differential Equations
by - arXiv ,
The purpose of this manuscript is to provide a new perspective on the problem of numerical approximation of nonlinear functionals and functional differential equations. The proposed methods will be described and demonstrated in various examples.
Book cover: Tea Time Numerical AnalysisTea Time Numerical Analysis
by - Southern Connecticut State University ,
A one semester introduction to numerical analysis. Includes typical introductory material, root finding, numerical calculus, and interpolation techniques. The focus is on the mathematics rather than application to engineering or sciences.
Book cover: Computing of the Complex Variable FunctionsComputing of the Complex Variable Functions
by - MiC ,
Hardware algorithms for computing of all elementary complex variable functions are proposed. Contents: A method 'digit-by-digit'; Decomposition; Compositions; Two-step-by-step operations; Taking the logarithm; Potentiation; and more.
Book cover: Parallel Spectral Numerical MethodsParallel Spectral Numerical Methods
by - Wikibooks ,
We start with finite-precision arithmetic. We then discuss how to solve ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations using the technique of separation of variables. We then introduce numerical time-stepping schemes...
Book cover: Numerical Solutions of Engineering ProblemsNumerical Solutions of Engineering Problems
by - University of Alberta ,
Contents: On mathematical models; Single nonlinear algebraic equation; System of linear and nonlinear algebraic equations; Numerical differentiation and integration; Ordinary differential equations; Boundary value problems; etc.
Book cover: Lectures on Numerical Methods in Bifurcation ProblemsLectures on Numerical Methods in Bifurcation Problems
by - Tata Institute Of Fundamental Research ,
These lectures introduce the modern theory and practical numerical methods for continuation of solutions of nonlinear problems depending upon parameters. The treatment is elementary, advanced calculus and linear algebra are the omly prerequisites.
Book cover: Lectures on Numerical Methods for Non-Linear Variational ProblemsLectures on Numerical Methods for Non-Linear Variational Problems
by - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research ,
Many physics problems have variational formulations making them appropriate for numerical treatment. This book describes the mathematical background and reviews the techniques for solving problems, including those that require large computations.
Book cover: Lectures on Topics In Finite Element Solution of Elliptic ProblemsLectures on Topics In Finite Element Solution of Elliptic Problems
by - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research ,
Contents: Sobolev Spaces; Abstract Variational Problems and Examples; Conforming Finite Element Methods; Computation of the Solution of the Approximate Problem; Problems with an Incompressibility Constraint; Mixed Finite Element Methods; etc.
Book cover: Numerical Methods For Time Dependent EquationsNumerical Methods For Time Dependent Equations
by - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research ,
The solution of time dependent equations of hydrodynamics is a subject of great importance. This book is mainly concentrated on the study of the stability of the various schemes. We have considered only the stability for linearized problems.
Book cover: Lectures on The Finite Element MethodLectures on The Finite Element Method
by - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research ,
Our basic aim has been to present some of the mathematical aspects of the finite element method, as well as some applications of the finite element method for solving problems in Elasticity. This is why some important topics are not covered here.
Book cover: Numerical Analysis INumerical Analysis I
by - Rice University ,
This course takes a tour through many algorithms of numerical analysis. We aim to assess alternative methods based on efficiency, to discern well-posed problems from ill-posed ones, and to see these methods in action through computer implementation.
Book cover: Iterative Methods for Linear and Nonlinear EquationsIterative Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Equations
by - SIAM ,
This book focuses on a small number of methods and treats them in depth. The author provides a complete analysis of the conjugate gradient and generalized minimum residual iterations as well as recent advances including Newton-Krylov methods.
Book cover: Numerical Methods for Large Eigenvalue ProblemsNumerical Methods for Large Eigenvalue Problems
by - SIAM ,
This book discusses numerical methods for computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors of large sparse matrices. It provides an in-depth view of the numerical methods for solving matrix eigenvalue problems that arise in various engineering applications.
Book cover: Numerical Analysis for EngineeringNumerical Analysis for Engineering
by - University of Waterloo ,
Contents: Error Analysis, Numeric Representation, Iteration, Linear Algebra, Interpolation, Least Squares, Taylor Series, Bracketing, The Five Techniques, Root Finding, Optimization, Differentiation, Integration, Initial-value Problems, etc.
Book cover: Numerical Analysis: Theory and ApplicationNumerical Analysis: Theory and Application
by - InTech ,
The book introduces theoretical approach to numerical analysis as well as applications of various numerical methods to solving numerous theoretical and engineering problems. The book is useful for both theoretical and applied research.
Book cover: Lectures on Numerical AnalysisLectures on Numerical Analysis
by - University of Pennsylvania ,
Contents: Differential and Difference Equations (Linear equations with constant coefficients, Difference equations, Stability theory); The Numerical Solution of Differential Equations (Euler's method); Numerical linear algebra.
Book cover: Notes on Numerical Linear AlgebraNotes on Numerical Linear Algebra
by ,
Tutorial describing many of the standard numerical methods used in Linear Algebra. Topics include Gaussian Elimination, LU and QR Factorizations, The Singular Value Decomposition, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors via the QR Method, etc.
