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Book cover: Human PhysiologyHuman Physiology
- Wikibooks
Human Physiology explains the workings of your body, it is intended as an undergraduate-level guide to the functios of the body systems at a cellular level, and explains how they work together to maintain a favorable environment for your cells.
Book cover: Motion MountainMotion Mountain
by - motionmountain.net
The physics textbook written for the curious reader. It is surprising, entertaining and challenging on every page. It covers fascinating parts of mechanics, thermodynamics, relativity, electrodynamics, quantum theory and unification theories.
Book cover: Principles of AccountingPrinciples of Accounting
by - principlesofaccounting.com
This textbook provides complete coverage of material found in most college-level financial accounting courses and managerial accounting courses. In addition to the text, it includes a number of interactive components to aid your learning process.

Book cover: Lessons In Electric CircuitsLessons In Electric Circuits
by - ibiblio.org
The goal was to put readable, high-quality information of industrial electronics into the hands of students. The book was written without delving too heavy on the math, while still maintaining a lot of important information.
Book cover: Introduction to Programming Using JavaIntroduction to Programming Using Java
by - Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Textbook on introductory programming, which uses Java as the language of instruction. It is suitable for use in an introductory programming course and for people who are trying to learn programming on their own. It includesJava applets on the web.
Book cover: A Heat Transfer TextbookA Heat Transfer Textbook
by - Phlogiston Press
This textbook is an introduction to heat and mass transfer for engineering students. The subjects covered include heat conduction, forced and natural convection, thermal radiation, boiling, condensation, heat exchangers, and mass transfer.
Book cover: Mathematics for the Physical SciencesMathematics for the Physical Sciences
by - De Gruyter Open
A text on advanced mathematical methods with numerous applications. The book begins with a thorough introduction to complex analysis, which is then used to understand the properties of ordinary differential equations and their solutions.
Book cover: Introduction to ProbabilityIntroduction to Probability
by - American Mathematical Society
The textbook for an introductory course in probability for students of mathematics, physics, engineering, social sciences, and computer science. It presents a thorough treatment of techniques necessary for a good understanding of the subject.
Book cover: Mathematical Tools for PhysicsMathematical Tools for Physics
by - Dover Publications
Infinite series, complex algebra, differential equations, Fourier series, vector spaces, operators and matrices, multivariable calculus, vector calculus, partial differential equations, numerical analysis, tensors, complex variables, and more.
Book cover: Circuit TheoryCircuit Theory
- Wikibooks
This is an introductory text about electric circuits. It covers the basics of electric circuit theory, circuit analysis, and touches on circuit design. It is a companion reference for a 1st year of an Electrical Engineering undergraduate curriculum.
Book cover: The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal ProcessingThe Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing
by - California technical Publishing
Digital Signal Processing is one of the most powerful technologies that will shape science and engineering in the twenty-first century. The book presents the fundamentals of DSP using examples from common science and engineering problems.
Book cover: Real Variables: With Basic Metric Space TopologyReal Variables: With Basic Metric Space Topology
by - Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
A text for a first course in real variables for students of engineering, physics, and economics, who need to know real analysis in order to cope with the professional literature. The subject matter is fundamental for more advanced mathematical work.
Book cover: A Mathematical Theory of CommunicationA Mathematical Theory of Communication
Shannon presents results previously found nowhere else, and today many professors refer to it as the best exposition on the subject of the mathematical limits on communication. It laid the modern foundations for what is now coined Information Theory.
Book cover: Computer Organization and Design FundamentalsComputer Organization and Design Fundamentals
by - Lulu.com
Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals by David Tarnoff gives the tools for better understanding of the organization and logic design of the computer's internals. It will introduce the reader into designing and building computer circuits.
Book cover: Linear AlgebraLinear Algebra
by - Saint Michael's College
This is an undergraduate linear algebra textbook, it covers linear systems, Gauss' method, vector spaces, linear maps and matrices, determinants, and eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Each chapter is followed by additional topics and applications.
Book cover: Conceptual PhysicsConceptual Physics
by - Lightandmatter.com
Conceptual Physics is a nonmathematical physics textbook, dealing with conservation of mass and energy, conservation of momentum, conservation of angular momentum, relativity, electricity, fields, the ray model of light and waves.
Book cover: Invent Your Own Computer Games with PythonInvent Your Own Computer Games with Python
A programming book for kids interested in learning to program their own computer games with python, a serious computer language which is used by professional programmers also. The book explains programming principles from the source code examples.
Book cover: A First Course in Linear AlgebraA First Course in Linear Algebra
by - University of Puget Sound
Introductory textbook for college-level sophomores and juniors. It covers systems of linear equations, matrix algebra, finite-dimensional vector spaces, matrix representations of linear transformations, diagonalization, Jordan canonical form, etc.
Book cover: Linear Algebra with ApplicationsLinear Algebra with Applications
by - Lyryx
The aim of the text is to achieve a balance among computational skills, theory, and applications of linear algebra. It is a relatively advanced introduction to the ideas and techniques of linear algebra targeted for science and engineering students.
Book cover: PHP 5 Power ProgrammingPHP 5 Power Programming
by - Prentice Hall PTR
An introduction to the advanced new features of PHP 5 for all PHP programmers who want to move to new PHP 5. Basic introduction to PHP language syntax is written as a refresher for experienced PHP programmers and not as a complete tutorial.