e-books in Science & Technology for Children category

by Bertha Morris Parker - Row, Peterson and company , 1941
Studying the distant suns is a great strain on the imagination. If you are to get a true picture of the stars, you will have to imagine temperatures so high that the temperature in the center of a furnace fire would be cool beside them.

by Eleanor Spicer Rice - Your Wild Life , 2013
Dr. Eleanor is an entomologist with a knack for telling good stories, especially about the secret lives of her favorite insects: the ANTS! In this new guide, Dr. Eleanor delights readers young and old with tales of our tiny insect neighbors.

by Theodore Wood - The University Society , 1909
This volume is a sketch of the animal life of the whole world. The author has so skilfully selected his examples to illustrate both the natural groups and the faunas, that his work forms a most commendable plan for the study of natural history.

by Frank M. Chapman - D Appleton & Company , 1916
Birds are the greatest travelers in the world. The bird traveler asks help from no one. He has no use for locomotives, automobiles or steamships. He carries no chart and no compass, and he can go to some parts of the world still unknown to man.

by John Blaine - Applewood Books , 2005
A non-fiction companion volume to the collectible Rick Brant Science-Adventure Series. This reprint includes easy-to-read chapters about codes and ciphers, slingshots and archery, microscopes and radios, tricks and games, and scientific experiments.

by Neltje Blanchan - Grosset & Dunlap , 1907
Nature, the best teacher of us all, trains the child's eyes through study of the birds to quickness and precision, which are the requisites for all observation in every field of knowledge. This book introduces children to the world of birds.

by Mary Elting - Harvey House , 1962
People have always been able to work and build wonderful things, using just their muscles. And they can do a very great deal more when they use their brains, too. They can invent machines to make work thousands of times easier and faster.

by Mary Elting - Garden City Books , 1953
Sam is the fireman on a big freight locomotive. When Sam was a little boy, he listened to his father and grandfather talking railroad talk. They used all kinds of words that he didn't understand. They had wonderful nicknames for each other.

by Maribelle Cormack - Watts , 1951
America is a land of trees. They grow almost everywhere in our country. Most of us see them so often that we sometimes forget how important they are. You can think of many things that we wouldn't have if there were no trees.

by David Peters - Random House Value Publishing , 1991
The presentation of the creatures is broader than many dinosaur books for children, including one hundred dinosaurs and other prehistoric reptiles of all sizes. The illustrations here portray the dinosaurs to scale in relation to one another.

by David Peters - Random House , 1986
A superbly illustrated book of the biggest animals, both living and extinct, that have inhabited the world. The animals are drawn to scale, as are the humans included in each picture to show proportion. This makes any number of comparisons possible.

by John Cargill Brough - Griffith and Farran , 1912
To place before the youthful student a compact and concise compendium of the leading and most universally important branches of Science has been my principal object in the preparation of this little volume. Fanciful sketches illustrate these pages.

- Wikibooks , 2010
This book is about science experiments that you can do in the home and experiments that you can nag your teacher to do in school. Featured experiments: Slime recipes; Red cabbage indicator; Pinhole Camera; Raisin Dance; and much more.

- Wikibooks , 2005
A free children's book from the Wikibooks community. Wild cats are some of Earth's grandest treasures, and their stories excite the imagination of kids of all ages. Wikijunior Big Cats helps to explore this fascinating family.