Book cover: Notes on Harmonic AnalysisNotes on Harmonic Analysis
by ,
Tutorial discussing some of the numerical aspects of practical harmonic analysis. Topics include Historical Background, Fourier Series and Integral Approximations, Convergence Improvement, Differentiation of Fourier Series and Sigma Factors, etc.
Book cover: Robust Geometric ComputationRobust Geometric Computation
by - New York University ,
Contents: Introduction to Geometric Nonrobustness; Modes of Numerical Computation; Geometric Computation; Arithmetic Approaches; Geometric Approaches; Exact Geometric Computation; Perturbation; Filters; Algebraic Background; Zero Bounds; etc.
Book cover: Numerical StabilityNumerical Stability
by - Leiden University ,
Stability estimates and resolvent conditions in the numerical solution of initial value problems. Contents: Partial differential equations and numerical methods; Linear algebra; Stability in the numerical solution of differential equations; etc.
Book cover: Introduction to the Numerical Integration of PDEsIntroduction to the Numerical Integration of PDEs
by - University of Durham ,
In these notes, we describe the design of a small C++ program which solves numerically the sine-Gordon equation. The program is build progressively to make it multipurpose and easy to modify to solve any system of partial differential equations.
Book cover: The Calculus Of Finite DifferencesThe Calculus Of Finite Differences
by - Macmillan and co ,
The object of this book is to provide a simple account of the subject of Finite Differences and to present the theory in a form which can be readily applied -- not only the useful material of Boole, but also the more modern developments.
Book cover: Introduction to Fortran 95 and Numerical ComputingIntroduction to Fortran 95 and Numerical Computing
by - Virginia Tech ,
Contents: a quick tour of fortran 95; the building blocks of a fortran application; flow control; computer arithmetic; applications; intrinsic functions; input and output; arrays; more on procedures; parametrized intrinsic types; derived types; etc.
Book cover: Computational Mathematics for Differential EquationsComputational Mathematics for Differential Equations
by ,
This is a manual on solving problems in computational mathematics. The book is intended primarily for engineering students, but may also prove useful for economics students, graduate engineers, and postgraduate students in the applied sciences.
Book cover: Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear SystemsIterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems
by - PWS ,
The book gives an in-depth, up-to-date view of practical algorithms for solving large-scale linear systems of equations. The methods described are iterative, i.e., they provide sequences of approximations that will converge to the solution.
Book cover: First Steps in Numerical AnalysisFirst Steps in Numerical Analysis
by ,
This book provides an excellent introduction to the elementary concepts and methods of numerical analysis for students meeting the subject for the first time. The subject matter is organized into fundamental topics and presented as a series of steps.
Book cover: Lectures in Basic Computational Numerical AnalysisLectures in Basic Computational Numerical Analysis
by - University of Kentucky ,
These notes cover the following topics: Numerical linear algebra; Solution of nonlinear equations; Approximation theory; Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations; Numerical solution of partial differential equations.
Book cover: Numerical Recipes in Fortran 90Numerical Recipes in Fortran 90
by - Cambridge University Press ,
Numerical Recipes in Fortran 90 contains a detailed introduction to the Fortran 90 language and to the basic concepts of parallel programming, plus source code for all routines from the second edition of Numerical Recipes.
Book cover: Handbook of Mathematical FunctionsHandbook of Mathematical Functions
by - GPO ,
Students and professionals in the fields of mathematics, physics, engineering, and economics will find this reference work invaluable. A classic resource for special functions, standard trig, and exponential logarithmic definitions and extensions.
Book cover: Mathematical ComputationMathematical Computation
by - University of Aberdeen ,
The overall aim of the course is to present modern computer programming techniques in the context of mathematical computation and numerical analysis and to foster the independence needed to use these techniques as appropriate in subsequent work.
Book cover: Numerical Methods Course NotesNumerical Methods Course Notes
by - University of California at San Diego ,
From the table of contents: A 'Crash' Course in octave/Matlab; Solving Linear Systems; Finding Roots; Interpolation; Spline Interpolation; Approximating Derivatives; Integrals and Quadrature; Least Squares; Ordinary Differential Equations.
Book cover: Fundamental Numerical Methods and Data AnalysisFundamental Numerical Methods and Data Analysis
by - NASA ADS ,
'Fundamental Numerical Methods and Data Analysis' can serve as the basis for a wide range of courses that discuss numerical methods used in science. The author provides examples of the more difficult algorithms integrated into the text.
Book cover: Numerical Methods with ApplicationsNumerical Methods with Applications
by - Lulu.com ,
The textbook is written for engineering undergraduates taking a course in numerical methods. It offers a treatise to numerical methods based on a holistic approach and short chapters. The authors included examples of real-life applications.
Book cover: Templates for the Solution of Linear SystemsTemplates for the Solution of Linear Systems
by - Society for Industrial Mathematics ,
The book focuses on the use of iterative methods for solving large sparse systems of linear equations. General and reusable templates are introduced to meet the needs of both the traditional user and the high-performance specialist.