
Solar Astronomy

e-books in Solar Astronomy category

Book cover: Solar NeutrinosSolar Neutrinos
by - arXiv ,
After reviewing the results of the last two decades, which were determinant to solve the long standing solar neutrino puzzle, we focus on the more recent results in this field and on the experiments presently running or planned for the near future.
Book cover: Mysteries of the SunMysteries of the Sun
by - NASA ,
This unique NASA resource introduces Heliophysics: the study of the Sun's influence throughout the solar system and, in particular, its connection to the Earth. Learn about topics such as Space Weather, Solar Variability, the Heliosphere, etc.
Book cover: Advances in Global and Local Helioseismology: an Introductory ReviewAdvances in Global and Local Helioseismology: an Introductory Review
by - arXiv ,
Helioseismology studies the structure and dynamics of the Sun's interior by observing oscillations on the surface. The basic principles, recent advances and perspectives of global and local helioseismology are reviewed in this text.
Book cover: The Solar Magnetic FieldThe Solar Magnetic Field
by - arXiv ,
Here we describe the magnetic field from the convection zone, where it is built up by the solar dynamo, to the solar surface, where it manifests itself in the form of sunspots and faculae, and beyond into the solar atmosphere and heliosphere.

Book cover: The Complete Idiot's Guide to The SunThe Complete Idiot's Guide to The Sun
by - Alpha ,
Everything revolves around it...and now you can learn all about the origin and history of the sun. With information on the sun's physical properties; how solar flares, sunspots, and winds on its surface affect Earth's atmosphere and environment.
Book cover: Views of the Solar SystemViews of the Solar System
by ,
This page presents a vivid adventure unfolding the splendor of the Sun, planets, moons, comets, asteroids, and more. Discover the latest scientific information, or study the history of space exploration, scientific facts, graphics and videos.
Book cover: The Formation and Evolution of the Solar SystemThe Formation and Evolution of the Solar System
by - University of Oregon ,
The purpose of this course is to educate you on the basic science behind our exploration of the Solar System so you may make informed choices as future/current voters on issues of our environment and the future of science in this country.
Book cover: The Birth And Death Of The SunThe Birth And Death Of The Sun
by - Dover Publications ,
In this fascinating book, a renowned physicist outlines the theories that illuminate the evolution of our world. Gamow employs language that's both scientifically accurate and easy to understand as he traces the development of atomic theory.