
Hardware Design & Architecture

e-books in Hardware Design & Architecture category

Book cover: Implementing a One Address CPU in LogisimImplementing a One Address CPU in Logisim
by - Gettysburg College ,
This purpose of this monograph is to break the abstract understanding of a computer, and to explain a computer's behavior in completely in mechanistic terms. It will deal specifically with the Central Processing Unit (CPU) of the computer.
Book cover: Computer SystemsComputer Systems
by - Smashwords ,
Computer Systems Companion introduces modern digital computers and the von Neuman architecture through the concepts of transistor gates, number representations, combinational logic circuits, sequential logic circuits, busses and control systems.

Book cover: The Elements of Computing SystemsThe Elements of Computing Systems
by - MIT Press ,
The book exposes students to a significant body of computer science knowledge, gained through a series of hardware and software construction tasks. These tasks demonstrate how theoretical and applied techniques are used in practice.
Book cover: USB in a NutShellUSB in a NutShell
by - Beyond Logic ,
Topics: Introduction, Background, Architectural Overview, USB Data Flow Model, USB's Two Standard Connectors, Low Level Electrical Signalling, Protocol Layer, USB Device Frame Work, USB Host Hardware and Software and Hub Specification.
Book cover: High Performance ComputingHigh Performance Computing
by - O'Reilly Media ,
The purpose of this book is to teach new programmers and scientists about the basics of High Performance Computing. This book is for learners with a basic understanding of modern computer architecture, not advanced degrees in computer engineering.
Book cover: VLSIVLSI
by - InTech ,
Advances of VLSI technology have led to the explosion of computer and electronics world. The goal of this book is to elaborate the VLSI design techniques at multiple levels: at device level, circuit level, system level, and architectural level.
Book cover: PC ArchitecturePC Architecture
by - karbosguide.dk ,
This guide is written in easy language and contains a lot of illustrations. The author would like to give you enough insight into and confidence about your PC's workings that you would dare to upgrade your PC, or build your next PC yourself.
Book cover: Capability-Based Computer SystemsCapability-Based Computer Systems
by - Digital Press ,
This book is an introduction, a survey, a history, and an evaluation of capability- and object-based computer systems. It is still the most thorough survey and description of early capability-based and object-based hardware and software systems.
Book cover: Circuit Design Using Personal ComputersCircuit Design Using Personal Computers
by - John Wiley & Sons ,
This practical guide to designing electronic circuits using small computers and programmable calculators makes it easy to implement both classical and sophisticated design techniques. It uses the interaction between circuit designer and computer.
Book cover: Computer Aids for VLSI DesignComputer Aids for VLSI Design
by - Addison-Wesley ,
A broad view of the computational tools for VLSI designers. This book contains information valuable both to tool builders and to chip designers. The exposition is understandable to anyone familiar with computer programming and chip design.
Book cover: Designing Analog ChipsDesigning Analog Chips
by - Virtualbookworm.com Publishing ,
The book is a comprehensive introduction to CMOS and analog IC design for engineers with a non-analog background. The emphasis is given on practical design, the entire field is covered with hundreds of examples. Very clear exposition.
Book cover: How Computers Work: Processor and Main MemoryHow Computers Work: Processor and Main Memory
by - 1st Books Library ,
The book is an electrical engineering text aimed at a non-technical audience with no knowledge of computers or electronics. The book begins with a very simple circuit and continues to a very complex circuit (a computer) while explaining everything.
Book cover: Principles of Semiconductor DevicesPrinciples of Semiconductor Devices
by ,
This book explores the behavior of semiconductor devices, to show the relation between the device material parameters, and the resulting electrical characteristics. The text provides the link between the physics and the design of electronic circuits.
Book cover: Computer Organization and Design FundamentalsComputer Organization and Design Fundamentals
by - Lulu.com ,
Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals by David Tarnoff gives the tools for better understanding of the organization and logic design of the computer's internals. It will introduce the reader into designing and building computer circuits.
Book cover: Algorithms and Data Structures in VLSI DesignAlgorithms and Data Structures in VLSI Design
by - Springer ,
The application of OBDDs (ordered binary decision diagrams) led to dramatic improvements in computer-aided design projects. This book is an introduction to this research area with an emphasis on applications in computer-aided circuit design.